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Peace is the perpetual goal of mankind, but peace cannot be attained apart from the Prince of Peace. Today the world realizes more than ever before the desirability of peace among the nations. But the world is doomed to failure. There can be no peace for the wicked.

The present is filled and the future will be filled with wars and rumors of wars. There is no possibility it can be otherwise. As long as Satan is allowed to work on the earth, as long as men choose Satan over Christ, there will be wars and fighting. War, hatred, revenge, quarreling, bickering, strife, covetousness, jealousy, envy, malice, are all in Satan’s personality.

Light cannot abide in darkness. As we walk in the Spirit of God, the Spirit wars against all of Satan that is in us. Little by little the darkness is driven out of us. As victory is won, peace results. When there is no sin in us we have peace—God’s peace. This is the only true and lasting peace. To have the peace of God rule in our hearts is to possess one of the most priceless of all possessions. Eternal peace is the image of the Lord God of Heaven.

Satan is the personification of hate, misery, and unrest. His servants are hateful, miserable, and frantic. Hell is an area of turmoil, being filled with the screams of the frustrated, the covetous, the murderous, the lecherous, the jealous, the fearful. The Kingdom of God is an area of peace, being filled with love, joy, peace, and righteousness.

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