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Grace-What Is It 3

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The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1:29-NIV)

There is such a fog resting on the minds of the Lord's people that they would agree readily with both viewpoints, not realizing they are not compatible.

We all understand God has given us grace (which in its finest form is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself) in order to accomplish God's will in mankind, particularly in His Church. Would you agree that the purpose of grace is to accomplish God's will in us? Let us look carefully at the first understanding: God wants to forgive us so we can go to Heaven when we die. What does grace do to accomplish this purpose?

In order to bring us to Heaven, the grace of forgiveness is given to us. Actually, the historic viewpoint of grace is that it is only Divine forgiveness. The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world has become the Lamb of God that forgives the sin of the world.

Am I correct? Isn't this how we view grace-as forgiveness no matter how we behave? God found we could not keep His laws so He instituted a grace-period of forgiveness. The believer lives in a state of grace, meaning that God does not regard his behavior but sees only the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Have you heard this preached?

Given the heavy demonic pressure we are living under in the United States of America, if the believers are told they are in a state of grace because they have taken the four steps of salvation, how are they going to react when they are tempted to sin? You know how they are going to act. They are going to yield to the temptation because of being assured they will not hear anything negative at the Judgment Seat of Christ but will live in Paradise forever.

The pornography available on the Internet is calling to many Christians, pastors and members of the congregation. It is telling them they can satiate themselves daily with sexual lust. Well, why not? Grace is covering them. God sees them through the Lord Jesus.

What possible harm can come of it? This is where we are in America today. The unsaved looking on realize the Christians are the same as they. "Christians are not perfect, just forgiven." The unsaved would be fools not to accept such a deal. Just go through the four steps of salvation and presto! You are Heaven-bound.

Otherwise you will burn in Hell forever. During our jail ministry a young man came to the service. He was mean looking, I will tell you. About halfway through the service he began to soften. Before the service was over he was joining in.

He came up afterward and told the leader of the meeting that his father is a pastor. As a young man he became so disillusioned with the hypocrisy and sin in the congregation that he went off into sin until he ended up in a maximum security jail.

When he heard the preaching of the Kingdom of God and righteous behavior he realized that not all churches were living in lust and disobedience. He promised when he got out to try our assembly.

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