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He kisses the hand that strikes Him!

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Back to Daily Bible Readings for the Lord's Household

"My Father, if it is possible—may this cup be taken from Me!
Yet not as I will—but as You will."  Matthew 26:39

So said Jesus, when in His agony in the garden. His sufferings were tremendous; He was overwhelmed. He cried, "My Father, if it is possible—may this cup be taken from Me!" But His resignation, His unqualified acquiescence in His Father's will, immediately appears, for He adds, "Yet not as I will—but as You will." 

O for such meekness! O for such entire resignation to God's will! 

No one ever suffered like Jesus! He suffered immediately from the hand of God! The stroke bruised and mangled Him—yet He kisses the hand that strikes Him! He feels Himself sinking in deep waters, pressed down by the wrath of God—yet He acquiesces. His pains were agonizing—yet He was willing to endure them for us! 

Blessed Redeemer, what love was Yours! 

What infinite, unparalleled  mercy!

if troubles burden us, 
if sorrows press us, 
if pain tortures us, 
if friends forsake us, 
if our hearts feel ready to fail us:
let us repair to Gethsemane; 
let us take a place by the side of the suffering Saviour; 
let us compare our sorrows with His; and 
let us endeavour to say, "Yet not as I will—but as You will!"

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