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Redemption Revealed - II<br><br>
==The Book Of Revelation==
Hebrews 12:3-8, "Consider Jesus Who patiently endured such hostile contradiction of sinners against His innocent life lest you become wearied and despondent and faint in your minds. You have not yet resisted sin to the point of pouring out your own blood. <br><br>
Have you forgotten the Divine exhortation and encouragement which appealed to you as sons? 'My son, don't think lightly or scorn to submit to the correction and discipline of God, nor be discouraged when you're reproved by Him (Proverbs 3:11): for the Lord corrects and disciplines every one He loves; He chastens, even scourges, every son whom He recognizes, (adopts or places) as a son.
'''Advanced Topics'''<br><br>
You must endure chastening for discipline, God is dealing with you as with sons; for what son is there whose father does not so train and correct? <br><br>
But if you're exempt from chastisement, and without the discipline in which all of God's children partake, then you are bastards, and can not qualify to be born-again (or placed) as sons." <br><br>
Ephesians 4:15, "Let our lives lovingly express the truth in all things. So let us grow up into Him in all things, Who is the Head of the Body, the Church, even Christ." <br><br>
In this service, we'll discuss election and predestination by the foreknowledge of God in the redemption of Abraham's faith seed. As our introductory texts explain, wisdom or character aren't natural endowments but virtues we earn on earth by the exercise of our own free moral agency, basing all of our choices upon the Absolute of God's unchanging Word. <br><br>
Many of God's children, and I speak from personal experience, seem to major in the mistakes they make. That's alright, our Father's a God of Grace. Our Brother Jesus has experienced greater temptation and more pitfalls than we are likely to encounter, and He made a way of escape for us. But we are expected to learn. <br><br>
We've been placed on an incentive scheme. If we do well, we please our Father and receive a pat on the back. When we fail, He will chasten us with a view to our correction. He's not a jokey God of frolic. He's a sober God fulfilling a Divine purpose. That is, to raise a Family of "little gods" in His image and likeness. For us to be recognized in His Family we must be under preeminence to His Word, which is to have His mind in us. <br><br>
God is waiting for us to grow-up into the likeness of His first born Son in the creation of Himself. The saints who've gone before us are waiting upon us to grow-up and mature. The whole creation is groaning in the pain of mortality as they wait for you and I to grow into the stature of mature sons able to be trusted with God's Word, and see Him do what we say. <br><br>
In this service I will be reading a number of quotations from the expositions of the prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7, the late William Branham.  <br><br>
"When a little baby is conceived in the mother's womb, it's just flesh and blood, jumping, quivering. But as soon as it's born, you don't see it, but there's a (mortal) spirit and soul hanging near that mother to come into that baby just as soon as it's born. Just as soon as that baby is born, God has created a soul and created a spirit to be in that baby just as soon as it's born into this world. That little baby becomes matured, and it begins to learn; then it becomes a living soul and it knows what's right and wrong. (This is the age of accountability). Then it's got, just like Adam and Eve, set before a tree of right and wrong (the Tree of Life or Christ, and the Tree of carnal knowledge or Lucifer). It makes its choice. And then it becomes intelligent (having made the right choice). It's growing all the time in God's great economy. <br><br>
Finally it comes down to the end of the road, for this physical body. And just as this body is deteriorating and going away, there is one being prepared to receive it. Just as soon as it leaves here, this soul that's in us now and this spirit leaves this body and goes to another, a young one, a good one, a better one, a one that won't get old, or one that won't pass away" (The Comforter, 8:52-53). <br><br>
Your mortal spirit breaks up when you die, but your soul goes on to its destination as determined by the choices it made during its journey here on earth (Ecclesiastes 12:7). Before the foundation of the world, God knew the choices it would make. And according to His foreknowledge, each one of us is predestinated to eternal Life or to damnation. <br><br>
I Peter 1:2-4, says that we elect of God were "chosen according to His foreknowledge of our sanctification by the Spirit, to obey His Word and be sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ, signifying our sealing into His Body (Hebrews 9), with grace and increasing tranquility under all circumstances." <br><br>
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. By His boundless mercy we've been born-again to an ever-living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance beyond the reach of change and decay, undefiled and unfading, (that's a resurrection to glorified flesh), reserved in heaven for you." <br><br>
It's this foreknowledge of our glorified appearance God sees. Paul spoke of this in Romans 8:28-30. Moses explained it briefly in Genesis 1:27. God doesn't see His elect defiled in sin, mired with the world, sickness or old age. He sees us under the Blood, or in Christ. He's not in time. He sees our glorified form. In His mind, we are finished and glorified Sons and daughters now. <br><br>
God's thoughts are what He is. "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). We are what we think. His mind is Spirit; it is the attributes of Himself. So when he looks at His finished family, He sees our angels or theophany bodies, the appearance of our glorified form. They're like the negative of a film which has yet to be developed.
When a mother gives birth, that spirit which God foresaw becomes a manifested soul, coated with flesh, and immersed in the developing solution of His Word in this world, to put on His image which is a Christ-like character under all circumstances. <br><br>
This demonstrates the importance of recognizing OUR day and ITS Message, because our lives are acting-out the understanding in our soul. The Lutherans are trying to live Martin Luther's Message and it won't work today. Methodists are trying to act-out what John Wesley taught, the Baptists are impersonating John Spurgeon, and the Pentecostals are impersonating William Branham. They are all souls imprisoned by their own mind set into a day gone by. And they'll perish in the upcoming tribulation because of this sin. We must walk in the Light Jesus is fulfilling NOW, not impersonate the glare of a day gone by. <br><br>
Look at Judah. They were carried away captive into Babylon because they tried to impersonate the nations of the world. And the church lives just the same as the world. Dresses like the world, worships like the world, thinks and acts like it, yet claims its called out of the world. Their life proves they are not God's Church as Judah proved he was not separated from the nations. <br><br>
In our earthly walk, we're influenced either by the Force of Light or the forces of darkness. On one side God is incarnating Himself into His Church by a trinity of justification, sanctification, and the baptism with of the Holy Ghost. On the other side, Satan is incarnating himself into his church, by a trinity of the spirit of anti-Christ, the false prophet and the beast. <br><br>
There are seven dimensions: <br><br>
Just below the realm of mortal life are the souls of the unjust in Hades, under the altar of sacrifice as it were. Here the ghosts of dead men who never repented are awaiting judgment. They only know folly and what they did. The Lord Jesus preached to the souls who were imprisoned here (I Peter 3:9). Next is Tartarus, the realm of demon power. Below this is Gehenna, the domain of Satan, this will one day become the lake of Fire. <br><br>
Going up, above kitchenware, furniture, electrical merchandise and the dimensions we mortals can contact with our ten senses: length, breadth and time, we have the Holy Spirit. Next are Angels, or the souls of the Just saints under the Altar of incense awaiting the first resurrection. Above them is God Himself. (All this can be typed to the Holy of Holies, the Holy Place, the outer court of the Temple, and the place of removal without the city. God is of course in the Most Holy Place within the veil, which is our Lord Jesus Christ Who was prefigured by the Ark of the Covenant. The Entombment, 65:77-66; Demonology, 71:191-198). <br><br>
Brother Branham said, "You can't be here a spiritual being (soul), sinner or saint, without having an influence from the underworld or from the above world. If you're influenced from here, you're from above. Your celestial body is waiting up here. But if you're wicked, and hypocritical, and indifferent, your celestial body is down here, regardless of how much you think it's up there; because the fruit that you bear before people proves where you're from. So you are here what you are somewhere else. Your life that you live here is just reflecting what your inheritance is when you leave here. Do you understand?" <br><br>.
"'Those whom He justified, He also glorified.' And do you realize that our glorified, immortal body is waiting in the Presence of Jesus Christ right now, waiting for us to come?" <br><br>
"As soon as that natural body is being formed in the mother, there is a spiritual body (a soul) waiting to receive it as soon as that baby's born. . . And just as sure as this spiritual body is being born (again), there is a natural body (or theophany) waiting to receive it as soon as it goes out of this world" .
Your soul is the theophany of your being . . . if you're born-again (The Entombment, 65:77). A theophany is a visible manifestation of God. When Brother Branham was asked to explain about each person's angel who abides with them from birth, he said, "It isn't promised that sinners have Angels; it's only the redeemed have Angels. Did you know that? The Angels of the Lord encamp about those that fear Him (Psalm 34:7). <br><br>
Now, Angels are messengers. I want you to notice It's so perfect, and it'll prove predestination to you. See? <br><br>
The angel of the Lord is a messenger from the Lord, and the Lord Himself is that Person, not the (human) person of the angel, (but) the angel from the Lord. Let me show you. Earthly speaking here's an angel from the Lord (says Brother Branham, pointing to a saint in the congregation, and pointing to another). Earthly speaking here's an angel from the Lord. Earthly speaking here's the angel from the Lord. (He points to another saint in Church). How do we know then that they are angels from the Lord? When they bring the Word of the Lord . . .
Then there is a supernatural Angel comes down from the Lord, a Messenger like Gabriel, and Michael . . ." . <br><br>
"Just think, your glorified body's right here at the Tabernacle now, the Presence of the Holy Spirit which IS your glorified condition. You're glorified in Christ right now. "Those who He justified, He glorified." And your own glorified body is standing near you right now IN Christ Jesus to give to you a strength like a charge going into a battery. The Holy Spirit's in you. It's to charge your body to give you new strength, to heal you from the sickness that you've got, to make you well" . <br><br>
When we're born into this world, our mortal spirit, although it's from God, is not of God. It's a spirit of nature, a spirit of the world. And the god of this world is Satan. <br><br>
We're a byproduct of the original creation, Adam. The first Adam was of the earth, earthy. That's why we must be reborn from Above. Our mortal life came by the sexual conception of our parents, and it can't live forever. Our soul was born asleep as if dead. It was certainly dead in sin and trespasses as we grew up, and had to be awakened or quickened to Life. So we must be born-again. <br><br>
Remember the story of the ten virgins in the end-time? Matthew 25:5 says, "While the Bridegroom (Christ) tarried in mediation for the last saint predestinated to the Laodicean Age to be redeemed, those souls who would be the wise and foolish virgin in the end time slumbered and slept". In other words their souls were dead in sin and trespasses, and only the "Shout" of the prophet of Matthew 25:6, Malachi 4:5-6, Revelation 10:7; 18:4 and I Thessalonians 4:16 could quicken them to Life we call the new birth in THIS day." <br><br>
The only thing that can give the new birth in any age is the Word, Message or portion of Spirit predestinated to that Age. There was a different portion of God's Word predestinated to each age. God's Word is His Spirit is a form we can receive by faith. And unless our lives are reflecting the Light He is manifesting NOW, we are not and can't come under the blood, which is the new birth (I John 1:7). <br><br>
When we're born-again, the nature of the world that has ruled over our soul, dies, and we become a new creation. Our desires, (that old life that began when God breathed into your nostrils at your birth), that life of carnal nature, died. It had a beginning and it had an end. It died and the old nature was done away forever. And God came in with the new nature. Then love, joy, peace, long- suffering, gentleness, peace, patience, and meekness, and kindness entered, and took the place of malice, temper, hatred, emulation, and strife when you passed from death unto Life. <br><br>
The Spiritual birth is like the natural birth, we're born Spirit babes in Christ and grow to maturity as we become more experienced and seasoned in the faith. Ephesians 4:11-15 says, God placed five different ministries in the Church to bring the saints to maturity for the working of the ministry - not the pulpit ministry, but for edifying the body of Christ, and to shine the Light so others may see and be born-again. We have to grow to maturity. <br><br>
Now the five-fold ministry will be in the Body until we all mature into the unity of the faith, growing into the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a finished, mature man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may GROW UP into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ. <br><br>
Born-again Christians grow-up into the statute of Christ as they live, developing as a baby takes form and begins to grow, from the moment our soul is quickened until it manifests the glorified form of the angel God foresaw. Day by day, year by year, as they feed their souls upon the PRESENT Truth and exercise themselves in the faith, they grow to the full stature of Christ. We're chastened by our heavenly Father as Jesus was trained by Joseph and Mary, and He also had to grow from a Spirit babe to maturity. <br><br>
We learned from the first two chapters of Hebrews that if we are born-again, God is our Father, and Jesus is our Brother. The only difference between Jesus and any of the New Testament saints is that He is the firstborn Son in the new creation. That He was born of a virgin, lived without sin, that He was the Word before He was flesh, and in Jesus dwelt the fullness of the nature and character of God whereas we manifest but a portion. <br><br>
