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1 Kgs 15:1

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1Kgs 15:1 Abijam's wicked reign.

1Kgs 15:7 Asa succeeds him.

1Kgs 15:9 Asa's good reign.

1Kgs 15:16 The war between Baasha and him causes him to make a league with Bed-hadad.

1Kgs 15:23 Jehoshaphat succeeds Asa.

1Kgs 15:25 Nadab's wicked reign.

1Kgs 15:27 Baasha conspiring against him, executes Ahijah's prophecy.

1Kgs 15:31 Nadab's acts and death.

1Kgs 15:33 Baasha's wicked reign.

1Kgs 14:31; 2Chr 13:1; 2Chr 13:2-22