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The Last Days 3

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And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (II Thessalonians 2:11)

There has entered into the thinking of Christian people a false hope. That false hope is the concept of the pre-tribulation rapture. The doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture, combined with the perversion of Paul's teaching of grace to mean it is not necessary that we live a righteous and holy life before the Lord, has destroyed the Christian churches of our day.

It is conjectured that since we are saved by unconditional grace it is not necessary to express our faith in righteous conduct.

Terror is about to fall on all nations. When it does, the believers who have been lulled to sleep by false doctrine will be swept off their spiritual feet.

They will not be able to stand and bear witness in the last days—which precisely is what Satan hopes to achieve. Rather they will be slain spiritually (and physically, in some instances) by the antichrist political-economic system and by the spirit of religious deception. This is taking place now.

Although we probably are in the Philadelphian age we see about us increasing signs of the lukewarmness of the last of the golden lampstands—the church of the Laodiceans.

Such Laodicean lukewarmness is especially evident in the wealthy democracies in which the worship of God is permitted (with some limitations). Although Christian in name and doctrine, the church of the Laodiceans is a friend of the world.

The church of the Laodiceans professes to be "rich, and increased with goods." But it is disgusting in the sight of the Lord. He will vomit the materialistic Laodicean believers from His mouth.

Laodicea is the lampstand of God. But it soon will be replaced by that which never was of God, that is, by the False Prophet (spiritual deception) and by Babylon (the end-time Christian religious organization).

We already can observe the advent of the False Prophet—the spirit of religious deception and seduction that will give spiritual life to the antichrist world system of politics and economics. Even today we see a tendency toward the occult, toward supernatural schemes for personal success and prosperity.

The False Prophet has entered the Christian churches with all sorts of supernatural practices of "faith," imaging, and positive thinking. The next step may be for Christian leaders to approach the heads of state and teach them how to use supernatural principles of faith in order to gain power.

Perhaps they will urge the heads of government to "accept" Jesus and to speak in tongues. But they will not tell them that in order to be a Christian they must lay down their life, take up their cross, and follow Jesus. Of course, all their "saving" of the heads of state will be done in the name of Christ, as Jesus declared (Mark 13:6).

In the last days the false prophets will help Antichrist rule over the nations just as today they gain entrance to as many governmental leaders as they can, thinking they are getting them saved and that somehow the Kingdom of God will be increased in this manner. It is not of God. It is the False Prophet giving life to the Beast (Revelation 13:15).

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