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Happiness hunters!,.

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Back to Christ's Comfort for Weary Pilgrims!

(Cornelius Tyree, "http://www.gracegems.org/25/living_epistle.htm" The Moral Power of a Pious Life")

A higher degree of personal piety, will promote 
a higher degree of personal happiness. 

"Sin and sorrow are bound together by 
adamantine chains." 
Hence man increases 
in misery — as he increases in sin. It is upon this 
principle that the devil is the most miserable 
being in the universe — because he is the most 

So, on the other hand, there is an inseparable 
connection between holiness and happiness. God 
is the most happy being in the universe — because 
He is the most holy. And the happiness of His 
people is just in proportion as they resemble 
Him in righteousness and true holiness. 

Heaven is a world of supreme happiness,
because it is a world of supreme holiness. 

is a world of supreme misery, 
because sin is there fully developed. 

God has so ordered it, that our comfort and happiness
in this world can only be found in a pious life. For the 
last six thousand years mankind have been happiness
. In all ages and lands the eager query has been, 
"Who will show us any good?" But every device has been 
a failure! The recorded and unrecorded experience of all 
has been, "All is vanity and vexation of spirit!" We can 
no more expect to find happiness in the pursuits and 
objects of this world — than we may expect to find 
luscious grapes growing at the icy North Pole.

But in the likeness and service of Christ, is found 
a happiness which is pure, elevating, perennial, 
inexhaustible — a happiness that will go with us 
in all conditions, all lands, and all worlds!

The great cause of all the sadness and depression 
in the followers of Christ, is the small degree of their 
piety. The only reason why they are disconsolate, 
is because they "follow the Lord afar off." One single 
uncrucified, unbemoaned sin — will not only destroy 
all pious enjoyment — but open the soul to the devil, 
with his whole black train of guilt and misery. It 
matters not what this sin is. Any one sin habitually 
indulged in, whether it is pride, malice, backbiting, 
covetousness, filling the mind with unholy images, 
or murmuring under adverse providences — will 
exclude from the soul all pious enjoyment. 

After all, the great secret of being happy, is 
to be holy.
 He who grows in practical piety has 
opened a thousand sources of true bliss. 

The "golden fruit of happiness" grows only on the 
"tree of holiness". If happiness is sought in any 
other way than by being holy — it is sought in vain.

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