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The Dying Command

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Back to The Precepts of Jesus

"Do this in remembrance of Me." Luke 22:19.

These words are addressed to all who love the Saviour, even to the end of time. They show that it is the incumbent duty of all such to observe that sacred memorial which He appointed on the memorable night in which He was betrayed. Far from leaving it optional with themselves, to attend to it or not, as inclination or convenience might dictate — He has commanded them, in the most distinct manner, to "DO this in remembrance of Me."

The design of this interesting ordinance, is the commemoration of the Saviour's death. And how reasonable is it that such an astonishing event should be remembered. And if remembered at all — ought not He to be allowed the privilege of fixing how it should be done. It may not be the method that we would have thought of; but having been appointed by Him, it behoves us cheerfully and gratefully to comply. Unkind, to use the mildest expression, must it be to refuse. Christian, embrace every opportunity of commemorating that glorious event, to which we are indebted for every blessing we enjoy, and every hope we are permitted to cherish. Let your language be,

"According to Your gracious Word,

In meek humility,
This will I do, my dying Lord— 
I will remember Thee.
"Your body broken for my sake,
My bread from heaven shall be,
Your testamental cup I take— 
And thus remember Thee.
"Gethsemane can I forget?
Or there Your conflict see,
Your agony and bloody sweat— 
And not remember Thee?
"When to the Cross I turn my eyes,
And rest on Calvary,
O Lamb of God, my sacrifice— 
I must remember Thee!
"And all Your love to me;
Yes, while a breath, a pulse remains,
Remember You, and all Your pains— 
I will remember Thee.
"And when these failing lips grow dumb,
And mind and memory flee,
When You shall in Your kingdom come— 
Jesus — remember me!"

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