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Next Part 7 (The SECOND Commandment)

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What are the INCENTIVES to provoke and inflame our love to God?

(1) God's benefits bestowed on us. If a prince bestows continual favours on a subject, and that subject has any sincerity, he cannot but love his prince. God is constantly heaping benefits upon us, "filling our hearts with food and gladness." Acts 14:17. As streams of water out of the rock followed Israel wherever they went, so God's blessings follow us every day. We swim in a sea of mercy! That heart is hard, which is not prevailed with, by all God's blessings—to love him. "Love attracts love." Kindness works even on a brute—the ox knows his owner.

(2) Love to God would make duties of religion facile and pleasant. I confess that to him who has no love to God, religion must needs be a burden; and I wonder not to hear him say, "What a weariness is it to serve the Lord!" It is like rowing against the tide. But love oils the wheels, it makes duty a pleasure. Why are the angels so swift and winged in God's service—but because they love him? Jacob thought seven years but little for the love he bore to Rachel. Love is never weary. He who loves money is not weary of counting it: and he who loves God is not weary of serving him.

(3) Love to God is advantageous. There is nothing lost by love to God. "Eye has not seen, etc., the things which God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Cor 2:9. Such glorious rewards are laid up for those who love God, that as Augustine says, "they not only transcend our reason—but faith itself is not able to comprehend them." A crown is the highest ensign of worldly glory; but God has promised a "crown of life to those who love him," and a never-fading crown. James 1:12. 1 Pet 5:4.

(4) By loving God we know that he loves us. "We love him because he first loved us." 1 John 5:19. If ice melts, it is because the sun has shone upon it; so if the frozen heart melts in love, it is because the Sun of Righteousness has shone upon it.

What MEANS should be used to excite our love to God?

(1) Labour to know God aright. "We cannot love that which we do not know." God is the most comprehensive good; all excellencies which lie scattered in the creature, are united in him; he is optimums maximums. Wisdom, beauty, riches, love, all concentrate in him. How fair was that tulip which had the colors of all tulips in it! All perfections and sweetness's are eminently in God. Did we know God more, and by the eye of faith see his orient beauty, our hearts would be fired with love to him!

(2) Make the Scriptures familiar to you. Augustine says that before his conversion he took no pleasure in Scripture—but afterwards it was his chief delight. The book of God discovers God to us, in his holiness, wisdom, power, and truth; it represents him as rich in mercy, and encircled with promises. Augustine calls the Scripture a golden epistle, or love-letter, sent from God to us. By reading this love-letter we become more enamoured with God; as by reading lascivious books, comedies, romances, etc., lust is excited.

(3) Meditate much upon God, and this will promote love to him. "While I was musing, the fire burned." Psalm 39:3. Meditation is as bellows to the affections. Meditate on God's love in the gift of Christ. "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son," etc. John 3:16. That God should give Christ to us, and not to the angels that fell, that the Sun of Righteousness should shine in our horizon, that he is revealed to us, and not to others; what wonderful love is this! "Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?" Prov 6:28. Who can meditate on God's love, who can tread on these hot coals, and his heart not burn in love? Beg a heart to love God. The affection of love is natural—but not the grace of love. Gal 5:22. This fire of love is kindled from heaven; beg that it may burn upon the altar of your heart. Surely the request is pleasing to God, and he will not deny such a prayer as "Lord, give me a heart to love you."

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