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So many ministers and theologians have professed themselves to be Christians, meaning they have wanted to appear to be followers of the God of Creation. Again, in the end, these have not been willing to face the facts about their fictional triune “god.” They have not been willing to come to understanding of the true God—the LIVING God!

Then, in succession, millions of professing Christians, unwilling to explore the facts for themselves, follow such men. They remain duped by dishonest, seductive arguments designed by the god of this world to lead them to worship of himself. This is because, in their vanity (Rom. 1:22), they have foolishly rejected vital knowledge. The result has been that so many have unnecessarily become “darkened”—blinded—to the plain understanding of the true God.

For God to require strict obedience to His first four commandments without explaining who and what He is would be tantamount to cruel and inhuman punishment. If God had given this instruction without carefully equipping His worshippers to be able to distinguish Him from all other gods, He would have been grossly unfair.

Which God?
The world of Christendom is wrought with division, confusion and disagreement. Instead of getting better, instead of churches coming to, or at least toward, agreement and unity in truth, things only grow worse.

Yet none seem to ask why? Why all the fighting, competing and multiplying denominations, sects and cults associated with the world’s brand of Christianity?

There is cause and effect in virtually all aspects of life, and this book has at least touched on this great principle. With all these bad effects plaguing the world of traditional, orthodox Christianity, why does no one ask the cause? (When one includes all the religions outside “Christianity,” which encompass two-thirds of the world’s population, the picture is even worse, the bad effects greater.)

Remember, the trinity is acknowledged to be a mystery that people are supposed to accept—a god that followers are told they cannot comprehend, and that they should not even attempt to comprehend. Yet, blind worship of this god has produced a “Christianity” that is a tangled mess of utter confusion—truly the blind following the blind.

Why does no one ask: Do we have the RIGHT GOD? Could it be we are not serving the correct God—the TRUE GOD? Why are people not approaching their ministers and demanding answers? Why do so few seem to care? Why are so few able to, or even interested in, “connecting the dots”?

We saw Jesus taught, “You shall know them by their fruits,” and “By their fruits you shall know them” (Matt. 7:16, 20). Like the fruits of men’s governments, the fruits of what is labeled “Christianity” are deplorable. If we are to believe Jesus’ warning, the “god” behind all of this is exposed as one with awful fruits. On the basis of fruits alone, none should want to serve the trinity!

Yet billions do!

Many of these will oppose this book, and especially this chapter, to the point of vehemently attacking it. Your friends will almost surely resist its contents. This is because truth, when it disagrees with central tenets of accepted Christianity, is invariably relegated to cult status.

Knowledge Brings Responsibility
It has been said that knowledge is of no purpose unless it is used. This book is no exception. You have been given much knowledge in what is the most comprehensive volume you will ever read on prophecy—never mind on the truth of it!

Almost certainly, most or all of what you have learned from God’s Word through this book is entirely new to you—truly extraordinary knowledge, completely unknown to you before now. You have received knowledge that only a relative few have understood throughout history, and then only in part because so much of prophecy was sealed until our time. Your mind has been opened to understand precious information.

With such a privilege comes responsibility.

You no longer “lack knowledge” (Hos. 4:6), but are now left with the question of whether you will accept or, like Israel, reject this knowledge. Jesus declared, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required” (Luke 12:48).

I repeat: With knowledge comes responsibility. It usually means that choices must be made.

Colossal Decision
Here are examples of how God required Israel to make a decision with the knowledge He had given them.

Just before Moses died, and before giving the reins of leadership over to Joshua, he spoke this on God’s behalf—seen earlier in a different context—to all Israel: “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live: that you may love the Lord your God, and that you may obey His voice…” (Deut. 30:19-20).

Similarly, a generation later, just before Joshua died, he spoke these words to all of Israel, assembled before him: “Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve Him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve you the Lord. And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord ” (Josh. 24:14-15).

Much later, the prophet Elijah presented a stark choice to Israel, shortly before putting to death in the people’s presence 450 prophets of the false god Baal, which Israel could never leave alone: “And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt you between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word” (I Kings 18:21).

Also, in the New Testament, Jesus declared, “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other” (Luke 16:13).

The decision facing you is the same one Israel faced time and again, and that many thousands before you have faced since Jesus Christ built His Church.

God tells you that He does not accept indecisiveness—that you cannot serve two masters—that you cannot halt between two opinions as Israel did. And God does not permit you to “answer Him not a word.” To make no choice is to make the wrong choice! One must decide whether he will implement knowledge—he must decide which master he will serve—and he must decide which God he will serve!

We saw in Acts reference to the “unknown god” on Mars’ Hill: “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commands all men everywhere to repent” (Ac 17:30). Ignorance is the state of being without knowledge. Once knowledge is given—and is received—ignorance is no longer an excuse. God commands the one who has received knowledge to decide what he will do. This begins with the decision to serve “no other gods before” the true God!

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