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(tm) The Design.

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There are two main aspects of the concept of Christ being in us. The first aspect is the entire re-creation of the Christian’s personality—spirit, soul, and body (II Corinthians 5:17). The second aspect is the coming of the Persons of Christ and the Father to dwell in the re-created personality (John 14:23).

The first part is essential to the second part. God and His Christ cannot find rest and pleasure in a self-willed, unholy adamic personality (Ephesians 3:16-19; 4:24), or in the adamic personality at all!

Only Christ is the dwelling place of God. It is only as Christ is formed in us that we become the dwelling place of God.

This, then, is the design. God dwells in Christ. In the same manner, Jesus dwells in us. Since God is in Jesus, and Jesus is in us, then both God and Jesus are dwelling in us. The Scripture states this fact clearly.

Such is the climax of the Christian discipline, a plan and goal far greater than the human mind can conceive, worthy of God Almighty, and worked out altogether in and through the Lord’s everlasting love toward us.