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19:32-37 Where are these saying in Scripture?

19:32-37 Where are these saying in Scripture?

V 33-36 fulfilled King David's prophecy in Psa 34:19-20 (CP V 33-36 with Psa 34:19-20). V 33-36 also typologically fulfilled one of the ordinances of the Old Testament Feast of the Passover laid down by God in Exodus: no bones of the Passover lamb were to be broken (CP Ex 12:3-13, 46, also Nu 9:12).

The Passover lamb was an Old Testament type of Christ and the redemption He provides in His sacrificial death (CP Jn 1:29; 1Cor 5:7; 1Pe 1:18-20). V 37 in Jn 19 fulfilled Zech 12:10 (CP V 37 with Zech 12:10).

See also comments on Mt 26:17-19 and author's studies Bible Typology in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1), and Old Testament Messianic Prophecies - their New Testament Fulfilment in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 2).

19:38-42 See comments on Mt 27:50-60
