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'''[[Old News Page]]'''
'''[[Old News Page]]'''
==China Tells its Citizens to Evacuate North Korea==
MARCH 5, 2017<br>
Published on 2 May 2017<br>
Radiation levels inside the Fukushima nuclear power plant, damaged by that tsunami nearly 6 years ago, is now at the highest point since this disaster. Experts believe that melted fuel is now leaking inside the plant nearly daily causing radiation levels high enough to kill a human being.<br>
China has told its citizens living in North Korea to evacuate, amidst rising tensions between North Korea and the US. At the same time China and Russia are demanding the THAAD system be removed from Soul and Russian General warns that US may be planning preemptive Nuclear strike on Russia
Nearly 300 tons of radioactive water is dumped in the Pacific Ocean each and every day. Radiation levels have reached 530 sieverts per hour and 4 sievert can already kill a human being. The amount of radioactive water dumped in the ocean will contaminate the whole Pacific Ocean and marine life will suffer the most.
==German Tanks on Czech Soil==
==Israel Retaliates against Syrian Army==
Published on 3 Mar 2017<br>
Published on 21 Apr 2017<br>
NATO is rapidly adding more forces towards the East and Russia too has built up and even more so with the Zapad exercise coming up in 2017. Will Kaliningrad be the boiling point? Now Russia starts military ties with Mexico, new dimensions to the cold war.
What will be the spark that ignites a global conflict, North Korea seems to be an optimal point now. Followed by Russia and China coming to North Korea's aide. This in turn will bring swift action in Europe on Moscow's door steps then Syria will be finished off in the Middle East. Did we leave anything out? Oh yes the purpose to sink freedom of speech n the US with a Nuclear war.
==US Bombs Al-Qaeda in Yemen==
==North Korea Warns Of "Super Mighty Preemptive Strike"==
'''Published on 2 Mar 2017'''<br>
Published on 20 Apr 2017<br>
US Bombs Al-Qaeda in Yemen also an enemy of Russia.
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more.  
Foreign Affairs Minister Maria Zakharova lashed out at MSM for all the fake news concerning Jeff Sessions alleged contacts with Russian officials.
==Berlin Germany Huge Crowd Threatens Jews==
==US Sends Two More Aircraft Carriers to Korea==
'''Published on 1 Mar 2017'''<br>
Published on 18 Apr 2017<br>
US prepares for war sends two more Aircraft Carriers to Korean waters. Seems Russia and China's presence has concerned the US Generals so before striking North Korea they have decided to send two more Aircraft carriers to the region.
Berlin Germany Huge Crowd Threatens Jews crying out "Jew Jew Jew come out and fight" sad in this day and age the world has gone right back to the days of the Nazis Germany.
Already Happened is reporting of Polish Military brass being replaced with combat hardened NATO officers.
Scientist simulate Asteroid attack on London.
<FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">'''NEW'''</font><br>
==North Korea Warns They Will Strike US Bases==
'''Published on 25 Feb 2017'''
Published on 14 Apr 2017<br>
Tensions are at an extreme level between the US and North Korea, so much so that China warns at any minute some one could pull the trigger.
Sub for more: http://nnn.is/the_new_media | Paris Swade for Liberty Writers reports, President Donald Trump has rescued the U.S. He has now reduced the US Debt burden in his first month in office. Check this out, check this out, check it! On January 20th, the U.S. debt was at $19,947 billion. OMG! That’s ridiculous, right?
'''Published on 22 Feb 2017'''<br>
==Russia Not Playing War Games==
APR 13, 2017<br>
Russia not just playing war games, rather the country is taking seriously the threats they are feeling by NATO as more and more troops and tanks and other war equipment builds up on Russian Borders. After the death of Russia's 4th Ambassador <br>
Officials believe that right now, at this very moment, North Korea has placed a live nuclear weapon into a launch tunnel and is preparing to detonate it. Leader Kim Jong-Un has told foreign journalists in the region to “prepare for a big event” tomorrow. President Trump has already ordered US warships to North Korea, and saying he will not allow this to happen. It is believed North Korea is in the final states of preparing for its sixth nuclear test. North Korea has warned the USA that it would respond with a nuclear strike if provoked.
