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12:15-21 Where in Scripture is this prophecy and has it yet been completely fulfilled?

12:15-21 Where in Scripture is this prophecy and has it yet been completely fulfilled?

(cp Isa 42:1-7). V 1a, 2-3 and 6-7 were fulfilled in Christ at His first advent, as the chosen Servant of God who loved and delighted in Him and put His Spirit upon Him to accomplish His mission as a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles (cp 1a with Mt 12:15-21; Lk 2:30-32). Isa 42:4 will be fulfilled at Christ’s Second Advent.

He will not fail nor be discouraged, but will bring forth judgment upon the Gentiles and set judgment in the earth (cp Isa 42:1b, 4-5 with Psa 2:8-9; Rev 2:27, 20:1-15).

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