The Logos appeared to men in the theophany of a Pillar of Fire, or Cloud. Abraham saw It as Melchisedek, paid tithes and was served communion. Other saw It as the Archangel Michael. Moses saw It in the burning bush and as the Angel of the Covenant. Finally It was manifest in the mortal flesh of Jesus to be our Kinsman Redeemer. <br><br>
Jesus was the Word manifested in theophany before He was flesh. In the form of theophany He knew all things. In the form of virgin- born flesh before His resurrection, He did not know all things. We have not yet entered into our Word-form or theophany body. We're still developing the negative of our soul into the image God sees in His mind. <br><br>
Like Adam, we came from the Attribute to flesh, so that our souls could be tested by Satan and vindicated as God's Attribute. Paul explained this in our opening Scripture. But when we have overcome and been recognized as Sons, . . . "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." We go to our theophany or Angel body, the image of our glorified form. In that Word body we can look back and see life's journey. We don't understand it now, we haven't yet become the Word. We've just become the flesh-man. <br><br>
If you're following what I'm teaching, you'll see that we'll never be the Word unless we were a thought at the beginning. This proves the predestination of God. You can't be the Word unless you were a thought. You had to be in His thinking first, and foreknown as an overcomer. That's how your name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the World. That Book is Christ, the Logos. It's the record of His Offspring, Abraham's promised Seed. <br><br>
You bypassed your theophany and came directly from the Attribute down here in flesh to be tempted by sin. When Adam was formed from the dust of the ground, his wife and all of his posterity was in him then as we were in Christ (Psalm 139:13-16). And through God's law of reproduction we were all born in due time, after the desire of our parents, not as individual creations of God - which is our second birth, and we were placed on the same basis as Adam and Eve - free moral agency. <br><br>
God foreknew who would overcome the temptations of sin. And all He foreknew He's predestinated, called, justified, and glorified. Of the overcomers Paul said, "If this tabernacle of mortal flesh be dissolved, we have one already waiting". Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and I'll raise him up at the last day" in a glorified body. <br><br>
But you had to be in His thinking first, foreknown as becoming the image of God's Word for your day by laying aside your free will to fulfill that Word. <br><br>
When we receive the Spirit of God, the Immortal Life inside of us brings this body under subjection to the Word (Romans 8:11). "He that's born of God does not commit sin" (I John 3:9). He can not disbelieve God's revealed Word. <br><br>
Romans 8:1, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus; who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit". Obedience to the revealed Word of God, faith, brings your body subject. You won't say, "If I could only stop drinking." Just get into Christ, and those desires will be gone. Because your body is now subject to the Spirit, it's no more subject to the things of the world. They are dead; your sins are buried in baptism. You're a new creation in Christ. And your body's becoming subject to the Spirit, to live the right kind of life. <br><br>
The Spirit is nothing but His foreknowledge of you coming to pass in you. This seed Word (or thought) in His mind of your glorified form, is now being made manifest, because your soul has been made alive or quickened. And when the Bible said, "Don't do this," that body quickly obeys; there's no question. It's your earnest of the resurrection. The guarantee your body will be raised again. It's already started. It was once subject to sin, doubt and corruption. Now it has the earnest, it's turned heavenly. This is the earnest that you're in the rapture. <br><br>
When you can see the Word for YOUR day coming to pass in YOUR Life you know you're a Son of God and a part of the first resurrection. And your life's an epistle of the PRESENT Truth, read and known by all men. <br><br>
Our corruptible body is now subject to the Spirit in our soul, and our life is being brought into conformity with the image of His Word as we feed upon It by faith. For since the veil of blindness has been removed from our understanding it becomes apparent that our lives are reflecting the Life of Christ as we grow into the same image from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord (II Corinthians 3:18). And as our character and behavior more closely reflect His, Who died for us, our soul is growing into that image of our glorified body in His mind. <br><br>
Death in the flesh took the Church Age saints to their angel or Word form Body. But I do not believe that the saints born into the Body of Christ since the revelation of the Seven Seals can die in the flesh. The saints from Pentecost through the Seven Church Ages were born of part-Word through Christ's mediation for their errors or ignorance. They enter the Presence through a door called death or the grave. Christ's end-time Bride are born of the fullness of the Word and have no need of a Mediator. We are predestinated for the new wave offering of the Holy Spirit in the finished product of the Wheat harvest - bread, baked with leaven. Paul calls this new wave offering "the manifestation of the Sons of God". The Holy Spirit is waved in the Bride after the Gentile dispensation while the sleeping saints are being resurrected, or "harvested" in their glorified bodies.
Jesus is our type. His wave offering was not a public show because the dispensation of Law was over, and His ministry fulfilled with Israel's apostasy. He appeared only to those who believed in Him. Similarly our wave offering will not be a public display of the Supernatural. As the Holy Spirit was waved in Jesus after His resurrection, signifying acceptance of the Old Testament saints, and calling their resurrection (I Corinthians 15:20), His waving in us will awaken the New Testament saints. Leviticus calls us two loaves baked with leaven because we'll still be in sin-born bodies of corruption. <br><br>
When Christ's end-time Bride manifest the Sons of God it will not be a public show of the power of the Spirit as God demonstrated in the ministry of His prophet, William Branham. The Gentile days of grace will be over. Nothing would be achieved if Jesus physically returned and explained all things with signs and wonders following because by this time there will never be another Gentile redeemed. Besides, the world will be experiencing a time of such catastrophe that the wise and foolish virgin will be a hunted and persecuted little group. <br><br>
The purpose of the manifestation of the Sons of God is to build up faith in the Bride for translating grace. When we speak the Word, God will fulfill It because we will be mature and in the unity of the faith, as Jesus prayed in John 17, "One or in agreement with Himself and the Father". We'll be under preeminence to the Word, just like Jesus, speaking only what has inspired to us, and doing only what is shown (by vision or dream) - John 5:19. <br><br>
And when the day of Pentecost has fully come, we'll break into the other dimension where the resurrected saints are. Seeing them will give us that extra boost in faith to change in the atoms from this corruptible body to glorified flesh body prepared for us from the foundation of the world. <br><br>
Brother Branham told this little tale to illustrate life's journey for those predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son. "Here we're formed to the Word image to be a partaker of the Word, feed on the Word, by being predestinated since the beginning. You see, that little spark of Life you had in you from the beginning when you started your journey... Many of you can remember it. You joined this church and joined that church, and try this and that; nothing satisfied. That's right. But one day you just recognized It. Right. <br><br>
... I believe I've told the little story here about the man setting a hen and had a eagle egg under it. And when that eagle hatched out, he was the funniest looking bird that them chickens ever seen. But he walked around; he was the--he was the ugly one among them, because he just couldn't understand how that hen will cluck and scratch on that manure pile and eat, and he couldn't get the idea. She'd say, "Come on over and feast, honey." Why, he--he was a eagle; he just didn't eat like that. It wasn't his food. <br><br>
So she'd catch grasshoppers and whatmore, you know, and call the little chickens. And all them little chickens would go along, cluck along, and eat. But the little eagle just couldn't do it. It didn't--didn't look right to him. <br><br>
So one day his mammy came hunting him. And he'd hear that hen cluck. He'd tried his best to cluck, but he couldn't do it. He tried to cheep like a chicken, but he couldn't do it. See, he was an eagle. To start with he was an eagle. He was just hatched under a hen. That's like some church members. That's about the way it is; about one out of a setting is right. <br><br>
But one day his mammy flew over and she screamed. He recognized it. "That sounded right." Why? He was an eagle to begin with. That's the way it is with the Gospel of the Word, the power of Jesus Christ; when a man has been predestinated to Eternal Life, he hears that true ring, scream of God, nothing can keep him from it. The church might say, "Days of miracles is past, cluck, cluck, cluck. Stand here and eat this, and stand here and eat that." <br><br>
That barnyard stuff won't do for him any more. He's gone. "All things are possible." He gets off the ground. That's what's the matter with so many Christians today; they can't get their feet off the ground. The old mammy said, "Son, jump; you're an eagle. Come up here where I am." <br><br>
He said, "Mom, I never jumped in my life." <br><br>
She said, "Well, you jump; you're eagle to begin with; your not a chicken." <br><br>
So he made his first jump and flopped his wings; didn't do too good, but he got off the ground. That's the way we do; we accept God by faith by the written Word. There's something in there (See?), that Eternal Life, you were predestinated to it. <br><br>
His grandpa and grandma were eagles; he was a eagle all the way back. Eagle don't mix with other things. He's not a hybrid at all; he's a eagle. <br><br>
Then after you recognize the very Word of God was Eagle Food, then you left the other thing. You've then been formed into the living image of the living God. You heard from your theophany. "If this earthly body be dissolved, we have one waiting."
You say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?" All right, let's take a couple of eagles and look at them for a few minutes.
There was a name--man named Moses. Everyone knows that a prophet's called the eagle in the Bible. There was a prophet named Moses. And one day God called Him--and wouldn't let him go over the land--and he--he died on a rock. <br><br>
The Angels took him away and buried him. There was another man, a eagle, didn't even have to die. He just walked across Jordan, and God sent a chariot down and: "This robe of flesh he dropped and rise and caught the everlasting prize." Eight hundred years later, eight hundred years later on Mount Transfiguration here stood those two men. Moses' body had been rotten for hundreds of years, but here he was in such a form till even Peter, James, and John recognized him. Amen. "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved..." If you're an attribute of God expressed here on earth, you've got a body waiting after you leave this world. There they was standing on Mount Transfiguration in their theophany, for they were prophets to whom the Word came to. <br><br>
Also let us notice another prophet one time by the name of Samuel. He was a great man. He'd taught Israel, told them they shouldn't have a king. He said, "Have I ever said one thing to you in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass?" <br><br>
They said, "No, everything you've always said in the Name of the Lord come to pass." <br><br>
He was a prophet. And he died. <br><br>
About three or four years later, the king got in trouble; that was before the Blood of Jesus Christ was ever shed. He was in paradise. And a witch of Endor called for somebody to come, console Saul. And when the witch saw him standing up, she said, "I see God raising up out of the earth." And after the man had been dead, buried, and rotted in the grave, here he was standing there in that cave with his prophet's robes on, and was still a prophet. Amen. <br><br>
For he said, "Why did you call me out of my rest, seeing you've become a enemy to God?" Watch him prophesy. "Tomorrow night by this time you'll be with me." He was still a prophet, though he was gone from this body. <br><br>
See, he had become here and was part of that Word, and he entered from the flesh life back into the body that had been prepared for him before the foundation of the world. He entered into the theophany which was the Word. You get it? That's where all believers go when we turn from here.
Then in that form the veil then is lifted. You see you are the Word also when you enter into there... Praise God for the opening of these Seals is my prayer, to know these things." (Who is this Melchisedek, 13:65-94).  
'''Daniel's Prophecy And Timing'''<br>
'''Jesus' Second Return'''<br><br>
Did Daniel prophecy the date of Jesus' second return?  He prophesied that "the end would come" and gave us the date to be somewhere between the years 1967 ad and 2012 ad.<br><br>
No, we are not predicting the year 2012 as our Lord's return,  but there appears to be a grace period of 45 years from the year 1967, prophesied by Daniel, during which our Lord may return. <br><br>
As we look at all the signs predicted in the Bible about the condition of the world when our Lord returns, we realize that all those signs have now taken place and there is nothing left to fulfill in Bible prophecy<br>.<br>
Could our Lord return at any moment?  Yes, according to all the Bible warnings and signs. Could He wait until 2012 or thereafter?  Yes, only God knows the precise time. <br><br>
Should we be preparing ourselves for that event?  Absolutely ! <br> <br>
So let us lay aside everything that mite distract us from the Word and will of God, and rejoice when we are chastised, knowing it's a sign of His love. For it's later than we think.  
and <br>
'''GOD'S KINGDOM'''<br><br>
'''Daniel Chapter 2'''<br>
1. Babylonian Empire - 606-536 B.C. <br>
2. Persian Empire - 536-330 B.C. <br>
3. Grecian Empire - 330-146 B.C. <br>
4. Roman Empire - 146 B.C. - 476 A.D. <br>
5. God’s Kingdom - Time Of Christ until..........FOREVER <br><br>
Daniel Chapter 4<br><br>
1. Insanity to last for "seven times" - verse 32 <br>
2. word, "time" , means seasons or years <br><br>
Daniel Chapter 5<br><br>
1. Belshazzar’s Feast - Handwriting on the wall<br><br>
'''THE ELEVENTH HORN''' <br><br>
'''Daniel Chapter 7'''<br>
1. Lion, Bear, Leopard and Terrible Beast <br>
2. Babylon, Mede-Persian, Greek, Roman <br>
3. Fourth Beast (Roman) - Ten Horns <br>
4. Eleventh Horn (Roman catholic church) <br>
a. plucked out three of first horns<br>
b. eyes of a man, mouth speaking great things<br>
c. look more stout than his fellows <br>