The military giant must really be feeling a since of urgency. Defense Minster Sergei Shoygu spoke to the Russian Duma today about Russia's defense advances which no doubt is being monitored closely by NATO too.
<FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">'''NEW'''</font><br>
==North Korea Evacuates Capital Anticapation of US Strike==
'''Published on 20 Feb 2017'''<br>
Published on 12 Apr 2017<br>
==McCain Refers To Trump's Media Actions as a Dictator==
Kim Jung Un has ordered the evacuation 600,000 citizens from the capital of Pyongyang. Igor Korotchenko is the editor and chief of the National Defense Journal he seems to think the US may use a Nuclear strike on the capital or up to 600 Tomahawk cruise Missiles over whelming North Korea's response capabilities.
Senator McCain lashes out as President Trump and his candid approach towards the media as a sign of a rising Dictator. Lindsey Graham continued his assault on Russia from a different front accusing Russia of manipulating the election and promised a deeper investigation as well as more sanctions. Rioting spreads in europe as tensions grow between refugees and police.
==Red Alert: Putin Says Russian US Relations Have Degraded==
Published on 18 Feb 2017<br>
Published on 12 Apr 2017<br>
Sub for more: http://nnn.is/the_new_media | Jack Davis for Western Journalism reports, A former State Department employee who has dodged Congressional questions about his work on Hillary Clinton’s private email system could now face criminal charges. Bryan Pagliano, who in 2016 refused to testify before the House Oversight Committee, should be charged as a warning to others, Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said Thursday.
Russia's president Vladimir Putin states on April 12, 2017 if the relations between the United States and Russia especially the military side has severely been degraded
Published on 15 Feb 2017<br>
==US and China Secretly Prepared for Invasion of North Korea==
==Is the Two State Solution Over==
Published on 10 Apr 2017<br>
US and China form Coalition to Take Down North Korea<br>
President Trump in an historic meeting with PM Netanyahu seems to suggest that no Two State solution would be necessary to achieve a peace deal for the Palestinians. This all amidst a relentless attack on President Trumps administrartion
In a shocking turn of events it appears that China has been working with the United States secretly to topple Kim Jung Un North Korea's Dictator.<br>
Last year when China moved the feared Dongfeng-41 a nuclear capable inter continental Balistic Missiles to the North East Province of China experts were reporting that China was getting their Missiles closer to the mainland of the United States. Noone connected the dots that the China was working secretly with the US to take down North Korea.<br>
Russia too is preparing for the US led coalition to strike Syria. Now President Putin has realized Erdogan is no friend of Russia and that the US has planned to finish the job that Obama started to topple Syria's President Bashar al-Assad. There has been no proof that Assad used chemical weapons on his people but to the contrary the Rebels had Chemical weapons stockpiled, and Assad forces thinking they were taking out an arms cache in facthit a chemical weapons cache.<br>
==Russia Suspends Cooperation on Flight Safety With US==
Published on 7 Apr 2017<br>
The latest news and end times prophecy from around the world (**PLZ SUBSCRIBE**) watch this and you will know we are living in the end times, end times signs, end times news, end times events, bible prophecy, prophecy in the news, tornado, earthquake, strange weather, strange events, apocalyptic signs, apocalyptic events, strange weather phenomenon, wars and rumors of wars, book of revelation, four horsemen of the apocalypse, end times prophecy
In the first step that could be interpreted as a first step in retaliation of the US Cruise Missile strike on Syria Russia suspends the cooperation of air traffic safety over Syria. Also the first images of the US Cruise Missile strike on Syria has begun to surface. Inside information shows that Russia nor Syria tried to stop the incoming cruise missiles with the S300 defense system
==EU President Backs Trump to Topple Syrian President Assad==
Published on 7 Apr 2017<br>
The latest news and end times prophecy from around the world (**PLZ SUBSCRIBE**) watch this and you will know we are living in the end times, end times signs, end times news, end times events, bible prophecy, prophecy in the news, tornado, earthquake, strange weather, strange events, apocalyptic signs, apocalyptic events, strange weather phenomenon, wars and rumors of wars, book of revelation, four horsemen of the apocalypse, end times prophecy
