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The Success of the Gospel 2

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Back to SERMONS Samuel Davies

He pleads that he enjoys a great deal of pleasure under his present master, sin, which he must give up as unlawful, if he would change masters. He objects that the service of God is a drudgery to him, and that he has no relish for it, and that the laws of the King of Heaven are so strict, that he cannot live under them. These, and a thousand other pleas—the rebel urges to excuse his non-compliance with the proposals of gospel reconciliation; and in these he trusts as a sufficient defense!

Moreover, the lusts of the flesh, his pride, presumption, and love of ease, the cares of the world, the company of the wicked, who persuade him by all means not to surrender, and furnish him with weapons and all the assistance in their power to continue the war—these are all so many strongholds in which the sinner fortifies himself against the Lord Jesus.

But if the weapons of the gospel prove mighty through God to diminish these strongholds, and the rebel finds they can defend him no longer, then he abandons these outworks, and entrenches himself secretly in his own righteousness! He, as it were, surrounds himself with a line of good works, repentance, and reformation. And now he thinks he is safe! Now he hopes he shall pass for a friend and subject of the King of heaven, and that the artillery of the law will continue to play upon him no longer.

This is the sinner's last refuge; and it is the greatest difficulty of all—to drive him out of this. He will not abandon this, until he is driven to great extremity indeed. And here many continue in it until they are dragged out of it—to the tribunal of their supreme Judge!

It must also be observed, that the sinner tries all the arts of self-deceit to secure his stronghold. When he finds he cannot defend himself as an open enemy by his declared hostilities, he pretends a submission; he pretends to capitulate and surrender. But then, he does not cordially consent to all the terms. He makes a reserve of some favorite lusts, and will not deliver them up to the sword of the conqueror! He has secret exceptions to the conditions of surrender—and will not comply with them all.

There are also some instances of duty, from which he will excuse himself. In short, his heart is not sincerely resigned to the Conqueror. His submission is forced and involuntary, and therefore is resented as the basest treachery by God who searches the heart, and must reign in the hearts of all his subjects.

Are not some of you, my brethren, now entrenched and fortified against the gospel in these strongholds? And such of you as are now the willing subjects of Jesus Christ—may you not recollect, that thus did you once strengthen yourselves in your opposition to him! But he has sweetly overcome your enmity, and constrained you to submit. And this leads me,

IV. To describe the outcome of this war, where it is effectually carried on; and particularly the terms of surrender.

The success of this war depends entirely upon the working of the almighty power of God. If the preacher's weapons of warfare prove mighty—it is only through God. Let the ministers of the gospel attack the sinner with all the weapons with which the arsenals of the law and gospel, of Scripture and reason, furnish them—they will never subdue one soul to the obedience of Christ! The sinner will still hold out, and bid defiance to all of them!

What is the reason that there are so many secure, presumptuous rebels among us, though the gospel-ministry has so often and so long discharged its artillery against them? The reason is, the weapons of our warfare are not made mighty through God. God does not give edge and force to these weapons by the all-conquering power of his Spirit. But when he begins to work—then thehardest sinner begins to tremble, the rocky heart breaks to pieces, and his strongholds are demolished! All his objections are silenced! He is then convinced that he is indeed a rebel against his rightful Sovereign; that his rebellion is most unnatural, ungrateful, unreasonable, and the height of wickedness; and that it is a most astonishing instance of condescending grace—that his provoked Sovereign should stoop to graciously propose articles of reconciliation to him. He sees that God might justly damn him—without one offer of mercy. He is struck with horror to think that ever he, a poor dependent worm, should engage in a war against the Lord Almighty, who has omnipotence at his command; and especially that he has dared to stand out so long against him. He is now sensible of the danger of delays, sensible that he has been ungrateful and rebellious too long already, and that, if he delays his submission, that his almighty enemy may take his strongholds by force—and justly damn him.

He is now sensible that the slavery of sin is intolerable; that his lusts are tyrannical masters, and will give him no other wages but death and damnation! And therefore he pants and struggles for liberty.

The artillery of the divine law demolishes the promising entrenchment which he had formed for his own good works, and leaves him naked and defenseless to its vindictive fire!

Conscience also calls to the sinner to surrender, to surrender in time, while terms of peace may be obtained, and warns him of the dreadful consequences of continuing the war.

The trumpet of the gospel is still publishing peace, and summoning him to submit. The gospel assures him of pardon and acceptance, if he will but surrender. Now also (if I may so boldly accommodate the military style of this subject) now hisprovisions and ammunition begin to fail; he finds he can exist no longer; and, like the prodigal, is perishing with hunger! He finds he can defend himself no longer, but must submit—or die. If he continues in the battle—he is sure to die; but if he submits—he has some hopes of pardon; for oh! he has heard that the King of Israel is a merciful King. He must however make the trial.