d. made war with the saints and prevailed against them <br>
e. shall be diverse from the other kingdoms <br>
f. shall speak great words against the most High <br>
g. shall wear out the saints of the most High <br>
h. change time and laws <br>
i. shall be given into his hand until a time, times and dividing of time <br><br>
'''GREEK EMPIRE - FOUR HORNS '''<br><br>
'''CHAPTER 8'''<br>
1. 2300 Days - verse 14 (actual time, 2300 years)  <br> 
2. time the sanctuary would be trodden under foot from the he-goat  <br>
3. time of the end - verse 17, 19 <br>
4. Adolph Hitler (?) - verse 19-25 <br><br>
'''Daniel Chapter 9'''<br>
1. Seventy weeks <br>
2. Between time of the order to rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah <br>
a. order given by Arterexes - 457 B.C. <br>
b. Christ died on calvary - 33 A.D.<br><br>
'''Daniel Chapter 11'''<br>
1. Kings of the North and Kings of the South<br>
a. Greek, Syrian and Egyptian wars <br>
b. "vile person" (Antiochus Epiphanes)<br>
2. Attacked Jerusalem <br>
a. slew 80,000 Jews  <br>
b. took 80,000 Jews as slaves <br><br>
'''Daniel Chapter 8 and Chapter 12'''<br>
1. king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences - 8:17,19, 23-25<br>
a. time of the end,<br>
b. last end of the indignation, the time appointed the end shall be <br>
c. Antiochus Epiphanes - 175-164 B.C. <br>
d. Adolph Hitler - 1941-1945 A.D<br>.
2. time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation - Chapter 12<br>
a. Michael standeth for the children of thy people <br>
b. people delivered every one found written in the book <br>
c. time of the end - run to and fro, knowledge increased <br>
d. Time, Times, and a half a Time<br>
e. 1260 days <br>
f. 1290 Days <br>
g. 1335 Days <br><br>
and the<br>
'''JEWISH PEOPLE'''<br><br>
I pray there has been something here to bless and help you grow in the faith of Jesus Christ. When you have the revelation, kindly forward this sermon to someone who loves the Lord.  
1000 B.C. - David made Jerusalem Israel’s national capital<br>
1. Nation of Israel spit into north and south <br>
2. Israel - captured by Assyrians 721 B.C<br>
3. Judah- captured by Babylonians<br>
586 B.C. <br>
586 B.C. - 536 B.C. - Jerusalem controlled by Babylonians<br>
536 B.C. - 332 B.C. - Jerusalem controlled by Persians who permitted Jew’s return and restoration. Aided in their reestablishment as a nation.<br>
331 B.C. - 146 B.C. - Greeks ruled Palestine and Jerusalem<br>
175 B.C. - 164 B.C. - Aniochus Epiphanes desecration of Jerusalem<br>
146 B.C. - 476 A.D. - Roman Empire ruled the world<br>
30 A.D. - 33 A.D. - Public ministry of Christ<br>
70 A.D. - Destruction of Jerusalem by Romans (Titus)<br>
270 A.D. - 1530 A.D. - Papacy world power<br>
637 A.D. - 1917 A.D. - Mohammedanism control of Palestine<br>
1917 A.D. - end - World troubles as never before seen<br>
1967 A.D. - Jews recapture Jerusalem - restore sanctuary<br><br>
'''Historical Overview''' <br><br>
'''33 - 270 AD'''<br><br>
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period<br>
1. First Candlestick Ephesus - 2:1-7 <br>
2. First Seal - White Horse - 6:1-2 <br>
3. First Trumpet - 8:1-7 <br>
4. Woman & Dragon - 12:1-5 <br>
5. Second Seal - Red Horse 6:3-4<br><br>
'''270 - 530 AD'''<br>
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period<br>
1. Second Candlestick - Smyrna - 2:8-11 <br>
2. Third Seal - Black Horse - 6:5-6 <br>
3. Second Trumpet -8: 8-9  <br>
4. Raptured Witnesses - 11: 1-13  <br>
5. Woman with Wings - 12: 6-17 <br>
6. Beast From the Sea - 13: 1-10  <br>
7. Mystery Babylon - 14: 8-11 17: 1-18<br><br>
'''530 - 1530 AD'''<br>
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period<br>
1. Third Candlestick - Pergamos - 2:12-17  <br>
2. Third Trumpet - 8: 10-11 <br>
3. Fourth Trumpet - 8: 12  <br>
4. Fifth Trumpet - 9: 1-12  <br>
5. Slain Witnesses - 11: 7-14  <br>
6. Sixth Trumpet - 9: 13-21 <<br>
7. Beast/Bottomless pit - 11: 7-14 17: 8-18 <br>
8. Angel From Heaven - Chapter 20<br><br>
'''1530 - 1730 AD'''<br>
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period<br>
1. Fourth Candlestick - Thyatira - 2:18-29  <br>
2. Fourth Seal - Pale Horse - 6:7-8  <br>
3. Resurrected Witness - 11: 7-12<br>
4. Lamblike Beast - 13: 11-18 <br><br>
'''1730 - 1880 AD''' <br>
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period<br>
1. Fifth Candlestick - Sardis - 3:16  <br>
2. Fifth Seal - Souls/Altar 6: 9-11<br><br>
1880 - 1967 AD<br>
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period<br>
1. Sixth Candlestick - Philadelphia 3:7-13<br>
2. Sixth Seal - Disasters 6:12-17<br><br>
'''FROM 1967 TO  OUR LORD'S RETURN''' <br>
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period<br>
1. Seventh Candlestick - Laodicea 3: 14-22<br>
2. Seventh Seal - 1/2 hour silence 8:1<br>
As we learned in the introduction, the Revelation is a book of prophecy that tells of political and religious events that would happen throughout history that would affect God’s church.  
Written in 95 A.D. the prophecies of the Revelation have taken place between the year 33 A.D. and the second coming of Christ. This period of human history beginning in 33 A.D. when Jesus built His church until the second return of Christ, is known as the Christian era, or Christian age.
Most of the prophecies have already been fulfilled precisely as they prophesied. The only one that remains is the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the final event discussed in the Revelation.
The Revelation divides the time frame of the Christian era into seven periods of time.
By separating these periods, to place the specific visions with their historical time, provides a map that links the message of the Revelation into one clear picture. That is the purpose of this lesson, to identify the seven different periods and apply the visions in the period where they are to be fulfilled.
In chapters 2 and 3 we are introduced to the letters to the seven churches of Asia. These seven letters represent the division of the Revelation into seven periods of church history. Each letter describes the religious atmosphere and situation of that particular period.
The first letter is to the church at Ephesus, the second to the church at Smyrna, the third to the church in the city of Pergamos, the fourth to Thyatira, the fifth to Sardis, the sixth to Philadelphia and the seventh to the church at Laodicea.
'''The first period''' in the Christian church era is identified as the Ephesus church period, which spans a historical time between the years 33 A.D. and 270 A.D. There are ''four parallel visions'' that describe the prophesied events that will take place during this period.
The '''first vision''' is the letter to Ephesus that describes the religious atmosphere and situation of this period. The commendations recorded in this letter identify the zeal and moral uprightness of the early Christian church immediately in the years after the death and resurrection of Christ.
The reprimands, however, reveal that by the end of the third century a relaxing of true Christian morals would occur as the teachings of Christ would become intermingled with paganism while a new form of Christianity would emerge that associated with idolatry.
The '''second vision''' of this period is the opening of the first seal to reveal a rider on a white horse. In future studies we will learn more of this vision that symbolizes the pure religious activities of the God’s true Church in the early years of its history.
The '''third vision''' of this period is the sounding of the first trumpet. This vision tells of the beginning events that lead to the decline and fall of the Roman empire, the political system that was in control of world events during the first several periods of the Christian era.
The Roman empire has had a tremendous impact on God’s people in its efforts to try to destroy the Church that Jesus built. It is for this reason that the circumstances involving the Roman empire are revealed in the Revelation.
The '''third vision''' is that of the woman in chapter 12 who stands upon the moon and is clothed about with the sun. As she is about to give birth to her child a great red dragon stands before her to devour the child.
This vision begins in the first church period and is carried over to succeeding periods as the history of the woman does not end when the first church period ends. The woman is a symbol of God’s true church while the great red dragon is a symbol for the Roman political empire that tried to destroy her children, the born-again Christians. The historical fulfillment of this vision begins at the immediate emergence of God’s church in 33 A.D. but the war of Rome against God’s church has continued throughout history as we will learn in our continuing studies.
The '''fourth vision''' is the opening of the second seal to reveal a different rider on a red horse. This vision symbolizes again the persecution against the Christians by the Romans, who shed much bloodshed of the Christians as illustrated by the red color of the horse.
These four parallel visions prophesy the events that would take place in the first period of the Christian era, beginning in 33 ad to around 270 ad, the time when the newly formed church of God began its world ministry of sharing the gospel of Christ. Each of these four parallel visions describe different perspectives of this same time period to give us a full view of the circumstances. No one vision or symbol could do that, which is the reason for these completely different parallel visions.
We discuss these visions, as well as all the others, in greater detail in the complete Revelation cassette tape series. I would suggest that you consider adding this valuable cassette resource to your library.
'''The second period''' of the Christian era is identified as the Smyrna church period, a period of history that spans from about 270 A.D. until around 530 A.D. There are seven visions associated with this period.
The letter to the church at Smyrna indicates this would be a period of continuing persecution against the Church of God. The persecution would subside however, as the Christian faith was adopted by the Roman government as the official religion of Rome during this period, but with tragic results. Rather than adopting Christian morality and the pure teachings of Christ, the Roman Christian religion became mostly a mixture of pagan worship mingled with some Christian thought.
While the Romans began to redefine the Christian faith to suit their life style and worship, the true Church of God maintained its purity of belief more privately and less publicly. The false Christian religion of Rome became more powerful and influential during the end of this second church age while the teachings of true Church of God became insignificant to the masses of people.
The '''second vision''' is the opening of the third seal, to reveal a rider on a black horse. As we will learn in more detail in future lessons, this vision symbolizes the beginning of a period of religious apostasy where the emergence of a false, apostate Christian religion threatens to replace and destroy God’s truth and God’s true church with its own false teachings and practices.
Black, the color associated with darkness and evil, is used to symbolize the false beliefs and teachings on which the apostate church transports itself, as opposed to white which represents purity and truth on which the true of God was founded and which it is faithful to teach.
The '''third vision''' of this period is the sounding of the second trumpet. As in the sounding of the first trumpet this vision describes the continuing political events that lead to the decline and fall of the Roman empire. We will learn more of this vision in future studies.
The '''fourth vision''' is that of the two slain witnesses. This vision reveals the attempts by pagan and false religions to destroy the two witnesses to God’s real truth. These two witnesses are God’s Spirit and God’s word.
During the time of the apostasy every attempt was made to keep the masses of people from learning the word of God by replacing it with the doctrines of man-made religion. The Spirit of God, who transforms the lives of people, was replaced by human ordinances and religious liturgy. Thus, the vision identifies the two witnesses as being killed during this dark period of church history.
The '''fifth vision''' refers again to the woman in chapter 12 where, in verses 6-17 she is given eagle’s wings to fly into the wilderness. During the period of apostasy the true church of God is never destroyed even though the devil uses political persecution and religious confusion to try.  But the true Church of God was hidden to the masses of people as it worshipped in secret (as if in a desert wilderness) away from the threats to destroy it.
The '''sixth vision''' is that of a leopard-like beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies. The activities and duration of this beast are the same as those in Daniel’s prophecy to describe the eleventh horn. The beast opened his mouth in blaspheme against God. The beast was to make war with the saints and to overcome them; and power was given him over all kindred's, tongues and nations. The beast is to continue forty two months, or in actual time, 1260 years.
While the vision of the woman standing upon the moon reveals the true Church of God flying into the wilderness for a period of 1260 years, this vision of the beast reveals the false apostate church which had its worldly influence and power for that same duration of time. It is during this second church period that the dark ages of the apostasy begins, an apostasy that shall last for 1260 years of human history.
The '''seventh vision''' of this period describe mystery Babylon, who is also identified to be the harlot. It is said of this harlot that she committed fornication with the kings of the earth and made the inhabitants of the earth drunk with the wine of fornication. She was arrayed with purple and scarlet, decked with gold and precious stones and had a golden cup full of abominations and filthiness.
The harlot was also drunken with the blood of the saints. In this vision we are provided a further description of the worldly influence of the false, corrupt religion that would dominate political and religious life during the dark ages of apostasy.
The seven visions of the second church period each define a different aspect of this period of history in which the true church of God becomes overshadowed by an emerging false religion that boasts of representing Christ and Christianity.
'''The third period''' of the Christian era continues the apostasy and is referred to as the dark ages. This period is identified as the Pergamos church period, spanning a period of history from about 530 A.D. until around 1530 A.D. There are eight visions associated with this period.
'''The first vision''' is the letter to the church at Pergamos which reveals this period of history would be the darkest time of religious decline. During this period the false Christian religion was at its height of worldly power and at its lowest in spiritual truth. The church had deteriorated into the pagan worship and doctrines that had been introduced into the Christian religion. Boasting that it was the representative of Christ on earth the false church made war with the true saints of God who would not bow to its idolatry, to murder them as heretics while promoting evil men to great offices within the church as spiritual and political leaders to the whole world.
