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Sermon on Deuteronomy 14:1-29

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Back to Sermon on Deuteronomy

He said, You are the children of the LORD your God: [chapter fourteen] ye shall not cut yourselves, make any baldness between your eyes for the dead. You are a holy people, and God has chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth (Deut 14:1-2).

You're, you're just a people that are to be separate unto God, different from anybody else.

Now he deals with their diets, which we've already gone through as we went through the book of Leviticus, as we dealt with the animals that were clean and unclean.

And he pretty much just repeats out of Leviticus the things that were given that were edible and inedible, as far as the animals and the fish and the birds. You're not to eat anything that dies by itself. Now you can give it or sell it to a stranger, but you're not to eat it yourself.

But thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there (Deut 14:23),

Now if it's too far for you to go to Jerusalem, to carry it, then sell it and wrap the money in a bag. And when you get to Jerusalem, buy your meat, take it and offer it in sacrifice and whatever, and eat and have a great big feast before God.

Don't have to lug your ox all the way from Dan down to Jerusalem. But go ahead and sell it and then when you get to Jerusalem buy another one and eat whatever you want, have a feast, enjoy eating together and fellowshipping together with God.

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