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(CP Ecc 9:2-6). In V 2 here Solomon declares that all things come alike to all

(CP Ecc 9:2-6). In V 2 here Solomon declares that all things come alike to all

(CP Ecc 9:2-6). In V 2 here Solomon declares that all things come alike to all.

But that is not correct. The only thing that comes alike to all is the one event he mentions - death (CP V 2; 2:16; 3:19-21; Psa 49:12, 15; He 9:27).

The wicked do not receive of God's blessings in life - only the righteous do, as we saw in the scriptures the subject of our study on V 1. Next, Solomon's declaration in V5 "… but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward" is only true as far as the bodies of the dead are concerned.

The souls and the spirits of the dead live on. They are immortal and continue in a state of full consciousness throughout eternity - the righteous in heaven (CP Psa 49:12, 15; He 10:39; Rev 6:9); the wicked in hell (CP Psa 9:15; Mt 10:28; Lu 12:4-5).

And there are rewards - for both the righteous and the wicked (CP Rev 22:11-12). In V 7-10 in Ecc 9, Solomon advises his readers to enjoy the many blessings God has bestowed upon them (CP V 7-10).

From a New Testament Christian perspective of V 8, the white garments Solomon counselled his readers to always wear, and to put ointment on their heads, translates to purity of character and conduct which must always be manifest in New Testament Christians (CP Mt 5:8; 1Ti 4:12; 1Pe 3:13-17).