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No More Pain!

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Back to Comfort for Christians

No More Pain!
"God will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain!" Revelation 21:4
How much pain many of the Lord's people are called to suffer — and how severe that pain often is! It spoils or prevents the enjoyment of everything earthly.
But, blessed child of God, spiritual things may be enjoyed even while much pain is being endured. The light of God's countenance, the application of some precious promise, or the sweet communion we are privileged to enjoy with Jesus — almost raises us above the sense of pain! The sufferer who rejoices with God — feeds like a hungry man on the rich promises of grace, and triumphs in Christ Jesus as his Saviour and Friend.
But there are times when pain is hard to bear — when our spirits are exhausted and we are sorely tempted to doubt the pity and tender love of our Heavenly Father. Then it is sweet to look forward to the place, and anticipate the time — when God will wipe every tear from our eyes — and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain!
Suffering Christian! Your pain will soon end — and your sufferings will soon be over! Jesus will come and fetch you from . . .
  your bed of pain
  your chamber of affliction
  and your house of mourning! 
Absent from the body — you will be present with the Lord. Seek grace from the Lord to suffer patiently. There is an end of every pain, and soon you will bless the Lord for the very pains which now cause you to sigh and groan! The songs of Heaven will be sweetened by the groans of earth; and the pleasures of eternity will be heightened by the pains of time!
Every pain endured — leaves one less pain to suffer. And every hour that passes — brings us one hour nearer to the time when the ransomed of the Lord shall leave behind this land of darkness and death, and go home to their Father's house with everlasting joy, while sorrow and sighing shall forever flee away!
Lord Jesus, You too suffered pain on earth, and I know that You understand what I am suffering now. Give me grace to suffer graciously, as You did — so that this experience might do its part in preparing me to be with You in eternity!
"You will weep no more!" Isaiah 30:19