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Revision as of 23:44, 19 January 2014 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (The Truth About Revelation's 7th Trumpet!)



Published on 9 Jan 2014
Isn't there something in the bible about a middle-east peace agreement? Yes! There sure is and it is one of the events near the rapture and right before the end of the age. In this presentation, Scottie unveils the prophetic scriptures related to the events that are happening on the world stage as you read this and what is next! This is a fascinating video, friends. Do not miss it! Please like it and click the "share" button as well!



Published on 2 Jan 2014

The Prophecy: The late Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri said on his death bed that the Messiah had visited him, His name is Yahshua (aka Jesus Christ) and that He would return to Israel shortly after the death of Ariel Sharon.

This is an update on Ariel Sharon's condition and is intended to inform those who are not aware of this story. As far as being a prophecy, it is extra biblical and is not intended to be taken as 100% valid Bible prophecy. I follow the story at my own interest and I am simply sharing for the benefit of others. Please share this on your networks as well if you would like. Thank you and keep looking up! ~Scottie

Notes of interest:

Ariel Sharon suffered a serious stroke on January 4, 2006, and has been comatose since.

Yitzhak Kaduri, Died on January 28, 2006, in Jerusalem, Israel.

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri's AMAZING End Times PROPHECY

Will the death of former Israeli PM Ariel Sharon herald the RAPTURE of the Church and the return of Messiah? Watch this video for the startling prophecy which makes this claim!


Prophecy of the Popes FULFILLED! Pope Francis IS Petrus Romanu


PLEASE SHARE THIS! - Did St. Maclachy's 112th prophecy of the final pope fail because the new pope named hmself Pope Francis and not "Peter the Roman"? In this presentation, Scottie breaks down the facts and shows you some very enlightening information that you may not have known. The False Prophet of apocalyptic fame may very well be in power in Rome after all! Keep a watchful eye on him. We shall soon see.

(Sorry about the crazies in the comment section below. They always find my videos... and the bandage is because of my overly scratching kitten.)

Watch Scottie's previous video for more info on this important topic: Pope Benedict Has Resigned! - False Prophet Next in March 2013? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouog0u...

Petrus Romanus Authors website (Great resource for this topic) http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/

Glenn Beck & John Hagee End Time Bible Prophecies

MUST WATCH' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl9ju4M57gg

Second Coming of Jesus Christ - Polar Shift & Global Earthquake

MUST WATCH' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R9KXMrdXHU |- |-

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REVEALED!! 3 AMAZING Reasons for the Prophetic Blood Moon


Walid Shoebat - END TIMES ALERT! - (Full Version)

Walid Shoebat on The End Times ALERT! Eschatology: Holy Bible Prophecies!


The Truth About Revelation's 7th Trumpet!

SCOTT CLARKE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs5BkHeEj58

Is The RAPTURE In The Bible? Here is the Truth!


Published on 14 Oct 2012 Some believe that because the word "rapture" is not in the bible that the event described in the Bible is a myth. Is this true? With this logic, the Bible itself could not be real as the word "Bible" is not within its pages either. One would also have to deny the existence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as a Holy Trinity since the word "Trinity" is also not within its pages.

In this video, Scottie explains where the word "rapture" derives from and tackles some other scriptures mistakenly taken out of context. Enjoy!

Scottie's Main Ministry Channel - Eternal Rhythm Flow


Part 1 Is The RAPTURE In The Bible? Here is the Truth!


Part 2 The Truth About The "Last Trump" of 1 Corinthians 15:52!


Part 3 The Truth About Revelation's 7th Trumpet!
