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Sermon on Psalm 84:1-12

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Psalm 84 is a beautiful psalm of the tabernacles of God.

How amiable are thy tabernacles, O LORD of hosts! My soul longs, even faints for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God (Psa 84:1-2).

Jesus said, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6). What a beautiful expression this is of the psalmist. "My heart, my flesh cries out for the living God." Dr. Henry Drummond in his book, The Natural and the Supernatural, says there is within the very protoplasm of man little tentacles that are reaching out for God. My heart, my flesh crying out for Thee, O Lord. And then he said, Yea, the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee (Psa 84:3-4).

So he had noticed that the swallows had returned to Capistrano and made their nest in the house of God and he is excited over this. No, they're in the tabernacles. They didn't first come to San Juan, they came to the tabernacle and there in the altars of God they made their little nest to lay their young. We don't have swallows, thankfully, around here, because they are dirty. But we do have sparrows that make their nest in the eaves over here, and every time I walk past and I hear the little sparrows and I see them going up in the eaves and all, carrying grass up in there, I think of this particular psalm of David, how that the birds, the sparrows have made their nest and all there at Your altar.

Oh, how blessed it is to be there in the place where praises are going up to God continually. How blessed it is to dwell in the tabernacle and the sanctuary of the Lord and just a place where praises are being offered.

Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee (Psa 84:5);

Now the word blessed is happy. "Happy is the man whose strength is in the Lord." The man who has learned to draw his strength from the Lord.

in whose hearts are the ways of them. Who through passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; and the rain also fills the pools (Psa 84:5-6).

The valley of Baca is a phrase that we don't quite understand. It would appear to be sort of a dry place. Who even when he passes through dry places it becomes a well and the rain fills the pools.

They go from strength to strength, every one of them that appeareth before the Lord in Zion. O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O God of Jacob (Psa 84:7-8).

And then the final thought:

Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of your anointed. For a day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness (Psa 84:9-10).

Moses chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. "A day in Thy courts is better than a thousand anyplace else. I'd rather be a doorkeeper, Lord, in Your house, the lowest place in the house of God than the highest place in the house of Baal."

For the LORD God is a sun and a shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: and no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly (Psa 84:11).

Isn't that a beautiful promise? I love that promise, "No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly."

O LORD of hosts, blessed [or happy] is the man that trusts in thee (Psa 84:12).

So happiness to the man whose strength is in the Lord. Happiness to the man whose trust is in the Lord.

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