The '''second and third visions''' of this third period are the sounding of the third and fourth trumpets. These visions describe the final destruction of the western imperial Roman political empire. Although the political system of Rome is in its final days as a political empire, it is being replaced by the religious/political system described to be the harlot apostate church, who assumes both political and religious authority for the state of Rome.
The '''fourth vision''' is the sounding of the fifth trumpet. If it were not enough that the true Church of God was hidden in the wilderness while an apostate church declared to represent Christ, this vision reveals yet another false religion that would arise during this period to become a world influence that would deceive many. The Islamic religion, founded by Mohammed, would make its worldly entrance during this period of church history as a messenger of false teaching and militant practices.
It is prophesied that the locusts of this vision would torment for 150 years. These locusts, who are symbols of the Saracen warrior followers of Mohammed, were active militarily from 612 to 762 ad. The religion of Mohammed, as does the harlot, continues to exist today, and it will continue to exist until the return of Christ.
The '''fifth vision''' of this period is a continuation of the two slain witnesses where the beast from the bottomless pit has killed them and left their dead bodies lying in the street of the city called Sodom and Egypt.
In our continuing studies we will pursue in much greater depth all the visions in this lesson. But for now let us accept the simple explanation of this vision to be, that God’s word and God’s spirit were rejected and replaced by the false teachings and religious practices of false religions during the dark ages, and that multitudes of millions fell into the ditch of spiritual destruction along with the false teachers of these religions.
The '''sixth vision''' of this third church period is the sounding of the sixth trumpet to reveal the invasion of the eastern Roman empire by the Ottoman Turks.
The '''seventh vision''' reveals a beast from the bottomless pit with seven heads and ten horns. It is full of names of blasphemy and the beast was, and is not. This is another symbolism of Rome in its pagan papal attempts to destroy the Church of God, but in this vision we learn that the Lamb of God shall overcome them. Even in the darkest period of church history the Lord reminds us that He has built His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
The '''eighth vision''' of this period has been misinterpreted by many who take certain portions of the Revelation literally. Chapter 20 talks of an angel who has the key to the bottomless pit and a chain in his hand by which he binds the dragon and casts him into the bottomless pit for 1000 years., after which time the dragon is loosed for a season. This vision talks of two resurrections, the battle of Armageddon, Gog and Magog and the mark of the beast.
We will deal with this chapter thoroughly in another study but allow me to make this observation. Those who try to interpret certain portions of the Revelation literally see this to suggest that there shall be a 1000 year period on earth after Christ’s return, referred to as the Millennial reign.
Now here in God’s scripture is such a doctrine supported. In Chapter 20, where most of this erroneous doctrine has been conceived, there is no mention of Christ’s second coming nor is there any mention of a reign on earth, or any mention of Christ on earth. As we will learn in the study that deals with this chapter, this vision refers to this third church period of the dark ages.
In '''the fourth church age''' God’s true church begins to re-emerge to challenge the apostate church that has held world influence for the last 1260 years. This fourth church period, dating from about 1530 to 1730 ad. is described in four visions of the Revelation.
The first vision is the letter to the church at Thyatira which describes the situation of this period to be a time of partial reemergence of true Christianity, although some of the reemergence would be a mixture of religious doctrine that contained both truth and error.
The great reformation of the 1500’s led many people away from the apostasy of the Roman church, but while doing so there emerged other Christian religions that carried over some of the Roman and pagan beliefs. Although the beginning of a return to God’s word and God’s Spirit, the results of the reformation were not totally pure.
The '''second vision''' of this period is the opening of the fourth seal. A pale horse is revealed in this vision whose rider is named death. It is said of the rider that power was given him over a 4th part of the earth to kill with the sword, hunger and death and beasts of the earth. Unlike the three horses of the first three seals, this horse has no distinguishing color.
While the white horse represented the purity of the true Christian church, the red horse the bloodthirstiness of paganism and the black horse represents the total darkness of apostate religion...the pale horse with no distinguishing color represents a religious movement that is a mixture of other religions, both true and false. This vision identifies the religious movement of Protestantism, which had its beginning with the great spiritual reformation of the early 1500’s
The '''third vision''' is a continuation of the two slain witnesses as they resurrect from the dead. The word of God and the Spirit of God, which were rejected during the apostate period, are now being revitalized during the reformation movement. The Bible, which was denied and kept secret from the masses of people during the dark ages of the apostasy is now being made available through mass printing, and as people began to read the word of God for the first time they recognize the false teachings of the apostate church and the truth as Jesus taught it. The more they learned, the more they responded to truth to come out of the false religion and make their stand with the true Church of God.
The '''fourth vision''' reveals another beast with two horns like that of a lamb but who spoke as a dragon. This beast exercised all the power of the first beast and caused the world to worship the first beast. This beast also deceived the world and caused all, both small and great, to receive a mark in their hands and foreheads. The vision of this beast identifies the error of Protestantism.
While much of the protestant movement was good in that it began the return to God’s word and to the spiritual life in Christ, the protestant movement was also an outgrowth of false Christian teaching and practices that had occupied religious thought for 1260 years. The attempts of the devil to try to destroy the true Church of God has now changed coats once again.
In his first attempt, the devil wore the coat of the Roman pagan government who used force to try and eliminate God’s church. That coat was traded in for the false Christian coat of the Roman church, who used both force and false doctrine in its attempts to destroy the true Church of God. In this fourth church period the devil slips into yet another new coat of Protestantism, where a mixture of truth and error is used to deceive the masses.
The protestant beast tried to imitate the characteristics of a lamb in that it tried to appear non-violent but its true nature was known to God, who said that the beast spoke as a dragon.
'''The fifth church period''' lasts from around 1730 ad to around 1880 ad.
There are two visions associated with this period, the first of which is the letter the church at Sardis. This vision identifies the situation after the great reformation in which the church of the reformers has settled down to being just another ecclesiastical religion. For 200 years the spiritual energy of the protestant movement was fueled by the vision and purpose to reform the Christian church.
But once the reformation had been accomplished, the Christian community is now settled into two factions, the Catholics and the Protestants. There was no longer a driving urgency for the Protestants nor a realistic hope for the Catholics that they would regain world political and religious sovereignty. Both groups had now mellowed into their religious routines within their own church walls.
The '''second vision''' of this period is the opening of the fifth seal. In this vision we see the souls under the altar who were slain for the word God and their testimony. White robes were given to them and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season. This heavenly vision reveals the true Church of God in her victory as the martyred saints are seen in heaven around God’s altar.
The "rest for a little season" suggests a time when God’s true church would be free from persecution and martyrdom, which was the case in the fifth church period when there was a lull in the church.
'''The sixth church period''' provides a dramatic revival for the church in the period from 1880 A.D. to 1967 A.D. It is during this period, characterized by the letter to the church at Philadelphia, that the truths of God are preached with renewed purity and holiness.
The call of the ministry during this time was that the true saints of God come out and stand separate from the error of false religion. It was a time when the true Christians determined not to be identified with human religion, either Catholic or Protestant, but rather to be identified with the universal and eternal Church that Jesus built where membership is composed of those who are saved by the blood of the Lamb of God, and who are walking in the light of holiness as He is in the light.
The '''second vision''' of this period is the opening of the sixth seal. Great physical calamities such as an earthquake, the sun becoming black, the moon becoming as blood and every mountain and island moved out of its place, describe the terrible world events that would occur during this period. The symbolism of this vision point to political disasters, which are confirmed by the many and devastating wars that our world has witnessed in the 20th century.
'''The seventh and final church period''' begins in 1967 A.D. characterized by the letter to the church at Laodicea. After the unsuccessful attempts by the devil to destroy the church of God by using his first three "P’s" of paganism, Papalism and Protestantism, the devil now has turned to his final two P’s in this last, final war against the Church of God. The devil knows that this is his final opportunity to destroy the Church of God and in so doing win the remainder of the souls of man.
The final two P’s of the devils attempts to destroy God’s people are identified in the letter to Laodicea. They are the P’s of peace and prosperity, possibly the most dangerous of all the enemies that the devil has used against the Church of God.
We presently live in a world where Christians are allowed to worship and live without the threat of imprisonment or persecution. Freedom of religion is now a mandate of most political powers, who permit religious people to enter into their sanctuaries, synagogues and temples to perform religious activity that is of no threat to the government.
Peace and prosperity are now enjoyed by the church as new sanctuaries are built and religious programs and activity has replaced faith, prayer and personal witness that kept the Church of God alive and spiritually powerful in former generations.
The letter to the Laodicean church age is not complimentary at all, by suggesting a lukewarm and wealthy situation that replace inner spiritual power. The warning of Jesus in his parable of the five foolish virgins suggests that His second coming will find many professing Christians indifferent to the real cause of Christ.
The only other vision associated with this final period is the opening of the seventh seal. This final prophecy reveals a silence in heaven for one-half hour, which is a prophecy that identifies the last dated event that God has revealed before the end of time. That event, which occurred in 1967, has begun the final era of church history to which the final signs before our Lord’s return have been dated.
Jesus, in His sermon regarding the end of time, referred to this final dated event of 1967, which also is identified in the opening of the seventh and final seal.
All the Revelation prophesies have been fulfilled, beginning with events in the year of 33 A.D. when Jesus first built His church and will conclude at the second coming of Christ, when Jesus shall glorify His church and present it to the Heavenly Father.
In our cassette tape studies we look in greater detail at these visions identified in each of these seven church periods.
==Seven Church Periods==
'''The Seventh Church Period'''<br>
'''The Seventh Church Period'''<br>
'''Of Revelation (Laodicea)'''<br><br>
God has revealed political and religious events that would take place between the year 33 A.D. and the second coming of Christ, events significant to the Church of God. Most of the prophecies have already been fulfilled precisely as they prophesied. The only one that remains is the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the final event discussed in the Revelation.<br><br>
In our last lesson we looked at the sixth period of church history which spanned the time period from 1880 to 1967 A.D. In this lesson we will look at the seventh and final period of the Christian era, identified as the Laodician church period, a period of history that spans from about 1967 A.D. to the second return of Christ. There are two visions associated with this period.<br>
The''' first vision''' is the letter to the church at Laodicea, recorded in chapter 3:14-22. <br><br>
"And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."<br><br>
The sixth church age was one of spiritual excitement and power, but sadly the atmosphere in this final, seventh period has dramatically deteriorated, just as prophesied by the Laodicean letter.<br> <br>
From the middle of this century, somewhere after the 1950’s, the spiritual expression of faith declined to no small degree. The spiritual power and bold preaching of truth that were present in the earlier days of this century have been abandoned and replaced by religious organization and planning. <br><br>
Churches, who once relied upon meetings of prayer now devote their time in committee and organizational meetings. Revival meetings have turned into life-enriching seminars. Simple and basic messages of truth have been replaced by sermons of homiletical and political correctness. Preaching for the souls of man has now been replaced by lessons of social interest. Present day pulpits are now battlegrounds against social injustice and political intrigue rather than being places of war against satan and his devises. <br><br>
The fire of revival does not exist in the pulpits or in the hearts of the professing believers of Christ. For most of modern-day Christianity the priorities of serving God have been replaced by the personal ambitions of worldly wants and needs. This is the deteriorated condition of the last church age, the age in which we presently live.<br><br>
There is no praise for this seventh church age in Christ’s letter to the Laodiceans, only criticism and condemnation. He identifies this as a time of peace and prosperity for the church, where no outward physical attacks threaten the believers, but which has caused the professing church to be indifferent and complacent to its high calling in Christ. <br><br>
