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Copyright © 2007 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Today we studied some of the verses of John, Chapter Seventeen. There are many concepts covered in these verses. In the morning, election was emphasized. In the evening we pursued the idea that God is making us one with Himself through the Lord Jesus Christ.

(2/19/2007) The Bible is clear, from the calling out of Abraham through to the giving of eternal life to those whom God has chosen, that the plan of redemption and the construction of the Kingdom of God are sovereign works of God. Romans, Chapters Nine and Ten are occupied with this thought.

Since the rise of the philosophy of Humanism, man increasingly has become convinced that he is the center of the universe. Many do not believe there is a God. Some view God as having created the universe and now is remaining somewhat aloof from it.

The modern interpretation of Divine grace is a perversion of what Paul taught, as it attempts to show that God is ready to receive whoever desires to go to Heaven whether or not there is any moral change in the individual. This interpretation, being man-centered, is a product of Humanism.

One can say today's gospel can be summed up as, "How to get to Heaven without really trying." This viewpoint holds a deep appeal for Americans, since they are consumed with participation in the trinkets and toys of the world system and are not inclined to pursue the rigors of discipleship with the necessary application of time and effort.

When I was in Bible school it was pointed out that souls were sliding into Hell by the millions because so few were willing to go forth and "burn out for Christ" in some foreign country. God is sitting in Heaven, waiting to see how many will make their life's work that of saving souls from Hell.

Being a conscientious person, I could not bear to go from day to day with the thought that if I just applied myself more diligently, souls would be saved from Hell.

I began to question in my mind if God has a plan; if He knows what He is doing; if He is in control. It is obvious that a verse such as, "No person can come to me unless the Father draws him," has no place in what I was hearing.

So I said to myself and God, "If You will tell me what you want me to do, and give me the grace to do it, I will obey, no matter what it is or what the cost to me personally." I said that and I meant it. (I mean it to the present hour.) I don't ever want to hear again, "God is waiting to see who will go all the way with Him." I have put the ball in God's court; and it is up to Him to respond (if there is a God, and if He knows what He is doing and is in control.

This commitment (challenge; dare, as you like) was made in 1948. I was fresh out of the Marine Corps and in my early twenties. Now I am eighty-one.

For a long time little of unusual spiritual significance seemed to happen. I just kept doing whatever was set before me, meanwhile praying and reading the Bible on a daily basis.

At that time (1948), God began to unfold the Scriptures to me (and He still is). I could see that much of what I had been taught was not scriptural. God does have a plan. He knows exactly what He is doing with every individual as well as every sparrow. He is in control of His universe. The earth is the Lord's and all its resources, as well as all the people. I rest in this.

When I was fifty years of age, the Lord directed Audrey and me into the work of pastoring, which we do to the present hour. Also, I was directed to begin to write down what I felt the Lord was teaching me. Thus I find in the seventeenth chapter of the Book of John a precise confirmation of the idea that redemption is a sovereign act of God.

Am I claiming by this that there is nothing we are to do? Not at all! Redemption is a joint act of God and the individual, as is true also of ministry. God's intervention in our lives always is an opportunity. We can cooperate with the Spirit of God, or we can turn away from the Spirit of God and go our own way.

Christ did not learn obedience in the spirit world, He learned it during His lifetime in the world. We are put in the world to learn obedience to the Lord. Every Christian goes through a school of obedience, just as we put a dog through a school of obedience.

We cannot redeem ourselves by our own power. Only God can redeem us. But if we do not obey God in all matters, we remain unredeemed. It is as simple as that. It is the sword of Gideon as well as of the Lord.

John, Chapter Seventeen, is the real "Lord's prayer." In this prayer Jesus pointed out that God has given Him authority over all mankind. Some members of mankind belong to God in a special way. God gives them to Jesus. Jesus gives them eternal life.

The above is not "fair." The Kingdom of God is not fair. The Potter is not fair. The Potter always is righteous, but not fair. The Bible is about sin and righteousness, not about what is fair.

God exalts and uses whomever He will, whenever He will, however He will. He is God. He is the Creator. He has chosen to give of His authority to Jesus Christ. God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ (the Anointed Deliverer from God).

Mankind struts about like ants in a garbage dump, who are convinced that a rotten banana skin is the highest good in the universe. Man makes great pronouncements, much as ants wave their feelers, being totally confident that they are in control of their environment—until they get stepped on!

Some people belong to God in a special way. This is not fair. God brings these elect to Jesus Christ. This is not fair. Christ gives the chosen ones eternal life. This is not fair. God is not fair. The Kingdom of God is not fair. The plan of redemption is not fair.

Can a "vessel unto dishonor" choose to become a vessel unto honor? Absolutely! Christ never will refuse anyone who comes to Him in humility! Let no one say we are teaching inevitability!

Is there such a thing as predestination? Yes, there is. But it applies to the fact that God elects certain people from the foundation of the world to be members of the royal priesthood, the Body of Christ. But can we, having been predestinated, fail to follow through to our inheritance? Absolutely!

Can someone who is not of the elect choose to be of the elect? I do not believe this is possible. Election is election.

But when it comes to salvation from wrath, the Bible is clear and simple: "He who believes and is baptized shall be saved." No "ifs" or "buts" about it. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved from wrath.

If we will read the early verses of the seventeenth chapter of other Gospel of John we may notice that what we have just stated is in line with their teaching.

In the evening we stressed that almighty God is calling His elect into total integration with His Personality. God is in Christ who is in us who are in Christ who are in God. Thus we have one perfect, complete God, ready to minister eternal life and health to a needy world. When we choose to enter this total integration into God through Jesus Christ, the world will believe that God has sent Jesus Christ into the world, and loves the saints (holy ones—holy because they belong to God in special way) as He loves His own beloved Son.

You can hear the morning sermon at morning. http://www.wor.org/audio/audio.htm

You can hear the evening sermon at evening. http://www.wor.org/audio/audio.htm

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