Sufficient Grace
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Sufficient Grace
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9
The grace of God provides all that the believer needs, and is sufficient for every circumstance that we will ever face in life. Human strength will fail — but divine grace cannot. Grace has made us what we are in the Christian life; and grace will continue to make us what God wants us to be, as He works in our lives.
The grace of God is sufficient . . .
to subdue every temptation,
to banish every doubt,
to fortify us against every fear,
to enable us . . .
to conquer every foe,
to perform every duty, and
to endure with patience every affliction.
The grace of God is . . .
an antidote for all our fears,
a solace for all our sorrows, and
a source of joy for all our times of grief!
Let us, then, come to God for grace in every time of need . . .
grace to sanctify our afflictions,
grace to fortify our minds, and
grace to fill us with joy and peace!
Never let us ever give way to doubt, or fear, or despondency — since the Lord has assured us that His grace is sufficient for us. Do not allow the tempter to persuade you that God's grace is not for you — for grace is for the unworthy, and the deeper our sense of unworthiness — the more ready He is to share it with us!
Cheer up, then, my dear tried friend; for there is grace for you, and grace so powerful that it will make you more than a match for all your trials, troubles, and distresses! Lay fast hold of this promise. Believe it, and plead it — and it will be honoured in your experience. Thousands of others have proved it true. Martyrs at the stake, prisoners in their dungeons, and believers in the greatest sufferings — have found the grace of Jesus to be sufficient. What it was then — it is now; and what it is now — it ever will be.
In all the past you have had sufficient grace — and you shall in all the future! Jesus will never fail you nor forsake you; therefore trust in Him.
My Lord, I know that I am not worthy of Your grace. But I thank You that You have freely given it to me and that it is sufficient for all my needs.
"But by the grace of God I am what I am!" 1 Corinthians 15:10