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The Altar of Burnt Offering

Revision as of 16:09, 15 February 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

1. Of what material was the Altar of Burnt Offering constructed?
2. What do the four horns of the Altar of Burnt Offering signify?
3. For what purpose were the horns used in the days of the Tabernacle of the Congregation?
4. What were the dimensions of the Altar of Burnt Offering?
5. What is the meaning of the word altar ?
6. What is the meaning of the term burnt offering ?
7. To what must the Body of Christ always point?
8. What is our condition before we receive Christ?
9. Into what condition does the Divine plan of redemption (atonement) bring us?
10. Who is the Author and the Finisher (Perfecter) of our faith?
11. What was the first thing an Israelite came to when he entered through the gate that led into the Courtyard?
12. Where does God always meet people?
13. Why cannot a human being come to God in his own righteousness?
14. Where, in the Scriptures, are the five major types of offerings described?
15. How do we overcome the accuser?
16. What is true of us if we are walking in the light of God's will?
17. Was Christ primarily a righteous teacher?
18. What paid the price for our sins?
19. Is the blood of Christ an adequate sacrifice for the sins of every person born on the earth?
20. Is there any human being who can come to the Father in his own righteousness, apart from the righteousness of Christ?

Of what material was the Altar of Burnt Offering constructed?</strong>

Acacia wood covered with bronze.</p>

What do the four horns of the Altar of Burnt Offering signify?</strong>

The good news of Christ’s atoning death is to be preached to the ends of the earth. His death and the resulting atonement, working through the power of His resurrection, will push with irresistible power and authority until the Kingdom of God fills the earth and Christ is Lord of all.</p>

For what purpose were the horns used in the days of the Tabernacle of the Congregation?</strong>

Tying the animals to be sacrificed.</p>

What were the dimensions of the Altar of Burnt Offering?</strong>

About four and one-half feet high and seven and one-half feet square.</p>

What is the meaning of the word altar ?</strong>

Slaying for sacrifice.</p>

What is the meaning of the term burnt offering ?</strong>

Ascending toward God what is acceptable and pleasing to Him.</p>

To what must the Body of Christ always point?</strong>

Christ on the cross.</p>

What is our condition before we receive Christ?</strong>

We are in total chaos of spirit, soul, and body, without Christ, without hope, in the bondage of sin and death, and under the authority and power of Satan.</p>

Into what condition does the Divine plan of atonement bring us?</strong>

The atonement takes us from our personal chaos of spirit, soul, and body, all having been corrupted by sin, and by the grace of God in Christ brings us all the way to the image of Christ in spirit, soul, and body, to our being made the Temple of God, and to authority and power through Christ over all things.</p>

Who is the Author and the Finisher (Perfecter) of our faith?</strong>


What was the first thing an Israelite saw when he entered through the gate that led into the Courtyard?</strong>

The bronze Altar of Burnt Offering.</p>

Where does God always meet people?</strong>

At the cross, at the place of the shedding of blood.</p>

Why cannot a human being come to God in his own righteousness?</strong>

The scales of Divine equity must be balanced. There must be the offering of a substituted life or else God will not accept the person of the worshiper.</p>

Where in the Scriptures are the five major types of offerings described?</strong>

Leviticus, Chapters One through Seven.</p>

</a>. How do we overcome the accuser?</strong>

By the blood of the Lamb.</p>

What is true of us if we are walking in the light of God’s will?</strong>

The blood of Christ is cleansing us from all sin.</p>

Was Christ only a righteous teacher?</strong>

No. Christ was a sacrificial blood offering to God the Father.</p>

What paid the price for our sins?</strong>

The blood of Jesus.</p>

Is the blood of Christ an adequate sacrifice for the sins of every person born on the earth?</strong>

The sacrifice is perfect and absolutely adequate for every person.</p>

Is there any human being who can come to the Father in his own righteousness, apart from the righteousness of Christ?</strong>

Any person who, knowing of the sacrifice of Calvary, attempts to come to God in his or her own righteousness is doomed already.