All this time the Spirit of God is at work within, sweetly inclining the stubborn heart to yield, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. He gives the rebel favorable thoughts of the government of the Conqueror, and the infinite advantages of living under it. In short, he enforces upon the heart, all the applications made from without by the ministry of the gospel.

And now the sinner begins to think in earnest of surrendering; now he eagerly listens to terms of peace. And at length—he lays down his weapons, submits to the Conqueror, falls at his feet, casts himself upon his mercy, and welcomes him into the citadel of his heart! This is the most happy and important hour the sinner ever saw! The transactions of this hour extend their blessed consequences through all his future life—and to the remotest periods of eternity!

It may be necessary for me to inform you more particularly, of the manner of this surrender:

(1.) The sinner surrenders himself as an obnoxious rebel, lying entirely at the mercy of the Conqueror! He has no plea to excuse his rebellion, no merit to ingratiate himself, or procure a pardon. He pleads guilty—and surrenders himself to the will of the Conqueror, conscious that God may do with him—just as he pleases. His noble imaginations of himself are all demolished; his confidence in his own righteousness is entirely mortified; and he has nothing to plead but mercy, free, unmerited mercy! On this—he casts himself as his only ground of hope.

(2.) He surrenders himself entirely upon the terms prescribed by the Conqueror. He is conscious that he has no right to dictate, or to plead his own terms. His duty is to submit. The way of reconciliation revealed in the gospel, now appears to him infinitely reasonable, and to stand in need of no amendment.

Particularly, he is willing to lay down his weapons; that is, to forsake his sins, and to walk in ways of holiness for the future. He is willing to make the pleasure of his Sovereign, the rule of his conduct. Above all it must be noticed, that he is willing to be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. The mediation of Jesus Christ, the glorious peculiarity of the Christian religion—is the only medium through which he would approach to God, and expect reconciliation with him. It is only in the righteousness of Christ, which he trusts to make atonement for his guilt, and procure the divine favor.

In short, he is willing that the Conqueror should make his own terms—and he submits, if he may but have his life for a prey. He puts a blank paper into God's hands, desirous he should fill it up with whatever articles he pleases; and he will cheerfully subscribe to them. His language is like that of Paul, when struck down prostrate at the feet of the persecuted Jesus, "Lord, what will you have me to do?" Acts 9:6. "Lord, you but command—and I will obey!" Now the rebel is all submission, all obedience.

(3.) He submits voluntarily and cheerfully. The power of divine grace has rooted out the enmity of his carnal mind, and implanted the principle of love to God in his heart. He breaks off from sin and Satan, as from the most cruel usurpers and destroyers! And he submits to Christ, not merely as to an irresistible Conqueror—but as to a gracious Deliverer. He enters upon a pious life, not as a state of slavery and unwilling captivity—but as a state of the most glorious liberty. He submits to the terms of gospel reconciliation, not as the arbitrary impositions of an imperious usurper—but as the gentle and reasonable prescriptions of a wise and good ruler. He esteems all his laws—to be holy, and just, and good; and with all his heart he acquiesces and rejoices in the blessed gospel of peace.

In short, the rebel's heart is now entirely changed and rendered subservient to the divine government; and consequently, he cordially and freely submits to it. Once indeed he hated it, and then he did at best but pretend submission to it. But now, hisenmity being subdued, he freely surrenders himself with all his heart.

(4.) He makes a universal surrender of himself and all that he is and has—to Jesus Christ. He makes no reserve of one favorite lust—but gives them all up to be slain! He makes no secret exceptions to any of the articles of gospel reconciliation—but heartily consents to them all. He devotes his whole soul and all its faculties to God, in and through Jesus Christ:
his understanding to know him; 
his heart to love him; and 
his will to be governed by him.

This is implied in my text: Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Every thought, every passion, every motion of the soul must submit to Christ. Now every insurrection of sin in his heart alarms him, as an internal enemy. He also yields his body to God, and his members as instruments of righteousness unto holiness. He also devotes all his accomplishments, his learning, his influence, his popularity, his riches— to his new master. In short, all his possessions of every kind—he is now willing to employ them all in the service of his new Master; or to resign them all, if they are inconsistent with his duty to God. Oh! how different a temper is this—from that which is natural to the sinner!

Thus the treaty of peace is happily concluded! He who was once a rebel against God, and an enemy to the Cross of Christ—has now become a friend and a loyal subject. The past rebellion is entirely forgotten and buried—and he is received into divine favor—as though he had never offended!

Once God was angry with him every day—but now he accepts him in the Beloved. Now the prince of hell has lost a captive; and Jesus has the satisfaction of seeing one more of his spiritual seed born unto his family! Now there is joy in heaven—upon this addition to the number of loyal subjects. Oh! the happy, the glorious peace! Oh! the blessed change in the circumstance of the poor condemned criminal!