Trump builds support to take down Assad will it back fire or find a world at war
==Russia Moves Cruise Missiles Sends Fears Through NATO==
==Syrian Rebels Behind Sarin Gas Attack==
Published on 5 Apr 2017<br>
Russia Moves Cruise Missiles Sends Fears Through NATO, Cruise Missiles that according to the New York times that has been banned by an agreement signed between the two nations in 1987. Russia however seems to be responding to NATO breaking treaties that were signed with Russia by moving troops tanks and other weapons to Russia's borders. Strange how only Russia is ever found at fault by Western media.<br>
The media is at again blaming the Syrian President Assad for gassing innocent civilians. Remember 2013 the gas attack that was meant to justify putting boots on the ground. Eren Erdem exposed this sinister plot by ISIS and Turkey to blame Syria. Now the famed White Helmets are working with the Syrian Rebels in what appears to be another blame game gas attack.
==Breaking: North Korea Just Put The World On Notice With One Statement==
==US Syrian Invasion Planned Months Ago==
Published on 5 Apr 2017<br>
Published on 12 Feb 2017
US Syrian Invasion Planned Months In Advance
Published on 9 Feb 2017<br>
President Trump claims that Syria has crossed the final red-line when just two days earlier Trump vowed no regime change in Syria. Well that’s odd Trump was moving his military equipment within striking distance of Damascus the same day he was claiming there would be no regime change in Syria.
==Israel Under Rocket Attack From the Sinai==
'''Israeli News Live'''<br>
==Terror Attack Near Tel Aviv==
'''Israeli News Live'''<br>
Published on 9 Feb 2017
Published on 9 Feb 2017<br>
Sub for more: http://nnn.is/the_new_media | Jeff Neukom for Western Journalism reports, Russia’s defense minister declared Tuesday that President Vladimir Putin has ordered his air force to prepare for “a time of war.” The declaration comes as the political waters near the Russian border have been rapidly approaching the boiling point, with thousands of NATO troops amassing close to the border with Russia as part of the largest build-up of Western troops neighboring Moscow’s sphere of influence since the Cold War.
==Syrian And Turkish Militaries Clashed==
Published on 9 Feb 2017<br>
In an unconfirmed report by Iranian news they are claiming that the syrian and Turkish militaries clashed near al-Bab today and ironically the Russian military bombed a turkish target near the same town - al-Bab. President Putin immediately reached out to President Erdogan expressing his condolences claim it was an accident but could the two instances be related?
==Climate Hoax Exposed: Warming Data Clearly Manipulated; Scientists Claim Libel!==
==Breaking: Russia Struck By Another Terrorist Attack==
Published on 4 Apr 2017<br>
Published on 7 Feb 2017<br>
On this edition of The Daily Sheeple's 'Daily News Brief', Joe Joseph discusses the latest in the ongoing climate drama where scientists are now suing people who claim their data is fraudulent.... EVEN WHEN THEY'RE PRESENTED EVIDENCE THAT IT IS!!!!! The climate hoax is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on humanity, and they don't want to give it up.... Note to scientists: Give up the climate change crack rock, and actually study why the Earth is experiencing the changes that it REALLY is experiencing.... UGH!
Two Police officers assassinated in what appears to be an apparent terrorist attack in southern Russia. In the province of Astrakhan two police officers were murdered while working a traffic stop.
==Pope Francis and President Trump Battle for Power==
==US Moves Military Equipment in Striking Distance of Damascus==
Published on 3 Apr 2017<br>
Published on 7 Feb 2017
In a strange twist Trump and Francis seem to battle it out in the back ground for global dominance in a way that may shock you.  
Is the US Preparing to Invade Damascus?
As absurd as this may sound the evidence seems to stack up in favor of this scenario of a US led invasion of Damascus, Syria. The movement of US desert Camo military equipment was done in a way to avoid detection by Russia. First to Germany to make it appear as a buildup on Russia’s border, then to Poland final to a port in Romania, then reloaded at set sail to Beirut Lebanon where Damascus comes into view. All the while Israeli US Italian and UAE military work in Greece to overcome Russia s300 air defense system. Israel moves their forces into the Golan for supposed drills. All troops in position Damascus to be hit next.