It is a time prophesied to be where wealthy sanctuaries blast forth a memorial to our human achievements while the evil of man’s heart grows more wicked with each passing moment. <br><br>
It is a time of spiritual decline even as the church pursues a ministry of religious and organizational activity where few converts are born into the Kingdom of God. This is the spiritual atmosphere prophesied of Christ that would exist in the seventh and final period of church history, the time in which now are living.<br><br>
The Laodicean church age is a time of complacency and misdirected priorities, described by Jesus as lukewarm. It is a spiritual condition that puts a bad taste in the mouth of God.<br><br>
This seventh church age presents the most serious threat against the church of God of all that have come before it. It is a time where the devil is becoming more successful at undermining the credibility and authority of God’s true Church than any other time in church history.<br><br>
Although satan was unsuccessful in destroying the church through paganism, papalism or protestantism, he is now making great inroads through the period of peace and prosperity. <br><br>
Jesus said of the seventh church age that it would be a time of spiritual ignorance, even though we claim to be rich and increased with goods and that we have need of nothing. But in reality, Jesus sees the professing church during this period of history to be spiritually wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. <br><br>
But even in the midst of this tragic spiritual atmosphere of the final seventh period of history, there is hope for the sincere. God’s answer for these final days is three-fold. <br><br>
First, Jesus advises that we buy of Him gold that is tried in the fire. When gold is used as an illustration in the scriptures, it is used to represent the purity of faith. The first advise then, is that the church return to a purity of faith in God that will accomplish things that we are incapable of accomplishing through human effort. In so doing, we will become spiritually wealthy once again. <br><br>
The second answer is to buy white raiment to cover the shame of our nakedness. In other words, return to the purity of Christian morality and spiritual righteousness that is taught in the word of God. In our current time the church has lowered its standards of belief in an attempt to attract all manner of sinners. Life styles that are condemned and judged by God have crept into the thought of Christian acceptance. <br><br>
The Laodicean church age has lowered the standard’s of God, and the only answer is to return to true, Biblical righteousness which will cover the spiritual and moral nakedness allowed within the church. In so doing, the church can restore its lost credibility and authority to become productive witnesses of a holy God.<br><br>
The third solution for this church age is that we anoint our eyes with eye-salve so that we may see. This suggests a visual illness or blindness that requires healing. Since a spiritual application is intended, we would identify this to mean a sincere return to the study and teaching of the basic doctrines (truths) of God’s word. <br><br>
In this vision we are shown our Lord Jesus standing at the door of every Christian’s heart, knocking that He may enter with a renewed spiritual power and wisdom in these latter times of human history. Those who open the door of their hearts, to become bold examples of truth and righteousness, shall be granted to sit with Christ in His throne. Those who rebel against Christ’s warning and advise shall be as one of the foolish virgins, who will not be prepared when the call of the bridegroom suddenly comes forth.<br><br>
In His love, God has warned us of the condition of these final moments of human history and how we can overcome them. It is a personal matter that each of us must apply to ourselves, for there is no prophecy of a great spiritual revival yet to come before our Lord’s return.<br>
The '''second vision''' of this church period is the opening of the seventh seal, recorded in chapter 8:1<br><br>
"And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour." <br><br>
Before God opened this seventh seal He stepped back a moment to share another vision in chapter 7 that is not in sequence and unrelated to the opening of the seals. God often does this in the Revelation, as if to say, I have been showing you the bad stuff, now let me show you some good stuff. <br><br>
While we will not explore the vision of chapter 7 in this lesson, let’s take a moment to hear about some of the good stuff. In the preceding visions of the opening of the first six seals, God warned His church that it would be assaulted by pagan and false religions, by political empires, by war, crime and many other earthly calamities throughout history. <br>But before He opens the seventh and final seal, God takes a moment in chapter 7 to encourage His church not to be afraid...for His true followers (the Church of God) are eternally protected. He reassures His people that the gates of hell will not prevail against them. God reminds His true believers to stay faithful, knowing that we shall inherit the crown of life, for we are joint heirs with Christ, and we shall live with Him forever in eternal glory. <br><br>
All the things throughout history which satan has used against the Church of God shall not succeed in keeping us from our final reward. God’s people shall be victorious. This is the message that God wants every true believer to be reminded of in chapter 7, after which He then reveals the final prophesy of human events before the end of time.
This final prophecy is revealed in the opening of the last and final seventh seal, <br><br>
"And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour."<br><br>
Notice the short duration of the fulfillment of this final prophesy. It says that there shall be silence in heaven for a space of about 1/2 hour, which equates to an actual 6-8 day period of time. In other words, the final vision defines a final event that would last for a period of about 6 to 8 days. This is the last dated prophesy revealed in scripture. Once this prophecy is fulfilled, there is nothing else that God can say from heaven, His prophesies are now silenced. <br><br>
A sincere student of the scriptures can only conclude that these days in which we live are the midnight hours of man’s history on earth. The seventh seal has been opened and its prophesy fulfilled in the year 1967. Even Daniel the prophet, some 2500 years ago, was given the vision and time of this final prophesied event, just as did Jesus some 2000 years ago when He prophesied the time when the gentiles would be fulfilled. <br><br>
In other lessons we deal with this prophecy in greater detail, but for this lesson we will confine our comments to the date and fulfillment of this final prophesy.<br><br>
The prophetical 1/2 hour, which interprets to a literal 6-8 day duration, was fulfilled in 1967 in the miracle 6 day war, when the Jews reclaimed possession of their capital city, Jerusalem, after 2500 years of gentile control. This event fulfilled the prophecies of both Daniel and Jesus, and satisfies the opening of the seventh seal. <br><br>
Beyond this date of 1967 God provides no future prophesy to suggest that our human family shall exist for future generations. We are currently living in a time of grace where the final signs leading to the second coming of Christ are happening precisely as all the scriptures reveal.<br><br>
The foolish will dismiss these historical visions of God, to carry on life as normal, while those who are wise in their knowledge of God and His word, are preparing themselves for their victorious journey into the next life. For God’s people, the spiritual warfare on earth is about to end, a war that has been going on from the beginning of human history. The conclusion of the war is victory in Jesus for those who trust in His precious name.<br><br>
The seventh and final church period began in 1967 A.D. Although Jesus has given us specific signs that reveal His soon return, only God knows the final date of human existence on earth, a date that Bible students recognize to be close at hand. <br><br>
The devil knows that this is his final opportunity to destroy the Church of God, and in so doing win the remainder of the souls of man. Although we presently live in a world where Christians are allowed to worship and live without the threat of imprisonment or persecution, these are perilous and threatening times for the church. <br><br>
Sincere observers of these days of human history conclude that we are fulfilling the lukewarm prophecy of this final church period, that many professing Christians are indifferent to the real cause of Christ and are complacent in their love to God and for the salvation of their fellowman.<br><br>
There are no Biblical prophecies of a great world-wide spiritual revival before our Lord’s return. The condition of religion will be as described in the Revelation. Our Lord shall return to a great falling away and complacency within the Christian community. The only hope is for each individual believer who responds to the urging of God’s Spirit, by remaining faithful in following Christ to search out our own salvation with fear and trembling. <br><br>
Will the Lord find us faithful at His return? That is the question that each must answer for our self. In general, the answer will be no for the masses of people. According to scripture, the Lord shall find only a few at His return who regard their religious salvation as the top priority of their life.<br><br>
The final event which occurred in 1967 has begun the final era of church history to which the final signs before our Lord’s return have been dated. Jesus, in His sermon regarding the end of time, referred to this final dated event. <br><br>
Every prophecy in scripture has been fulfilled, there are no others. There are no great revivals yet to be enjoyed nor is there to be a future anti-Christ who shall make his appearance on earth, for the anti-Christ is already here and recognized by sincere students of God’s word. <br><br>
This is the message of Revelation and the reason why it was written. God wants His people to be prepared for the next event in history, which shall be the second coming of Jesus Christ, who at that time shall destroy the natural universe as we know it and judge both the good and evil, measuring out His punishment on the wicked and His reward to the good and faithful. <br><br>
The only reason that can be offered for the Lord’s tarrying is that He is giving us a grace period to get our house in order.<br><br>
Our brothers and sisters before us have faced the events of the past, just as God prophesied they would happen. It is now our turn to face these final moments in preparation of the ultimate event when time on earth shall be no more. <br><br>
The Church of God has always been the only winner on earth and it shall be the only winner in the eternal world that awaits us. I am deeply thankful to God for His eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, a salvation that has placed me, as it does all others, a member in the Church of God that Jesus built. It still stands true as it did almost 2000 years ago, when the early disciples wrote in Acts 2:47, <br><br>
"The Lord adds to the church daily those who are saved."<br><br>
It is wise advise, especially in the moment that we live, to "look up, for your redemption draws near."
==Foundation Studies=<br><br>
'''Parallel Series Of Visions'''<br><br>
'''FIRST SERIES'''<br>
'''Letters To The Seven Churches<br>
'''Chapters 2 and 3'''<br>
1. Ephesus - First church age - ad 33 - 270<br>
2. Smyrna - Second church age - ad. 270 - 530<br>
3. Pergamos - Third church age - ad. 530 - 1530 <br>
4. Thyatira - Fourth church age - ad. 1530 - 1730 <br>
5. Sardis - Fifth church age - ad. 1730 - 1880 <br>
6. Philadelphia - Sixth church age - ad. 1880 - 1967<br>
7. Laodicia - Seventh church age - ad. 1967 - second coming of Jesus<br><br>
'''Opening Of The Seven Seals'''<br>
'''Chapter 6'''<br>
1. White Horse - First church age <br>
2. Red Horse - First and second church age<br>
3. Black Horse - Third and fourth church age<br>
4. Pale Horse - Fourth and Fifth church age <br>
5. Souls of slain saints- Third, fourth and fifth church age <br>
6. Great earthquake - Sixth church age <br>
7. Silence 1/2 hour - Seventh church age<br><br>
'''THIRD SERIES'''<br>
'''Sealing of God's Saints'''<br>
'''Chapter 7'''<br>
1. First through Seventh church age<br><br>
'''Sounding of The Trumpets'''<br>
'''Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11'''<br>
1. Hail and Fire - First church age<br>
2. Burning mountain - Second church age <br>
3. Star fell from heaven - Third church age<br>
4. Third part of sun smitten - Third church age <br>
5. Smoke/Locusts - Third church age <br>
6. Four Angels loosed - Third church age <br>
7. Voices from heaven - Seventh church age<br><br>
'''FIFTH SERIES'''<br>
'''Two Slain and Resurrected Witnesses'''<br>
'''Chapter 11'''<br>
1. Witnesses slain - Second and Third church age <br>
2. Witnesses resurrected - Fourth church age<br><br>
'''SIXTH SERIES'''<br>
'''Woman and Dragon'''<br>
'''Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16'''<br>
1. Woman/Man child - First thru Seven church age<br>
2. Dragon - First, second, third church age<br><br>
'''The Panorama of Beasts'''<br>
'''Chapters 11, 13, 17'''<br>
1. Beast from bottomless pit - Second church age <br>
2. Leopard Beast - Second church age <br>
3. Lamblike Beast - Fourth church age<br>
The Harlot & Her Daughters<br>
Chapters 17, 18<br><br>
1. Second church age thru Second Coming of Christ<br><br>
'''NINTH SERIES'''<br>
The Angel From Heaven<br>
Chapter 20<br><br>
1. First church age thru second coming of Christ <br>
'''The first vision''' is not actually a vision but rather letters to the seven churches of Asia. As we have already learned, these seven letters to the seven churches identify the seven church periods through which the Revelation spans. This series of letters helps us to understand the spiritual atmosphere of the entire Christian era from beginning to end. Each church age is thoroughly discussed in the cassette tape study series, as are all the other visions. <br><br>
'''The second vision''' is the opening of the seven seals. The first seal reveals a rider on a white horse with a bow in his hand. It is said of the rider that he went forth conquering and to conquer and that a crown was given to him. The color of horse is the only significant characteristic of the horse, which in this case is white, a color identified with purity. The human rider is the active agent in the vision, pointing our attention toward a religious event. The vision symbolizes the early Christian church at its beginning in 33 ad as it went forth conquering sin and paganism through the purity of its teaching the word of God and of its morality. <br><br>
The ''second seal'' reveals a rider on a red horse who had been power to take peace from the earth and who was given a great sword to kill. This symbol identifies the persecutions against the Christian church by the political system of Rome sparked by their pagan religious beliefs. <br><br>
The third seal reveals a rider on a black horse with balances in his hand that foretold the

