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Chapter Nine – Objections, Excuses and Observations

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What About Incorporation?

Back to The Work of God

Special prophecies apply to the Work of God at the end of the age. We are almost ready to examine them. But we must first address a final assortment of the now well-developed “cottage industry” of reasons so many will no longer carry on the true Work of God. There are several.

“We” Are Also God’s “Work”

We are prepared for a more in-depth analysis, if we acknowledge a long-understood biblical truth. The apostle Paul wrote this about the “work”: “WE [God’s people] are His workmanship” (Eph. 2:10) and “He which has begun a good work in you will finish it” (Phil. 1:6).

Yes, individual Christians are also God’s “work.” But this is not in any way a new or replacement definition of the New Testament Work of God as you have seen it described. After all, Mr. Armstrong wrote a large book—The Incredible Human Potential—and other booklets that greatly expand Paul’s statement. But he never let these verses blur his thinking about the Great Commission given His Church by Christ.

Apparently, only now are some discovering these passages, and seeming to think that Mr. Armstrong never noticed or understood them, believe that they hold the corrected view of what God’s Work is. Let’s understand: “WE”—all true Christians—have always been God’s Work. Therefore, those Paul wrote to in Ephesus and Philippi were also God’s Work 2,000 years ago. God has always done a Work both through and in those in whom He is building His character. This is not new! Far from it. It is basic truth that all should have learned when FIRST CALLED.

Paul certainly knew this, because he said of himself, “I also labor [work], striving according to His working, which works in me mightily” (Col. 1:29). He knew that God works in all Christians and also does special works through certain chosen servants in a remarkable or “mighty” way, as with Mr. Armstrong or Paul.

Do not let any confused deceiver convince you that making this old (always true) understanding today’s focus is what Mr. Armstrong decided—or should have decided—was to be the new priority! One must ask: Were those who have only recently discovered these passages not previously permitting God to “work” within them? Proponents of such narrow thinking should be more careful, lest they expose the shallow nature of their own conversion.

Rebellion and Heresy

Again, I mention that we have received letters declaring that I am rebelling against Mr. Armstrong’s instructions to his successor if I do not immediately stop the Work. And again, some flatter me because, in their eyes, I hold to all the truth, except on this point.

Now for a direct statement said without apology to all elderspastorsleaders and others who teach that the Work is finished, and ended with Mr. Armstrong’s death: It is you who have rebelled against Mr. Armstrong and Christ when you falsely teach the Great Commission and warning work ended in 1986!

Mr. Armstrong’s statements prove I have authority to add: Unless you repent, you are an ENEMY of God’s Work. Mr. Armstrong would not permit you to attend services—and would DISFELLOWSHIP and MARK you! Your actions are heretical, selfish, stubborn, rebellious, shriveled in fruits and outright lazy! Further, you are stealing God’s tithes by receiving (or paying) them to where there is no real or active Work, let alone God’s Work! For the moment, never mind that any work occurring in your group must be a WORK OF MEN. Just focus on the big picture in the discussion.

If this is you, I sincerely pray you will awaken and not LOSE SALVATION. As mentioned, and this is incredible, many “brethren” who have adopted this belief also believe they have achieved the very highest pinnacle of holding to the “Philadelphian standard” of Christianity, and assume they will be protected in the years ahead at the Place of Safety.

Do not let pride and smugness destroy you—or those who may be following you, trusting your leadership. The same applies if you have altered the definition of God’s Work to suit your own agenda.

Woe to all foolish enough to follow such ego-driven “leaders!”

The Dilemma

It is important to see a hidden factor in how some ministers and elders come to believe the Work is over—andhow they come to conclude that they should lead their own organizations.

Recognize first a variety of ministers and even local church elders erroneously believe they either lead God’s one Church, or are “ministering” to unaffiliated scattered brethren. At some point, when tithes start rolling in, these men face the question of whether to continue preaching the gospel, writing literature, structuring a headquarters, etc.

Here is their dilemma—and most of them recognize it—they are neither trained nor qualified to continue Christ’s Commission! Again, most are also too lazy and selfish—this is its own problem and Mr. Armstrong has addressed it. But, in the end, these men have a choice of two clear paths: find and subordinate themselves to the senior minister that Christ has sent to lead His Work, or devise an exotic “theology” full of human reasoning, including twisting of statements from Mr. Armstrong to prove the Work is finished!

FIRST, the greed of such men keeps them from releasing God’s tithes to a higher authority. SECOND, a rebellious attitude will not allow them to subordinate themselves to where they may be periodically corrected by unwanted government. THIRD, laziness keeps them from doing the Work themselves. FOURTH, coming under Christ’s chosen servant would expose their pet doctrinal ideas! Perhaps above all, they have decided this will not occur—they will not accept restraint!

May these repent and stop accusing and attacking, by character assassination, the faithful Church and ministry holding fast and continuing the Work of the living God, as the leader of the supposed “living” splinter—and others—love to do! Such murderous lies are heard by God. These “leaders” will answer for their deceit—and soon—if they continue to be the “blind leading the blind”! Will you be fooled by them?

The Role of Local Church Elders

Local church elders were never considered full ministers in the WCG. Most brethren were probably unaware of this—that there was a great difference in their function and scope of authority. Hundreds of ordination certificates are testimony to the fact that Mr. Armstrong did not consider these men to be ministers in the sense of having full vestment of Christ’s authority, but rather, as their office reveals, they were LOCAL church elders. He only considered preaching elders and above to be full ministers. Those who doubt this should ask any elder and any minister of greater rank to show you his certificate(s). I have shown any number of people my own copies of these two formal certificates, both signed by Mr. Armstrong. The wording and authority arePLAIN!