Revision as of 20:22, 3 May 2017


Old News Page

China Tells its Citizens to Evacuate North Korea

Published on 2 May 2017

China has told its citizens living in North Korea to evacuate, amidst rising tensions between North Korea and the US. At the same time China and Russia are demanding the THAAD system be removed from Soul and Russian General warns that US may be planning preemptive Nuclear strike on Russia

Israel Retaliates against Syrian Army

Published on 21 Apr 2017

What will be the spark that ignites a global conflict, North Korea seems to be an optimal point now. Followed by Russia and China coming to North Korea's aide. This in turn will bring swift action in Europe on Moscow's door steps then Syria will be finished off in the Middle East. Did we leave anything out? Oh yes the purpose to sink freedom of speech n the US with a Nuclear war. links

North Korea Warns Of "Super Mighty Preemptive Strike"

Published on 20 Apr 2017

Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more.

US Sends Two More Aircraft Carriers to Korea

Published on 18 Apr 2017

US prepares for war sends two more Aircraft Carriers to Korean waters. Seems Russia and China's presence has concerned the US Generals so before striking North Korea they have decided to send two more Aircraft carriers to the region.

North Korea Warns They Will Strike US Bases

Published on 14 Apr 2017

Tensions are at an extreme level between the US and North Korea, so much so that China warns at any minute some one could pull the trigger.


APR 13, 2017

Officials believe that right now, at this very moment, North Korea has placed a live nuclear weapon into a launch tunnel and is preparing to detonate it. Leader Kim Jong-Un has told foreign journalists in the region to “prepare for a big event” tomorrow. President Trump has already ordered US warships to North Korea, and saying he will not allow this to happen. It is believed North Korea is in the final states of preparing for its sixth nuclear test. North Korea has warned the USA that it would respond with a nuclear strike if provoked.

North Korea Evacuates Capital Anticapation of US Strike

Published on 12 Apr 2017

Kim Jung Un has ordered the evacuation 600,000 citizens from the capital of Pyongyang. Igor Korotchenko is the editor and chief of the National Defense Journal he seems to think the US may use a Nuclear strike on the capital or up to 600 Tomahawk cruise Missiles over whelming North Korea's response capabilities.

Red Alert: Putin Says Russian US Relations Have Degraded

Published on 12 Apr 2017

Russia's president Vladimir Putin states on April 12, 2017 if the relations between the United States and Russia especially the military side has severely been degraded

US and China Secretly Prepared for Invasion of North Korea

Published on 10 Apr 2017

US and China form Coalition to Take Down North Korea

In a shocking turn of events it appears that China has been working with the United States secretly to topple Kim Jung Un North Korea's Dictator.
Last year when China moved the feared Dongfeng-41 a nuclear capable inter continental Balistic Missiles to the North East Province of China experts were reporting that China was getting their Missiles closer to the mainland of the United States. Noone connected the dots that the China was working secretly with the US to take down North Korea.
Russia too is preparing for the US led coalition to strike Syria. Now President Putin has realized Erdogan is no friend of Russia and that the US has planned to finish the job that Obama started to topple Syria's President Bashar al-Assad. There has been no proof that Assad used chemical weapons on his people but to the contrary the Rebels had Chemical weapons stockpiled, and Assad forces thinking they were taking out an arms cache in facthit a chemical weapons cache.

Russia Suspends Cooperation on Flight Safety With US

Published on 7 Apr 2017

In the first step that could be interpreted as a first step in retaliation of the US Cruise Missile strike on Syria Russia suspends the cooperation of air traffic safety over Syria. Also the first images of the US Cruise Missile strike on Syria has begun to surface. Inside information shows that Russia nor Syria tried to stop the incoming cruise missiles with the S300 defense system

EU President Backs Trump to Topple Syrian President Assad

Published on 7 Apr 2017

Trump builds support to take down Assad will it back fire or find a world at war

Syrian Rebels Behind Sarin Gas Attack

Published on 5 Apr 2017

The media is at again blaming the Syrian President Assad for gassing innocent civilians. Remember 2013 the gas attack that was meant to justify putting boots on the ground. Eren Erdem exposed this sinister plot by ISIS and Turkey to blame Syria. Now the famed White Helmets are working with the Syrian Rebels in what appears to be another blame game gas attack.

US Syrian Invasion Planned Months Ago

Published on 5 Apr 2017

US Syrian Invasion Planned Months In Advance President Trump claims that Syria has crossed the final red-line when just two days earlier Trump vowed no regime change in Syria. Well that’s odd Trump was moving his military equipment within striking distance of Damascus the same day he was claiming there would be no regime change in Syria.

Breaking: Russia Struck By Another Terrorist Attack

Published on 4 Apr 2017

Two Police officers assassinated in what appears to be an apparent terrorist attack in southern Russia. In the province of Astrakhan two police officers were murdered while working a traffic stop.

US Moves Military Equipment in Striking Distance of Damascus

Published on 3 Apr 2017

Is the US Preparing to Invade Damascus? As absurd as this may sound the evidence seems to stack up in favor of this scenario of a US led invasion of Damascus, Syria. The movement of US desert Camo military equipment was done in a way to avoid detection by Russia. First to Germany to make it appear as a buildup on Russia’s border, then to Poland final to a port in Romania, then reloaded at set sail to Beirut Lebanon where Damascus comes into view. All the while Israeli US Italian and UAE military work in Greece to overcome Russia s300 air defense system. Israel moves their forces into the Golan for supposed drills. All troops in position Damascus to be hit next.