Latest revision as of 01:23, 17 January 2017

The Book Of Revelation

Advanced Topics

Daniel's Prophecy And Timing
Jesus' Second Return

Did Daniel prophecy the date of Jesus' second return? He prophesied that "the end would come" and gave us the date to be somewhere between the years 1967 ad and 2012 ad.

No, we are not predicting the year 2012 as our Lord's return, but there appears to be a grace period of 45 years from the year 1967, prophesied by Daniel, during which our Lord may return.

As we look at all the signs predicted in the Bible about the condition of the world when our Lord returns, we realize that all those signs have now taken place and there is nothing left to fulfill in Bible prophecy
Could our Lord return at any moment? Yes, according to all the Bible warnings and signs. Could He wait until 2012 or thereafter? Yes, only God knows the precise time.

Should we be preparing ourselves for that event? Absolutely !




Daniel Chapter 2
1. Babylonian Empire - 606-536 B.C.
2. Persian Empire - 536-330 B.C.
3. Grecian Empire - 330-146 B.C.
4. Roman Empire - 146 B.C. - 476 A.D.
5. God’s Kingdom - Time Of Christ until..........FOREVER




Daniel Chapter 4

1. Insanity to last for "seven times" - verse 32
2. word, "time" , means seasons or years




Daniel Chapter 5

1. Belshazzar’s Feast - Handwriting on the wall


Daniel Chapter 7
1. Lion, Bear, Leopard and Terrible Beast
2. Babylon, Mede-Persian, Greek, Roman
3. Fourth Beast (Roman) - Ten Horns
4. Eleventh Horn (Roman catholic church)
a. plucked out three of first horns
b. eyes of a man, mouth speaking great things
c. look more stout than his fellows
d. made war with the saints and prevailed against them
e. shall be diverse from the other kingdoms
f. shall speak great words against the most High
g. shall wear out the saints of the most High
h. change time and laws
i. shall be given into his hand until a time, times and dividing of time


1. 2300 Days - verse 14 (actual time, 2300 years)
2. time the sanctuary would be trodden under foot from the he-goat
3. time of the end - verse 17, 19
4. Adolph Hitler (?) - verse 19-25


Daniel Chapter 9
1. Seventy weeks
2. Between time of the order to rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah
a. order given by Arterexes - 457 B.C.
b. Christ died on calvary - 33 A.D.


Daniel Chapter 11
1. Kings of the North and Kings of the South
a. Greek, Syrian and Egyptian wars
b. "vile person" (Antiochus Epiphanes)
2. Attacked Jerusalem
a. slew 80,000 Jews
b. took 80,000 Jews as slaves


Daniel Chapter 8 and Chapter 12
1. king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences - 8:17,19, 23-25
a. time of the end,
b. last end of the indignation, the time appointed the end shall be
c. Antiochus Epiphanes - 175-164 B.C.
d. Adolph Hitler - 1941-1945 A.D
. 2. time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation - Chapter 12
a. Michael standeth for the children of thy people
b. people delivered every one found written in the book
c. time of the end - run to and fro, knowledge increased
d. Time, Times, and a half a Time
e. 1260 days
f. 1290 Days
g. 1335 Days


and the


1000 B.C. - David made Jerusalem Israel’s national capital
1. Nation of Israel spit into north and south
2. Israel - captured by Assyrians 721 B.C
3. Judah- captured by Babylonians
586 B.C.
586 B.C. - 536 B.C. - Jerusalem controlled by Babylonians
536 B.C. - 332 B.C. - Jerusalem controlled by Persians who permitted Jew’s return and restoration. Aided in their reestablishment as a nation.
331 B.C. - 146 B.C. - Greeks ruled Palestine and Jerusalem
175 B.C. - 164 B.C. - Aniochus Epiphanes desecration of Jerusalem
146 B.C. - 476 A.D. - Roman Empire ruled the world
30 A.D. - 33 A.D. - Public ministry of Christ
70 A.D. - Destruction of Jerusalem by Romans (Titus)
270 A.D. - 1530 A.D. - Papacy world power
637 A.D. - 1917 A.D. - Mohammedanism control of Palestine
1917 A.D. - end - World troubles as never before seen
1967 A.D. - Jews recapture Jerusalem - restore sanctuary

Historical Overview

33 - 270 AD

Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period
1. First Candlestick Ephesus - 2:1-7
2. First Seal - White Horse - 6:1-2
3. First Trumpet - 8:1-7
4. Woman & Dragon - 12:1-5
5. Second Seal - Red Horse 6:3-4

270 - 530 AD
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period
1. Second Candlestick - Smyrna - 2:8-11
2. Third Seal - Black Horse - 6:5-6
3. Second Trumpet -8: 8-9
4. Raptured Witnesses - 11: 1-13
5. Woman with Wings - 12: 6-17
6. Beast From the Sea - 13: 1-10
7. Mystery Babylon - 14: 8-11 17: 1-18

530 - 1530 AD
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period
1. Third Candlestick - Pergamos - 2:12-17
2. Third Trumpet - 8: 10-11
3. Fourth Trumpet - 8: 12
4. Fifth Trumpet - 9: 1-12
5. Slain Witnesses - 11: 7-14
6. Sixth Trumpet - 9: 13-21 <
7. Beast/Bottomless pit - 11: 7-14 17: 8-18
8. Angel From Heaven - Chapter 20

1530 - 1730 AD
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period
1. Fourth Candlestick - Thyatira - 2:18-29
2. Fourth Seal - Pale Horse - 6:7-8
3. Resurrected Witness - 11: 7-12
4. Lamblike Beast - 13: 11-18

1730 - 1880 AD
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period
1. Fifth Candlestick - Sardis - 3:16
2. Fifth Seal - Souls/Altar 6: 9-11

1880 - 1967 AD
Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period
1. Sixth Candlestick - Philadelphia 3:7-13
2. Sixth Seal - Disasters 6:12-17

Revelation Visions That Apply To This Period
1. Seventh Candlestick - Laodicea 3: 14-22
2. Seventh Seal - 1/2 hour silence 8:1


As we learned in the introduction, the Revelation is a book of prophecy that tells of political and religious events that would happen throughout history that would affect God’s church.

Written in 95 A.D. the prophecies of the Revelation have taken place between the year 33 A.D. and the second coming of Christ. This period of human history beginning in 33 A.D. when Jesus built His church until the second return of Christ, is known as the Christian era, or Christian age.

Most of the prophecies have already been fulfilled precisely as they prophesied. The only one that remains is the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the final event discussed in the Revelation. The Revelation divides the time frame of the Christian era into seven periods of time.

By separating these periods, to place the specific visions with their historical time, provides a map that links the message of the Revelation into one clear picture. That is the purpose of this lesson, to identify the seven different periods and apply the visions in the period where they are to be fulfilled.

In chapters 2 and 3 we are introduced to the letters to the seven churches of Asia. These seven letters represent the division of the Revelation into seven periods of church history. Each letter describes the religious atmosphere and situation of that particular period.

The first letter is to the church at Ephesus, the second to the church at Smyrna, the third to the church in the city of Pergamos, the fourth to Thyatira, the fifth to Sardis, the sixth to Philadelphia and the seventh to the church at Laodicea.

The first period in the Christian church era is identified as the Ephesus church period, which spans a historical time between the years 33 A.D. and 270 A.D. There are four parallel visions that describe the prophesied events that will take place during this period.

The first vision is the letter to Ephesus that describes the religious atmosphere and situation of this period. The commendations recorded in this letter identify the zeal and moral uprightness of the early Christian church immediately in the years after the death and resurrection of Christ.

The reprimands, however, reveal that by the end of the third century a relaxing of true Christian morals would occur as the teachings of Christ would become intermingled with paganism while a new form of Christianity would emerge that associated with idolatry.

The second vision of this period is the opening of the first seal to reveal a rider on a white horse. In future studies we will learn more of this vision that symbolizes the pure religious activities of the God’s true Church in the early years of its history.

The third vision of this period is the sounding of the first trumpet. This vision tells of the beginning events that lead to the decline and fall of the Roman empire, the political system that was in control of world events during the first several periods of the Christian era.

The Roman empire has had a tremendous impact on God’s people in its efforts to try to destroy the Church that Jesus built. It is for this reason that the circumstances involving the Roman empire are revealed in the Revelation.

The third vision is that of the woman in chapter 12 who stands upon the moon and is clothed about with the sun. As she is about to give birth to her child a great red dragon stands before her to devour the child.

This vision begins in the first church period and is carried over to succeeding periods as the history of the woman does not end when the first church period ends. The woman is a symbol of God’s true church while the great red dragon is a symbol for the Roman political empire that tried to destroy her children, the born-again Christians. The historical fulfillment of this vision begins at the immediate emergence of God’s church in 33 A.D. but the war of Rome against God’s church has continued throughout history as we will learn in our continuing studies.

The fourth vision is the opening of the second seal to reveal a different rider on a red horse. This vision symbolizes again the persecution against the Christians by the Romans, who shed much bloodshed of the Christians as illustrated by the red color of the horse.

These four parallel visions prophesy the events that would take place in the first period of the Christian era, beginning in 33 ad to around 270 ad, the time when the newly formed church of God began its world ministry of sharing the gospel of Christ. Each of these four parallel visions describe different perspectives of this same time period to give us a full view of the circumstances. No one vision or symbol could do that, which is the reason for these completely different parallel visions.

We discuss these visions, as well as all the others, in greater detail in the complete Revelation cassette tape series. I would suggest that you consider adding this valuable cassette resource to your library.

The second period of the Christian era is identified as the Smyrna church period, a period of history that spans from about 270 A.D. until around 530 A.D. There are seven visions associated with this period.

The letter to the church at Smyrna indicates this would be a period of continuing persecution against the Church of God. The persecution would subside however, as the Christian faith was adopted by the Roman government as the official religion of Rome during this period, but with tragic results. Rather than adopting Christian morality and the pure teachings of Christ, the Roman Christian religion became mostly a mixture of pagan worship mingled with some Christian thought.

While the Romans began to redefine the Christian faith to suit their life style and worship, the true Church of God maintained its purity of belief more privately and less publicly. The false Christian religion of Rome became more powerful and influential during the end of this second church age while the teachings of true Church of God became insignificant to the masses of people.

The second vision is the opening of the third seal, to reveal a rider on a black horse. As we will learn in more detail in future lessons, this vision symbolizes the beginning of a period of religious apostasy where the emergence of a false, apostate Christian religion threatens to replace and destroy God’s truth and God’s true church with its own false teachings and practices.

Black, the color associated with darkness and evil, is used to symbolize the false beliefs and teachings on which the apostate church transports itself, as opposed to white which represents purity and truth on which the true of God was founded and which it is faithful to teach.

The third vision of this period is the sounding of the second trumpet. As in the sounding of the first trumpet this vision describes the continuing political events that lead to the decline and fall of the Roman empire. We will learn more of this vision in future studies.

The fourth vision is that of the two slain witnesses. This vision reveals the attempts by pagan and false religions to destroy the two witnesses to God’s real truth. These two witnesses are God’s Spirit and God’s word.

During the time of the apostasy every attempt was made to keep the masses of people from learning the word of God by replacing it with the doctrines of man-made religion. The Spirit of God, who transforms the lives of people, was replaced by human ordinances and religious liturgy. Thus, the vision identifies the two witnesses as being killed during this dark period of church history.

