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To be continued.5

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Seven Areas of Reconciliation, 5

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 2:9)

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is not a means of becoming prosperous and successful in the world. The Apostles of the Lamb never preached the Gospel as a means of becoming prosperous. Whether or not we Christians are prosperous in material wealth is irrelevant. What does matter is that we walk in righteousness, holiness, and obedience to the Father's will.

If we will seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all we need in the way of material blessings will be added to us. This is the promise of God.

It is impossible to mix the Gospel of the Kingdom with the acquisition of money without bringing deception upon oneself. The Christians who love money will come to the same end as Balaam (Numbers 31:8).

Until the King has driven the "moneychangers" out of the believer's "temple," that individual cannot enter the spiritual fulfillment of the feast of Tabernacles.

Other scholarship views Nicolaitanism as the involvement of the Christian churches in secular society. Christ does not approve of this. He hates it. The Lord did not want Israel to seek help from or to become involved with Egypt, Babylon, or any other worldly kingdom. The Lord does not want His Church to join forces with any alliance of worldly people no matter how righteous their cause may seem to be.

The Christian Church is to remain separate unto God for His holy purposes!

The moment a Christian church becomes involved in worldly business or politics or any other operation of secular society the Spirit of God leaves the church. The Church of Christ is a chosen, anointed, holy group of individuals. When those individuals join hands with people who are not chosen, holy, and anointed of God, the Spirit of God will not remain.

Since human problems come largely from the devil and his angels, if the Spirit of God is not present it is impossible that any lasting solution to the problems can be found, even though millions of people spend millions of dollars in the attempt.

If we would have the Father and the Son make Their eternal home in our heart we must "come out from among them" and be a separate, holy people to the Lord (II Corinthians 6:17). When the Father and the Son are not making Their eternal home in our heart we are not a true witness of God to the creation.

Thyatira speaks of worldliness and immorality in the churches. No person who is not pursuing moral purity can be reconciled to God (except in his initial coming to Jesus as a lost sinner), can have fellowship with God, can be received of God, can see the Lord.

The sinner can come to the Lord Jesus and be reconciled to God by faith, receiving forgiveness of his sins. God will give the gift of righteousness freely to those who call on the name of Jesus.

To be continued. 6