In other words, all ministers are elders, but not vice-versa. Translated, this means Mr. Armstrong did not (God does not) authorize local church elders to either approve or perform ordinations. (Actually, Mr. Armstrong taught as early as 1957 that only apostles could approve ordinations!) This was well-known policy to the ministry for decades, and was integral to our understanding of government in Christ’s Church. However, most brethren probably never knew this either.

Here is the point: Because local church elders are not empowered to independently either train or ordain a ministry to care for the flock (but neither is any office below apostle), recognize that Christ could never lead His Church through one! You will need to undertake some honest research to prove these things to yourself.

From this comes an irony about certain local church elders. These claim to most properly uphold the understanding of God’s government, and that it only exists in their tiny “true Church.” While possibly sincere, they are sincerely—and tragically—wrong! Why? That they seek to lead the Church as local church elders demonstrates that they have lost even the most basic understanding of how God’s government works in His Church in the first place, and specifically in regard to their own office. Realize that, of necessity, these men mustwork alone—or ordain assistants without God’s authority. Grasp the fact that they are not authorized by God to take the gospel to the world by themselves, because their function and service was always to be “local.”

THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD carefully covers this subject in greater detail, offering extensive proof of understanding and policies referenced in this short synopsis.

Doing the Work Is Not Equivalent to Saying, “My Lord Delays His Coming”

One elder who believes the Work is finished also believes that all baptisms occurring today are invalid. His clever reasoning, and he speaks for a certain school of thought, goes like this: If one believes there is time to do a Work, such a person must also think “our Lord delays His Coming.”

Notice this from a letter he sent me, representative of others with this thinking. Incidentally, this man also considers himself a prophet, as becomes evident (emphasis his):

“When HWA died the GOAL of preaching and publishing the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the World as a witness to all nations was accomplished! The TEMPLE was completed! No one else would be called by God (John 6:44) except a very few from the ‘highways and hedges’ to replace those who have thrown away their crowns (Luke 14:23).

“All of the ‘lively stones’ were called. Now the TEMPLE can be measured BEFORE the Two Witnesses’ ministry and the Great Tribulation begins (Rev. 11:1-4). Now Christ could ‘Suddenly Come’ to his Temple to DISCERN who are His Faithful ‘Special Treasure’ in the DAY of the LORD (Mal. 3:1-3; 16-17). If you do not believe HWA completed his commission you are saying we have years and years left to finish the ‘work.’ In effect you are saying, ‘the Lord delays his coming’ (Matt. 24:48). Of course, this thought of a long delay evidently stems from [blank’s] influence over you.” (Note for later in the book his reference to the Temple being measured. His confusion will become evident.)

Incredibly, and I repeat, a significant number of people follow this misguided man. Notice he suggests that I do not believe Mr. Armstrong finished “his” commission merely because I want to continue the all-important Work of the living God. Of course I believe Mr. Armstrong finished his commission. But this man obscures through assumption that one cannot believe Mr. Armstrong finished his own commission and still want to announce the kingdom and warn Israel.

Remember, Mr. Armstrong believed, and wrote many times, three key things: (1) God’s Work would continue until the Great Tribulation, (2) it was not his private Work and (3) he could die before the Tribulation arrived.

Does anyone seriously think Mr. Armstrong would have felt that God would permit him to die before finishinghis—meaning his own—commission? Of course not! He had much more faith and understanding to ever believe such a thing. When his extraordinary prophesied role as the Elijah to “restore all things” was completed, along with a powerful ministry, he died. It is that simple. Do not be fooled by irrational leaps of logic by carnal minds masquerading as faithful to what Mr. Armstrong instructed. Finishing his personal commission certainly neverprecluded any other preaching the gospel after him! These points are simply not related.

Understand! As I have stated, I do not believe there is time to do a big Work—meaning in terms of conversions!—remotely comparable to what Mr. Armstrong did. Never assume that if one wants to continue the First Commission, he must believe time permits a Work rivaling Mr. Armstrong’s in size of Church growth. That will not happen, and I am not naïve or arrogant enough to think God wants us to mirror this!

Again, however, a thunderous WARNING message—the greatest in all history—WILL be given! The gospel will also be preached with awesome power and scope, and perhaps even beyond imagination. Those who doubt or scoff at this will soon doubt no more. These will also be forced to acknowledge where the all-powerful, living Christ was at work all along.

This argument emerges: Some (almost invariably those who once followed the man claiming to be “That Prophet”) use Zechariah 4:9 to assert that Mr. Armstrong “laid the foundation” of the Church, and that this means the Work is finished. Some then go further, suggesting that, because he “restored all things” (Matt. 17:11), this also means the Work is complete. These verses have nothing to do with the Great Commission. Mr. Armstrong was used by God to restore TRUTH, and this includes the truth that we must continue and do God’s Work in an ongoing way. God certainly did use him to lay the foundation and finish the temple, which is the Church (wait for Chapter Nineteen)! While these points are true, it is a leap from facts, logic, basic scripture and prophecy to conclude the Work is complete. The honest person will see these ideas cannot be connected!

Consider! Every false doctrine has a deceptive series of theological “arguments” and “explanations” to support it. Name one false teaching brought into the Church by either the apostates or splinter leaders, and I will show you the arguments they use to promote and propel it. Do any think the notion that God’s Work has ended would come without many convoluted, subtle, deceptive—and tortured—arguments necessary to sell it to the unwitting? Of course not!

What About Incorporation?

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