The fifth vision refers again to the woman in chapter 12 where, in verses 6-17 she is given eagle’s wings to fly into the wilderness. During the period of apostasy the true church of God is never destroyed even though the devil uses political persecution and religious confusion to try. But the true Church of God was hidden to the masses of people as it worshipped in secret (as if in a desert wilderness) away from the threats to destroy it.

The sixth vision is that of a leopard-like beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies. The activities and duration of this beast are the same as those in Daniel’s prophecy to describe the eleventh horn. The beast opened his mouth in blaspheme against God. The beast was to make war with the saints and to overcome them; and power was given him over all kindred's, tongues and nations. The beast is to continue forty two months, or in actual time, 1260 years.

While the vision of the woman standing upon the moon reveals the true Church of God flying into the wilderness for a period of 1260 years, this vision of the beast reveals the false apostate church which had its worldly influence and power for that same duration of time. It is during this second church period that the dark ages of the apostasy begins, an apostasy that shall last for 1260 years of human history.

The seventh vision of this period describe mystery Babylon, who is also identified to be the harlot. It is said of this harlot that she committed fornication with the kings of the earth and made the inhabitants of the earth drunk with the wine of fornication. She was arrayed with purple and scarlet, decked with gold and precious stones and had a golden cup full of abominations and filthiness.

The harlot was also drunken with the blood of the saints. In this vision we are provided a further description of the worldly influence of the false, corrupt religion that would dominate political and religious life during the dark ages of apostasy.

The seven visions of the second church period each define a different aspect of this period of history in which the true church of God becomes overshadowed by an emerging false religion that boasts of representing Christ and Christianity.

The third period of the Christian era continues the apostasy and is referred to as the dark ages. This period is identified as the Pergamos church period, spanning a period of history from about 530 A.D. until around 1530 A.D. There are eight visions associated with this period.

The first vision is the letter to the church at Pergamos which reveals this period of history would be the darkest time of religious decline. During this period the false Christian religion was at its height of worldly power and at its lowest in spiritual truth. The church had deteriorated into the pagan worship and doctrines that had been introduced into the Christian religion. Boasting that it was the representative of Christ on earth the false church made war with the true saints of God who would not bow to its idolatry, to murder them as heretics while promoting evil men to great offices within the church as spiritual and political leaders to the whole world.

The second and third visions of this third period are the sounding of the third and fourth trumpets. These visions describe the final destruction of the western imperial Roman political empire. Although the political system of Rome is in its final days as a political empire, it is being replaced by the religious/political system described to be the harlot apostate church, who assumes both political and religious authority for the state of Rome.

The fourth vision is the sounding of the fifth trumpet. If it were not enough that the true Church of God was hidden in the wilderness while an apostate church declared to represent Christ, this vision reveals yet another false religion that would arise during this period to become a world influence that would deceive many. The Islamic religion, founded by Mohammed, would make its worldly entrance during this period of church history as a messenger of false teaching and militant practices.

It is prophesied that the locusts of this vision would torment for 150 years. These locusts, who are symbols of the Saracen warrior followers of Mohammed, were active militarily from 612 to 762 ad. The religion of Mohammed, as does the harlot, continues to exist today, and it will continue to exist until the return of Christ.

The fifth vision of this period is a continuation of the two slain witnesses where the beast from the bottomless pit has killed them and left their dead bodies lying in the street of the city called Sodom and Egypt.

In our continuing studies we will pursue in much greater depth all the visions in this lesson. But for now let us accept the simple explanation of this vision to be, that God’s word and God’s spirit were rejected and replaced by the false teachings and religious practices of false religions during the dark ages, and that multitudes of millions fell into the ditch of spiritual destruction along with the false teachers of these religions.

The sixth vision of this third church period is the sounding of the sixth trumpet to reveal the invasion of the eastern Roman empire by the Ottoman Turks.

The seventh vision reveals a beast from the bottomless pit with seven heads and ten horns. It is full of names of blasphemy and the beast was, and is not. This is another symbolism of Rome in its pagan papal attempts to destroy the Church of God, but in this vision we learn that the Lamb of God shall overcome them. Even in the darkest period of church history the Lord reminds us that He has built His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The eighth vision of this period has been misinterpreted by many who take certain portions of the Revelation literally. Chapter 20 talks of an angel who has the key to the bottomless pit and a chain in his hand by which he binds the dragon and casts him into the bottomless pit for 1000 years., after which time the dragon is loosed for a season. This vision talks of two resurrections, the battle of Armageddon, Gog and Magog and the mark of the beast.

We will deal with this chapter thoroughly in another study but allow me to make this observation. Those who try to interpret certain portions of the Revelation literally see this to suggest that there shall be a 1000 year period on earth after Christ’s return, referred to as the Millennial reign.

Now here in God’s scripture is such a doctrine supported. In Chapter 20, where most of this erroneous doctrine has been conceived, there is no mention of Christ’s second coming nor is there any mention of a reign on earth, or any mention of Christ on earth. As we will learn in the study that deals with this chapter, this vision refers to this third church period of the dark ages.

In the fourth church age God’s true church begins to re-emerge to challenge the apostate church that has held world influence for the last 1260 years. This fourth church period, dating from about 1530 to 1730 ad. is described in four visions of the Revelation.

The first vision is the letter to the church at Thyatira which describes the situation of this period to be a time of partial reemergence of true Christianity, although some of the reemergence would be a mixture of religious doctrine that contained both truth and error.

The great reformation of the 1500’s led many people away from the apostasy of the Roman church, but while doing so there emerged other Christian religions that carried over some of the Roman and pagan beliefs. Although the beginning of a return to God’s word and God’s Spirit, the results of the reformation were not totally pure.

The second vision of this period is the opening of the fourth seal. A pale horse is revealed in this vision whose rider is named death. It is said of the rider that power was given him over a 4th part of the earth to kill with the sword, hunger and death and beasts of the earth. Unlike the three horses of the first three seals, this horse has no distinguishing color.

While the white horse represented the purity of the true Christian church, the red horse the bloodthirstiness of paganism and the black horse represents the total darkness of apostate religion...the pale horse with no distinguishing color represents a religious movement that is a mixture of other religions, both true and false. This vision identifies the religious movement of Protestantism, which had its beginning with the great spiritual reformation of the early 1500’s . The third vision is a continuation of the two slain witnesses as they resurrect from the dead. The word of God and the Spirit of God, which were rejected during the apostate period, are now being revitalized during the reformation movement. The Bible, which was denied and kept secret from the masses of people during the dark ages of the apostasy is now being made available through mass printing, and as people began to read the word of God for the first time they recognize the false teachings of the apostate church and the truth as Jesus taught it. The more they learned, the more they responded to truth to come out of the false religion and make their stand with the true Church of God.

The fourth vision reveals another beast with two horns like that of a lamb but who spoke as a dragon. This beast exercised all the power of the first beast and caused the world to worship the first beast. This beast also deceived the world and caused all, both small and great, to receive a mark in their hands and foreheads. The vision of this beast identifies the error of Protestantism.

While much of the protestant movement was good in that it began the return to God’s word and to the spiritual life in Christ, the protestant movement was also an outgrowth of false Christian teaching and practices that had occupied religious thought for 1260 years. The attempts of the devil to try to destroy the true Church of God has now changed coats once again.

In his first attempt, the devil wore the coat of the Roman pagan government who used force to try and eliminate God’s church. That coat was traded in for the false Christian coat of the Roman church, who used both force and false doctrine in its attempts to destroy the true Church of God. In this fourth church period the devil slips into yet another new coat of Protestantism, where a mixture of truth and error is used to deceive the masses.

The protestant beast tried to imitate the characteristics of a lamb in that it tried to appear non-violent but its true nature was known to God, who said that the beast spoke as a dragon.

The fifth church period lasts from around 1730 ad to around 1880 ad. There are two visions associated with this period, the first of which is the letter the church at Sardis. This vision identifies the situation after the great reformation in which the church of the reformers has settled down to being just another ecclesiastical religion. For 200 years the spiritual energy of the protestant movement was fueled by the vision and purpose to reform the Christian church.

But once the reformation had been accomplished, the Christian community is now settled into two factions, the Catholics and the Protestants. There was no longer a driving urgency for the Protestants nor a realistic hope for the Catholics that they would regain world political and religious sovereignty. Both groups had now mellowed into their religious routines within their own church walls.

The second vision of this period is the opening of the fifth seal. In this vision we see the souls under the altar who were slain for the word God and their testimony. White robes were given to them and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season. This heavenly vision reveals the true Church of God in her victory as the martyred saints are seen in heaven around God’s altar.

The "rest for a little season" suggests a time when God’s true church would be free from persecution and martyrdom, which was the case in the fifth church period when there was a lull in the church.

The sixth church period provides a dramatic revival for the church in the period from 1880 A.D. to 1967 A.D. It is during this period, characterized by the letter to the church at Philadelphia, that the truths of God are preached with renewed purity and holiness.

The call of the ministry during this time was that the true saints of God come out and stand separate from the error of false religion. It was a time when the true Christians determined not to be identified with human religion, either Catholic or Protestant, but rather to be identified with the universal and eternal Church that Jesus built where membership is composed of those who are saved by the blood of the Lamb of God, and who are walking in the light of holiness as He is in the light.

The second vision of this period is the opening of the sixth seal. Great physical calamities such as an earthquake, the sun becoming black, the moon becoming as blood and every mountain and island moved out of its place, describe the terrible world events that would occur during this period. The symbolism of this vision point to political disasters, which are confirmed by the many and devastating wars that our world has witnessed in the 20th century.

The seventh and final church period begins in 1967 A.D. characterized by the letter to the church at Laodicea. After the unsuccessful attempts by the devil to destroy the church of God by using his first three "P’s" of paganism, Papalism and Protestantism, the devil now has turned to his final two P’s in this last, final war against the Church of God. The devil knows that this is his final opportunity to destroy the Church of God and in so doing win the remainder of the souls of man.

The final two P’s of the devils attempts to destroy God’s people are identified in the letter to Laodicea. They are the P’s of peace and prosperity, possibly the most dangerous of all the enemies that the devil has used against the Church of God.

We presently live in a world where Christians are allowed to worship and live without the threat of imprisonment or persecution. Freedom of religion is now a mandate of most political powers, who permit religious people to enter into their sanctuaries, synagogues and temples to perform religious activity that is of no threat to the government.

Peace and prosperity are now enjoyed by the church as new sanctuaries are built and religious programs and activity has replaced faith, prayer and personal witness that kept the Church of God alive and spiritually powerful in former generations.

The letter to the Laodicean church age is not complimentary at all, by suggesting a lukewarm and wealthy situation that replace inner spiritual power. The warning of Jesus in his parable of the five foolish virgins suggests that His second coming will find many professing Christians indifferent to the real cause of Christ.

The only other vision associated with this final period is the opening of the seventh seal. This final prophecy reveals a silence in heaven for one-half hour, which is a prophecy that identifies the last dated event that God has revealed before the end of time. That event, which occurred in 1967, has begun the final era of church history to which the final signs before our Lord’s return have been dated.

Jesus, in His sermon regarding the end of time, referred to this final dated event of 1967, which also is identified in the opening of the seventh and final seal.

All the Revelation prophesies have been fulfilled, beginning with events in the year of 33 A.D. when Jesus first built His church and will conclude at the second coming of Christ, when Jesus shall glorify His church and present it to the Heavenly Father.

In our cassette tape studies we look in greater detail at these visions identified in each of these seven church periods.

Seven Church Periods

The Seventh Church Period

The Seventh Church Period
Of Revelation (Laodicea)

God has revealed political and religious events that would take place between the year 33 A.D. and the second coming of Christ, events significant to the Church of God. Most of the prophecies have already been fulfilled precisely as they prophesied. The only one that remains is the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the final event discussed in the Revelation.

In our last lesson we looked at the sixth period of church history which spanned the time period from 1880 to 1967 A.D. In this lesson we will look at the seventh and final period of the Christian era, identified as the Laodician church period, a period of history that spans from about 1967 A.D. to the second return of Christ. There are two visions associated with this period.
The first vision is the letter to the church at Laodicea, recorded in chapter 3:14-22.

"And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."

The sixth church age was one of spiritual excitement and power, but sadly the atmosphere in this final, seventh period has dramatically deteriorated, just as prophesied by the Laodicean letter.

