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Back to Sermon on Genesis

1 Sermon on Genesis 22
JEHOVAH WILL SEE IT: THE LORD WILL BE SEEN (JEHOVAH JIREH) I. PROVISION IN HOUR OF EXTREMITY. A. Abraham rejoiced to see my day; and he saw it and was glad. When he saw the substitute for Issac. II. PROVISION SPONTANEOUSLY MADE. A. Abraham did not pray for substitute. III. PROVISION MADE BY GOD HIMSELF. A. The Lord will provide. 1. What sacrifice could man offer ? (burn...

Genesis 22
THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERING. Intro: Jesus said to Jews Ye do search the scriptures.... Here is one of the clearest pictures of all. I. AFTER THESE THINGS, THIS WAS THE SEVENTH OF A SERIES WHEREBY GOD REVEALED HIMSELF TO ABRAHAM. A. Called to leave the Ur of the Chaldees. Fellowship with the discontent of God. B. Next appearing was when God promised him the land, where...

Genesis 22:1, 2
FELLOWSHIP OF SUFFERING Intro: God created man for fellowship. He desires fellowship with you. The story of Abraham is a man being drawn into full fellowship with God. Friend of God. We haven't cried together. I. THIS IS THE SEVENTH AND FINAL APPEARANCE OF GOD TO ABRAHAM. A. First in the Ur of the Chaldees and later at Haran called to leave land and family. 1. Fellowship wit...

Genesis 22:1-2
FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERING I. GOD CREATED MAN FOR FELLOWSHIP. A. I John 1, That which we have seen and heard... B. Paul speaks of his desire to know the fellowship of His suffering. 1. Suffering seems to create the closest bond of fellowship. 2. We never cried together. II. THIS WAS THE SEVENTH APPEARANCE OF GOD TO ABRAHAM AS GOD BROUGHT HIM INTO AN EVER DEEPENING FELL...

Genesis 22:1-14
THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERING Intro: God created man for fellowship. The deepest fellowship is the fellowship of suffering. We have never cried together. I. THIS IS THE SEVENTH AND FINAL APPEARANCE OF GOD TO ABRAHAM AS HE WAS LEADING HIM INTO A SUCCESSIVE DEEPER FELLOWSHIP. A. First in Ur of Chaldees called him to leave his family and country. 1. Fellowship with discontent...

Genesis 22:1
GIVING GOD OUR BEST Intro: Most have never really tried what God called Abraham to give. I. ABRAHAM'S TESTING CALL TO GIVE BEST. A. God calls for best of our love. B. God calls for best of our gifts. (cruse of oil.) C. God calls for best of our service. D. God calls for best of our loyalty. II. ABRAHAM'S READY RESPONSE. A. It cost his home life. B. All personal incentiv...

Genesis 22:1
I. NOT ISOLATED INCIDENT. A. Link in chain. 1. Seven occasions God appeared to Abraham. B. Purpose of God through Abraham to restore a lost order, and establish kingdom. 1. Not chosen that from his loins a. people might spring forth to be God's people. 2. That is while other peoples abandoned to darkness and death. a. God said, I will bless thee and make thee a blessing In ...

Genesis 22:1,2
THE FELLOWSHIP OF SUFFERING Intro. There are seven recorded occasions when the Lord appeared to Abraham. This is the last of the seven. In each occasion the Lord was drawing Abraham into an ever deeper fellowship with Himself. I. THE SEVEN APPEARANCES. A. The first appearance was when he received the call of God to leave his birthplace in the Ur of the Chaldees and his family a...

Genesis 22:2
Genesis 22:2 God's Call to Abraham to Give His Best I. Isaac was the most prized possession of His Father. Thy Son, thine only Son Isaac, whom thou lovest. A. God had promised to Abraham that He would give to him a son, and that through his seed all of the nations of the earth would be blessed. 1. Abraham waited many years for that promise to be fulfilled. a. It is probably w...

Genesis 22:16
THE NEARNESS OF GOD UNRECOGNIZED Intro: A long journey, a hard pillow, an uneasy conscience, a heavy heart, these are the things that make men dream. I. MAN'S UNCONSCIOUSNESS OF THE NEARNESS OF GOD. A. God is omnipresent. 1. Psalm 139. 2. Acts 17:28 In Him we live and move... B. We are not always conscious of His presence. 1. The place of Jacob's dream. 2. The Lord is i...