What now remains?

V. We take a view of the true convert's state and conduct, in consequence of this gospel reconciliation. This you may be sure is vastly different from what it was before.

As to his STATE: He is now delivered from his sordid slavery to sin, as well as from guilt, and the sentence of condemnation. He is justified and accepted before God, through Jesus Christ, and entitled to a heavenly crown and kingdom.

Sin, indeed, is not entirely subdued; it forms frequent and violent insurrections, and struggles hard to recover its former power over him. The old man with his affections and lusts was immediately crucified upon the sinner's surrender to Christ; but crucifixion is a lingering death, and hence sin is never entirely dead—while he continues in this imperfect state. It is every day plotting against him, and laboring to ensnare him.

And hence his life is a constant warfare—an incessant conflict. He lives the life of a sentinel, perpetually upon the watch; or of asoldier, night and day in the battle. If he is off his guard but for an hour, he is liable to be surprised; and sometimes, alas! he isovercome! But he rises again, and renews the combat—and will rather die than willingly submit. He would resist even unto blood, striving against sin.

In short, whatever sins he may fall into—he is habitually on God's side: he espouses the cause of God in this rebellious world, whatever it costs him. He is an enemy to the kingdom of darkness, and all its interests; and it is the great business of his life—to oppose it in himself and others. The longer he lives under the government of King Jesus—the more he is attached to him, and in love with his administration. And it is his habitual endeavor to lead a life of universal obedience.

And now, my brethren, there is an inquiry I would set you upon, and that is, whether you have ever been captivated into a willing obedience to Jesus Christ? I am afraid this matter is not so plainly and unquestionably in your favor, as to render all inquiry into it needless. I am afraid it is dismally dark and doubtful, with regard to some of you—whether you are the servants of Christ—or theslaves of sin and Satan! Nay, I am afraid, there are plain evidences against some of you! However, you must put the matter to sincere trial; for I assure you it is a matter of too much importance to be slightly passed over.

Now it is evident, in the first place, that you are still the enemies of Jesus Christ—unless you have been deeply convinced of your enmity against him. It is impossible you should be reconciled to him—until you have seen your need of reconciliation. And it is impossible that you should see your need of reconciliation, until you are convinced that you are at war with him. Such of you, therefore, are undoubtedly his enemies—who imagine you have always been his friends!

In the next place, turn the substance of what has been said into so many queries to yourselves; and by these means, you may discover the truth of your case. Has ever the dreadful artillery of the law discharged its terrors upon you? Have you ever been driven out of all your carnal confidences, and particularly your own righteousness? Have you ever surrendered yourselves to the Conqueror? Has he overcome you by the sweet constraints of his love? And upon what terms did you surrender? Did you surrender as a vile rebel, lying at God's mercy? Did you submit to his terms, without pretending to dictate any of your own? Did you submitvoluntarily and cheerfully? Did you surrender yourselves universally, without any reserve? Do you since endeavor to behave as dutiful subjects? And do you find his service to be perfect freedom?

And now, in consequence of this trial—Who is upon the Lord's side? Who? What is your real character? Are you to be ranked among the loyal subjects of Christ—OR among the stubborn enemies of his crown and dignity?

Could I now collect the rebels together into one company, I would tell them some very alarming things from that God to whom they refuse to submit. Yes, sinner, as Ehud said to Eglon, king of Moab, "I have a message from God unto you!" Judges 3:20. In his name, and as his ambassador, I warn you of the dreadful consequences of your vile rebellion against him. You cannot win the battle against him. He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength; who has hardened himself against him—and prospered? All the universe is subject to him, and he can order the smallest part of it to be the executioner of his vengeance upon you! If you refuse to submit—you shall as surely perish, as you have a being.

Of this you have reason to be apprehensive at all times—but especially at this time, when your almighty enemy is attacking your country with the terrors of war, and your neighborhood with an epidemic raging distemper. Sicknesses are his soldiers, and fight in his cause against a rebellious world! He says to one, "Go!" and it goes; and to another, "Come!" and it comes. And are you not afraid some of these deadly shafts may strike you now, when they are flying so thickly all around you?

God has for many a year used gentler weapons with you—but now he seems about to take the citadel by storm! Now, therefore, now without delay—lay down your weapons and surrender yourselves to the Almighty Conqueror!

I have also joyful news to communicate, even to you rebels, if you are disposed to hear it! Your injured Sovereign is willing to be reconciled to you—even after all your hostilities, if you will now submit to the terms of reconciliation!

Christ is not here in person; but lo! though I also am but dust and ashes—I am here to manage the treaty in his name. Therefore, I beseech you in Christ's stead—be reconciled to God!

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