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Aspects of the Resurrection of the Saints 4

For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3)

In this sense we no longer are in this world. We have been raised together in and with Christ. This is a genuine resurrection and ascension, not merely a legal state being assigned to us. Being raised spiritually with Christ is an actual experience in Heaven, and by faith we are to lay hold on and nourish continually this step toward the first resurrection from the dead.

Many times during our pilgrimage we are pressed nearly to despair. We must remind ourselves constantly of what God has said is true of us in Heaven. We must pray and not faint, asking God to give us Divine wisdom and revelation. An abiding consciousness of life in the heavenlies in the midst of the saints and the elect angels is an important aspect of the walk of the conquering saint. It is the necessary viewpoint for the march toward attaining the first resurrection—the resurrection of the royal priesthood.

In connection with this we must keep in mind that the heavens are not far off beyond the stars. They are all around us, including the Heaven of God and Christ. They are invisible but near at hand. We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. We already have come to Mount Zion.

There are believers who have dreams and visions and there are others who are as "spiritual" but who do not have dreams or visions nor do they hear voices. All of us can learn to set our minds on the things in the heavenlies although we all do not have the same kind or degree of "vision" in spiritual things.

Some are led in supernatural ways and others in more natural patterns. Perhaps the difference arises from the type of personality we have. But neither the supernatural nor the natural guidance is an index of spirituality. By "an abiding consciousness of life in the heavenlies" we are not speaking of spiritual "vision" but of a life of prayer that keeps us in tune with the Spirit of God.

The anointing with the Spirit of wisdom and revelation enables us to escape the prison of the world and the flesh and to walk firmly and joyously in steps ordained and wrought in Heaven.

There needs to be more of an emphasis in our day on attaining the initial spiritual resurrection—the resurrection of the sixth and eighth chapters of the Book of Romans, the first and second chapters of Ephesians, and the third chapter of Colossians.

The point is this: apart from attaining the spiritual aspects of the resurrection it is not possible for there to be a bodily resurrection of the individual to the fullness of glory promised to the saints. The first resurrection from the dead must be attained.

The last enemy that will be destroyed is physical death. The other enemies of the saint, including worldliness, sin, and self-love, must be conquered before the believer is granted the body of resurrection life.

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. (I Corinthians 15:26)

Think about the following:

If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection [out-resurrection] of the dead. (Philippians 3:11)

Continued. Aspects of the Resurrection of the Saints 5