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50. More than Conquerors

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"We are more than conquerors." Rom. 8:37

This brings out the glorious, everlasting outcome. This is the full triumph of a Savior's love. Now his work is complete. He is satisfied for the travail of his soul. He sees his elected host all secure. Of those whom the Father has given him, none is lost. They stand before him washed, and justified, and sanctified forever. They are clothed in the garments of his salvation. They are covered with the robe of his righteousness. They are partakers of his everlasting glory. They are more than conquerors, through his love. How glorious, how animating is such a title! May I be permitted to claim and employ it? It belongs to the people of Christ. It is his gift to his chosen and redeemed flock. Why may it not be mine? Thus will I enjoy and improve it. But how am I more than a conqueror?

1. My enemies are all destroyed.Enemies may be conquered, but still remain to rise again. The Christian's enemies are all finally destroyed. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. When this is destroyed, all are so--every foe has passed away. Ah, how violent and powerful they seemed in the hours of my contest! How unconquerable they appeared, when Jesus undertook the work! How multiplied they were in each individual case! But there is now an end of them forever. Never will they rise again. Neither sin nor sorrow, Satan nor death, can again appear in opposition to the will and purpose of God. The snare is finally broken, and I am delivered. This, Jesus has done. He has subdued these hosts under me. By his power I am carried through them all. And his glory shines in the amazing work.

2. I have recovered all that I had lost.Complete possession of all that God originally gave, has resulted from the Savior's victory. All my relationships to God and heavenly beings are restored. All my own powers and nature are restored again to God. The life with God, which my sin had forfeited, the obedience of Christ has again obtained. I am thus reinstated in all my former possessions and hopes. Not every victory thus results. Human victories are often very partial--leave much unacquired, and their gains are with great attendant loss. In my victory, there is no loss. Nothing is left behind. Not a wound has been endured unhealed--not a suffering uncompensated. This is wonderful. The whole state of happiness and hope, which man unfallen enjoyed, or could have enjoyed, man redeemed receives again through the glorious victory of Christ. This entire recovery of possessions makes me more than a conqueror. But this is not all.

3. I have attained far more than I had lost.It was but the obedience of man which failed. It was but the reward of that obedience which was lost. But it is the perfect righteousness of God manifest in the flesh which is now received. It is the crown and glory which that deserves, which is now obtained. It is everlasting and all-glorious merit. The value of this is infinite. I cannot conceive its worth. It was a mere earthly paradise which I lost. But it is a heavenly inheritance which I have received--an inheritance that the heart of man did not conceive. The glory of that earthly state of innocence was much; but the glory of this heavenly state of justification is far more. All human excellence is inferior to this divine excellence with which grace has clothed the believing soul in Christ. How exalted is this state! But it is the state of every believer in Christ. It is my state, as the result of his glorious victories in my behalf. Yes, it is more than a conqueror. It is a divine bestowal of glories, that I could not have enjoyed, had not a new nature also been given me, with the victory which has put me in possession of the glory of God.

4. I shall never lose again that which has been thus bestowed.The Savior's work is a final work. He has bestowed upon me all the glorious gifts of his grace, but he has not entrusted them to my fallible will. He keeps them, by his own mighty power, for me, that I may enjoy the benefit, but never have the hazard of their being lost again. All other victories are subject to future warfare and disputes. The victory of Christ for me leaves no question to be settled hereafter, and no future contest to be completed. Now, all is done. The work which his grace began, his triumphant grace perfects. My safety stands not in any wisdom of man, but in the power of God. All enemies are finally subdued under his feet, and grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life. They which receive this abundant grace, and this gift of righteousness, reign with Christ forever. Oh, this is salvation and glory indeed! This is the triumph of the saints. This glorious victory is mine--I will rejoice in it--I will be strong in it--I will be faithful through it to the end. The Lord help me and keep me, and let me see his great salvation!

5. This is a glorious close to my course of meditation. More than a conqueror--Yes, every enemy destroyed. All recovered that I had ever lost--more obtained than I ever before possessed. Nothing ever to be lost again. Surely this is more than victory. But this is the conquest of Christ for his people; this is the conquest of Christ for me. I will bless him at all times. His praise shall ever be in my mouth.

Who are these in bright array? 
This innumerable throng? 
Round the altar night and day, 
Tuning their triumphant song?

These through fiery trials trod– 
These from great afflictions came, 
Now, before the throne of God, 
Sealed with his eternal name.

Clad in clothing pure and white, 
Victor palms in every hand, 
Through their great Redeemer's might, 
More than conquerors they stand.

Joy and gladness banish sighs, 
Perfect love dispels their fears, 
And forever from their eyes 
God shall wipe away their Tears.

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