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'Whose prints are these?

Whose prints are these?

Look at the footprints of Christ , and see whether they are a man's — or God's.

Whose prints are those . . .

by the gate of Nain,

by the grave of Bethany,

coming away from the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea?

Whose prints are those by the doors of sorrow, along the path where the leper, the blind, the lame, the demoniac waited for Him?

Or look around at what you see now — churches, missions, hospitals, asylums, sweetened homes, cleansed sinners, renewed lives, comforted mourners — whose prints are these?

These works, wrought by Christianity, are the best evidences of Christianity. Christ wants to be judged, not by His claims — but by His works. The world is full today of the proofs of Christ's divinity.

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