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To be continued. 4

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Seven Areas of Reconciliation, 4

For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. (Hebrews 10:26,27)

In our effort to please people, to gain membership and support, we are bearing a false witness of the holy God. We are portraying the Lord God as a kindly, sympathetic person who is accepting our abominable actions. We want to appear "positive" and "loving" instead of "negative" and "condemnatory." God help us!

Chapter 28 of the Book of Deuteronomy presents the true, current attitude of the Lord toward His people. One may notice that the list of blessings is short while the list of curses is much longer.

If we understand the Holy Spirit correctly, all the curses of the Scriptures, including those of Deuteronomy, Chapter 28, are soon to come on the nations of the earth—particularly the so-called Christian nations. Those who knew their Lord's will and did not do it will be beaten with more lashes than will be applied to the ignorant.

The sin and rebellion of earth's peoples have been judged. The handwriting now is on the wall. We have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. The sword of judgment will not be long in falling.

Each sincere saint must, by his life and words, bear a true witness against sin. Giving a true witness against sin requires wisdom. We are not to violently demand that unsaved people receive Christ or that they cease their sinning. The anger of man does not bring about the righteousness of God. Sometimes it is enough to testify against sin by leading a pure life.

However, God's ministers will have blood on their hands in the near future if they do not lift up their voices like trumpets and warn God's people and the world of God's wrath against the sins of today.

In connection with the church in Pergamos, the Lord Jesus mentioned the doctrine of Balaam and the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. The church of Ephesus, which may have been more pure than the church in Pergamos, hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans.

Some scholars hold that the doctrine of the Nicolaitans is antinomian Gnosticism. Antinomian Gnosticism presents the idea that moral behavior on the part of believers is not essential to salvation. The concept that "Jesus did it all," following the Reformation concept of justification by "faith alone," is the modern form of antinomian Gnosticism, of the doctrine of the Nicolaitans.

It is not true that we remain justified by "faith alone." According to God's Word, faith without works of righteousness is dead because it is alone. It is entirely possible to turn the grace of God into immorality, making grace ineffectual as a means of redemption.

The doctrine of Balaam, as we understand it, is the attempt to mix salvation with money. From the time that Balaam attempted to obtain gold by his gift of prophecy, men have been endeavoring to use the things of God in order to become rich.

Using the Christian redemption as a means of acquiring material wealth is fashionable today. Antichrist has managed to convince multitudes of believers that faith in the Lord Jesus ought to make them prosperous and successful in the world. Riches are deceitful. The advocates of material prosperity have been deceived!

To be continued.5