From the middle of this century, somewhere after the 1950’s, the spiritual expression of faith declined to no small degree. The spiritual power and bold preaching of truth that were present in the earlier days of this century have been abandoned and replaced by religious organization and planning.

Churches, who once relied upon meetings of prayer now devote their time in committee and organizational meetings. Revival meetings have turned into life-enriching seminars. Simple and basic messages of truth have been replaced by sermons of homiletical and political correctness. Preaching for the souls of man has now been replaced by lessons of social interest. Present day pulpits are now battlegrounds against social injustice and political intrigue rather than being places of war against satan and his devises.

The fire of revival does not exist in the pulpits or in the hearts of the professing believers of Christ. For most of modern-day Christianity the priorities of serving God have been replaced by the personal ambitions of worldly wants and needs. This is the deteriorated condition of the last church age, the age in which we presently live.

There is no praise for this seventh church age in Christ’s letter to the Laodiceans, only criticism and condemnation. He identifies this as a time of peace and prosperity for the church, where no outward physical attacks threaten the believers, but which has caused the professing church to be indifferent and complacent to its high calling in Christ.

It is a time prophesied to be where wealthy sanctuaries blast forth a memorial to our human achievements while the evil of man’s heart grows more wicked with each passing moment.

It is a time of spiritual decline even as the church pursues a ministry of religious and organizational activity where few converts are born into the Kingdom of God. This is the spiritual atmosphere prophesied of Christ that would exist in the seventh and final period of church history, the time in which now are living.

The Laodicean church age is a time of complacency and misdirected priorities, described by Jesus as lukewarm. It is a spiritual condition that puts a bad taste in the mouth of God.

This seventh church age presents the most serious threat against the church of God of all that have come before it. It is a time where the devil is becoming more successful at undermining the credibility and authority of God’s true Church than any other time in church history.

Although satan was unsuccessful in destroying the church through paganism, papalism or protestantism, he is now making great inroads through the period of peace and prosperity.

Jesus said of the seventh church age that it would be a time of spiritual ignorance, even though we claim to be rich and increased with goods and that we have need of nothing. But in reality, Jesus sees the professing church during this period of history to be spiritually wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.

But even in the midst of this tragic spiritual atmosphere of the final seventh period of history, there is hope for the sincere. God’s answer for these final days is three-fold.

First, Jesus advises that we buy of Him gold that is tried in the fire. When gold is used as an illustration in the scriptures, it is used to represent the purity of faith. The first advise then, is that the church return to a purity of faith in God that will accomplish things that we are incapable of accomplishing through human effort. In so doing, we will become spiritually wealthy once again.

The second answer is to buy white raiment to cover the shame of our nakedness. In other words, return to the purity of Christian morality and spiritual righteousness that is taught in the word of God. In our current time the church has lowered its standards of belief in an attempt to attract all manner of sinners. Life styles that are condemned and judged by God have crept into the thought of Christian acceptance.

The Laodicean church age has lowered the standard’s of God, and the only answer is to return to true, Biblical righteousness which will cover the spiritual and moral nakedness allowed within the church. In so doing, the church can restore its lost credibility and authority to become productive witnesses of a holy God.

The third solution for this church age is that we anoint our eyes with eye-salve so that we may see. This suggests a visual illness or blindness that requires healing. Since a spiritual application is intended, we would identify this to mean a sincere return to the study and teaching of the basic doctrines (truths) of God’s word.

In this vision we are shown our Lord Jesus standing at the door of every Christian’s heart, knocking that He may enter with a renewed spiritual power and wisdom in these latter times of human history. Those who open the door of their hearts, to become bold examples of truth and righteousness, shall be granted to sit with Christ in His throne. Those who rebel against Christ’s warning and advise shall be as one of the foolish virgins, who will not be prepared when the call of the bridegroom suddenly comes forth.

In His love, God has warned us of the condition of these final moments of human history and how we can overcome them. It is a personal matter that each of us must apply to ourselves, for there is no prophecy of a great spiritual revival yet to come before our Lord’s return.
The second vision of this church period is the opening of the seventh seal, recorded in chapter 8:1

"And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour."

Before God opened this seventh seal He stepped back a moment to share another vision in chapter 7 that is not in sequence and unrelated to the opening of the seals. God often does this in the Revelation, as if to say, I have been showing you the bad stuff, now let me show you some good stuff.

While we will not explore the vision of chapter 7 in this lesson, let’s take a moment to hear about some of the good stuff. In the preceding visions of the opening of the first six seals, God warned His church that it would be assaulted by pagan and false religions, by political empires, by war, crime and many other earthly calamities throughout history.
But before He opens the seventh and final seal, God takes a moment in chapter 7 to encourage His church not to be afraid...for His true followers (the Church of God) are eternally protected. He reassures His people that the gates of hell will not prevail against them. God reminds His true believers to stay faithful, knowing that we shall inherit the crown of life, for we are joint heirs with Christ, and we shall live with Him forever in eternal glory.

All the things throughout history which satan has used against the Church of God shall not succeed in keeping us from our final reward. God’s people shall be victorious. This is the message that God wants every true believer to be reminded of in chapter 7, after which He then reveals the final prophesy of human events before the end of time. This final prophecy is revealed in the opening of the last and final seventh seal,

"And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour."

Notice the short duration of the fulfillment of this final prophesy. It says that there shall be silence in heaven for a space of about 1/2 hour, which equates to an actual 6-8 day period of time. In other words, the final vision defines a final event that would last for a period of about 6 to 8 days. This is the last dated prophesy revealed in scripture. Once this prophecy is fulfilled, there is nothing else that God can say from heaven, His prophesies are now silenced.

A sincere student of the scriptures can only conclude that these days in which we live are the midnight hours of man’s history on earth. The seventh seal has been opened and its prophesy fulfilled in the year 1967. Even Daniel the prophet, some 2500 years ago, was given the vision and time of this final prophesied event, just as did Jesus some 2000 years ago when He prophesied the time when the gentiles would be fulfilled.

In other lessons we deal with this prophecy in greater detail, but for this lesson we will confine our comments to the date and fulfillment of this final prophesy.

The prophetical 1/2 hour, which interprets to a literal 6-8 day duration, was fulfilled in 1967 in the miracle 6 day war, when the Jews reclaimed possession of their capital city, Jerusalem, after 2500 years of gentile control. This event fulfilled the prophecies of both Daniel and Jesus, and satisfies the opening of the seventh seal.

Beyond this date of 1967 God provides no future prophesy to suggest that our human family shall exist for future generations. We are currently living in a time of grace where the final signs leading to the second coming of Christ are happening precisely as all the scriptures reveal.

The foolish will dismiss these historical visions of God, to carry on life as normal, while those who are wise in their knowledge of God and His word, are preparing themselves for their victorious journey into the next life. For God’s people, the spiritual warfare on earth is about to end, a war that has been going on from the beginning of human history. The conclusion of the war is victory in Jesus for those who trust in His precious name.

The seventh and final church period began in 1967 A.D. Although Jesus has given us specific signs that reveal His soon return, only God knows the final date of human existence on earth, a date that Bible students recognize to be close at hand.

The devil knows that this is his final opportunity to destroy the Church of God, and in so doing win the remainder of the souls of man. Although we presently live in a world where Christians are allowed to worship and live without the threat of imprisonment or persecution, these are perilous and threatening times for the church.

Sincere observers of these days of human history conclude that we are fulfilling the lukewarm prophecy of this final church period, that many professing Christians are indifferent to the real cause of Christ and are complacent in their love to God and for the salvation of their fellowman.

There are no Biblical prophecies of a great world-wide spiritual revival before our Lord’s return. The condition of religion will be as described in the Revelation. Our Lord shall return to a great falling away and complacency within the Christian community. The only hope is for each individual believer who responds to the urging of God’s Spirit, by remaining faithful in following Christ to search out our own salvation with fear and trembling.

Will the Lord find us faithful at His return? That is the question that each must answer for our self. In general, the answer will be no for the masses of people. According to scripture, the Lord shall find only a few at His return who regard their religious salvation as the top priority of their life.

The final event which occurred in 1967 has begun the final era of church history to which the final signs before our Lord’s return have been dated. Jesus, in His sermon regarding the end of time, referred to this final dated event.

Every prophecy in scripture has been fulfilled, there are no others. There are no great revivals yet to be enjoyed nor is there to be a future anti-Christ who shall make his appearance on earth, for the anti-Christ is already here and recognized by sincere students of God’s word.

This is the message of Revelation and the reason why it was written. God wants His people to be prepared for the next event in history, which shall be the second coming of Jesus Christ, who at that time shall destroy the natural universe as we know it and judge both the good and evil, measuring out His punishment on the wicked and His reward to the good and faithful.

The only reason that can be offered for the Lord’s tarrying is that He is giving us a grace period to get our house in order.

Our brothers and sisters before us have faced the events of the past, just as God prophesied they would happen. It is now our turn to face these final moments in preparation of the ultimate event when time on earth shall be no more.

The Church of God has always been the only winner on earth and it shall be the only winner in the eternal world that awaits us. I am deeply thankful to God for His eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, a salvation that has placed me, as it does all others, a member in the Church of God that Jesus built. It still stands true as it did almost 2000 years ago, when the early disciples wrote in Acts 2:47,

"The Lord adds to the church daily those who are saved."

It is wise advise, especially in the moment that we live, to "look up, for your redemption draws near."

==Foundation Studies=

Parallel Series Of Visions

Letters To The Seven Churches
Chapters 2 and 3
1. Ephesus - First church age - ad 33 - 270
2. Smyrna - Second church age - ad. 270 - 530
3. Pergamos - Third church age - ad. 530 - 1530
4. Thyatira - Fourth church age - ad. 1530 - 1730
5. Sardis - Fifth church age - ad. 1730 - 1880
6. Philadelphia - Sixth church age - ad. 1880 - 1967
7. Laodicia - Seventh church age - ad. 1967 - second coming of Jesus

Opening Of The Seven Seals
Chapter 6
1. White Horse - First church age
2. Red Horse - First and second church age
3. Black Horse - Third and fourth church age
4. Pale Horse - Fourth and Fifth church age
5. Souls of slain saints- Third, fourth and fifth church age
6. Great earthquake - Sixth church age
7. Silence 1/2 hour - Seventh church age

Sealing of God's Saints
Chapter 7
1. First through Seventh church age

Sounding of The Trumpets
Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11
1. Hail and Fire - First church age
2. Burning mountain - Second church age
3. Star fell from heaven - Third church age
4. Third part of sun smitten - Third church age
5. Smoke/Locusts - Third church age
6. Four Angels loosed - Third church age
7. Voices from heaven - Seventh church age

Two Slain and Resurrected Witnesses
Chapter 11
1. Witnesses slain - Second and Third church age
2. Witnesses resurrected - Fourth church age

Woman and Dragon
Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
1. Woman/Man child - First thru Seven church age
2. Dragon - First, second, third church age

The Panorama of Beasts
Chapters 11, 13, 17
1. Beast from bottomless pit - Second church age
2. Leopard Beast - Second church age
3. Lamblike Beast - Fourth church age
The Harlot & Her Daughters
Chapters 17, 18

1. Second church age thru Second Coming of Christ

The Angel From Heaven
Chapter 20

1. First church age thru second coming of Christ


The first vision is not actually a vision but rather letters to the seven churches of Asia. As we have already learned, these seven letters to the seven churches identify the seven church periods through which the Revelation spans. This series of letters helps us to understand the spiritual atmosphere of the entire Christian era from beginning to end. Each church age is thoroughly discussed in the cassette tape study series, as are all the other visions.

The second vision is the opening of the seven seals. The first seal reveals a rider on a white horse with a bow in his hand. It is said of the rider that he went forth conquering and to conquer and that a crown was given to him. The color of horse is the only significant characteristic of the horse, which in this case is white, a color identified with purity. The human rider is the active agent in the vision, pointing our attention toward a religious event. The vision symbolizes the early Christian church at its beginning in 33 ad as it went forth conquering sin and paganism through the purity of its teaching the word of God and of its morality.

The second seal reveals a rider on a red horse who had been power to take peace from the earth and who was given a great sword to kill. This symbol identifies the persecutions against the Christian church by the political system of Rome sparked by their pagan religious beliefs.

The third seal reveals a rider on a black horse with balances in his hand that foretold the