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The Spirit's teaching'

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Back to The Marvellous Riches of Savouring Christ

To Mrs. H., 1849. 
My own sweet Amelia,
Surely your words are pleasant words to my soul, because they flow in sweet accordance with the pure law of liberty and love; which is, that "in all things Christ shall have the pre-eminence," yes, that He shall be all, and we nothing. Our Teacher must be one, the teaching is so in unison; and how blessed, my dear Amelia, that flesh and blood has not revealed this unto us—but our Father who is in heaven, whom it has pleased to reveal His Son in us, and also to give Him unto us as our precious heavenly Bridegroom. The glories of His person, and ravishments of His love are not for a carnal eye or strange bosom—but only for her of whom He says, "But I would still choose my dove, my perfect one." (Song 6:9)

My heart rejoices, that you are feeling the worth and weight of souls for whom our precious Lord travailed in sweat and blood. It may be your high privilege to be His instrument in awakening some from the dreadful sleep of death in sin. My heart longs that this be done more than words can tell, and also that living ones be aroused to a sense of their high privileges in Christ Jesus--who is too little known and too little sought after. Surely, my very dear Amelia, we, who through grace have a glimpse of these glories and taste of this blessedness, should be right earnest in telling the good tidings to those of the king's house within, (2 Kings 7:9-11) who yet believe not the joys of a present salvation.

Though they listen to us with jealousy, we have the witness in ourselves, and can say honestly, "That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you." (1 John 1:3, 4) We would testify to man when the Lord calls us—but we seek not testimony from man; it were an insult to the Divine majesty, when we have already His testimony in our conscience.

Adieu, my very dear friend; the Lord keep you all His own.

In His precious love which flowed out in richest blood, I am your warmly-affectionate,