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Chapter Eight – The Amazing Male and Female Biology and Function

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Next Part God Pleased With Design

Back to Sex Its Unknown Dimension

Back to By David C. Pack

In the previous chapter, we looked at differences between humans and animals. We saw that there are multiple differences and that these differences are enormous. The same is true within the human species when it comes to men and women—male and female. There are significant and inspiring differences, and it is absolutely essential that they be understood if a couple is to experience the supreme happiness and joy that God intended for every marriage!

Beyond Biology Books

Much of what follows in describing male and female sex anatomy can be found in biology books. However, it will be presented here not from an evolutionary perspective, but from the perspective of the marvellous, creative genius of the greatest Master Architect—the Master Designer—the Eternal God.

From the age of puberty forward, it becomes vital that young people understand God’s purposes and His laws controlling sexual functions. They must be grounded in the understanding that God intended them, and has designed them, to live happy, enriching lives, and that this is regardless of age, sex or marital status. In a future chapter, we will explain how parents ought to teach their children certain things about sex, and it should be explained as soon as their little minds begin to be curious about their tiny bodies.

Many years before achieving social, mental and emotional maturity, man—unlike animals—reaches sexual maturity. Teenage girls and boys, years ahead of being qualified to handle the responsibilities of parenthood and marriage, are fully capable of becoming parents. In a social and moral climate unlike any other in history, when tremendous pressures are pushing them toward promiscuity, teenagers need a right understanding—a right attitude—toward sex. Only when presented from the right foundation—having minds opened to God’s purposes for sex and His laws regulating it—can adolescents have the strength to resist the pulls to engage in premarital sex.

Married couples also need this vital knowledge to preserve their marriages in continuing happiness. Lack of proper understanding in this area has been a major cause—and perhaps in many ways the very biggest physical cause—of frustration, conflict and unhappiness, often leading to the final conflict in marriage—separation, divorce and the end of the marital union.

Sex and the sex organs are neither to be viewed as shameful and evil, because they are not evil, nor are they to be used in reckless abandon and promiscuity outside the bonds of marriage as if they are a kind of toy to be used as would children. They are to be understood for exactly how God designed them and intended them to be used. He does not want mystery surrounding the wonderful gift and blessing of sexual function and potential.

Three Categories of Function

So then, at the very least, a rudimentary knowledge of the sex organ anatomy, sex stimuli and functioning is necessary to understand this sexual function and potential.

First, the three functional categories of the genital system will be described and explained—and we must speak in explicit terms and detail. These are:

Glands. The glands produce the germinal cells and hormones of the body. The male glands are called testes, or testicles, and the female glands, ovaries.

Ducts. Germinating cells are transported through these tubes from the testes and ovaries, making fertilization possible. In the male, these tubes are called the vasa efferentia, the epididymis, the ejaculatory duct and the urethra. In the female, they are called the Fallopian tubes, or oviducts. The ovum is carried from the ovary to the uterus through these tubes or ducts.

Copulation organs. In the male, this organ is called the penis, and in the female, it is the vagina. Through union of these organs, the germinal cells of the male, called spermatozoa, reach, and are able to fertilize, the ovum. The fertilized ovum remains in the uterus, being properly nourished and sufficiently developed, again, in the uterus or womb, until birth or parturition.

God’s Perspective

Before continuing with this basic discussion of the male and female anatomy, it would be helpful to view an analogy found in God’s Word, comparing the Church, which is the Body of Christ, to the incredible human body.

Man views sex as something he seems to naturally have, but does not know why he has it—the divinely-inspired purposes for sex. What man does know of sex only comes thorough what he is able to see or experience at the physical level and being led by human nature, which is purely interested in the self. Without God’s intervention in his mind, he is not capable of having an interest in any kind of greater or more supreme purpose than that. There are, then, strict limits on what men apart from God—on their own—can discover about human sexuality. But God explains that the very physical human body carries its own spiritual message for those who are interested in what God teaches from it.

Much like God’s true Church, the human body is composed of many members—not just one member. God wants His sons to understand His purpose. It is not our purpose here to explain everything that can be understood about the Body of Christ (the Church), but God has given the basic analogy of how it is like the human body, making it very easy to grasp. He directly compares His one, unified, organized Church—His true Church—to the human body.

One Unified Body

Let me offer another important inset at this point: The reader will want to read my very extensive book on the subject of what and where is God’s true Church to better understand this subject. Sex – Its Unknown Dimension teaches the truth of the Bible on the subject of sex and sex in marriage. But the Bible is filled with a host of different teachings and kinds of instruction—each one important.

Understand. The separate subject of the Church of God—the location and identity of the Church that Jesus Christ built (Matt. 16:18)—is paramount in importance to being able to recognize where the full truth of the Bible can be found. For the reader to progress to understanding the many other vital aspects of truth hidden from the world, he or she must understand where and through whom Christ’s Work is being done in this age. (For instance, ask yourself why we are teaching you the truths contained in this book.)

Notice what Paul wrote in I Corinthians 12:1-31, often called the Body of Christ chapter: “For as the BODY is one, and has many members, and all the members of that one BODY, being many, are one BODY: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one BODY...” (I Cor 12:12-13).

Colossians 1:18 and Ephesians 1:22-23 reveal that the term “body” is synonymous with “the Church.” There is only one Church and, like the human body, all parts are connected and function as one. Head, eyes, ears, fingers, toes, arms and legs are different but integrated parts of the human body. They must remain connected, or they will die. Of course, this is not difficult to understand.

The various members—begotten brethren—of God’s Church have differing functions, and God explains that He gives the various spiritual gifts to some of them to perform those functions. This is made clear in I Corinthians 12:1-31. Notice again: “Now you are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And God has set some in the Church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers...” (I Cor 12:27-28). It is God who does the setting or placing of individual members into the Body (of Christ), as an exact type of how He has placed individual body parts within the human body. Obviously, this can be stated both ways, but the meaning of God’s intention is clear.

Notice further: “If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? But now has God set the members every one of them in the body, as it has pleased Him” (I Cor. 12:15-18).