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True Motivation

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Back to 1The Bible’s Greatest Prophecies Unlocked!

What is the motivation behind the setting up of the abomination of desolation? Examining a passage in Psalm 83 reveals why the Beast power will come against Jerusalem to destroy it and desecrate the Jewish state and religion:

“Come…let us [certain nations acting in alliance] cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against you [this describes an association of nations in the Middle East who decide to ally with the 10 European nations under the Beast]…Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession” (Psa 83:4-5, 12).

First, it is certainly no secret that forces exist today in the Middle East who want to “cut off” the modern nation of Israel—the Jews. We also read from Luke that this was a time of (Gentile) “wrath” against the “people” of “this land.” However, in the next chapter we will learn that many other countries within the “nation” identified here as Israel are also to be included in this destruction that is being planned.

Now focus on the term “houses of God.” We saw that the final powerful religious leader will “plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas [Mediterranean Sea and Dead Sea] in the glorious holy mountain” (Dan. 11:45). Comparing this passage with Psalm 83:1-18 makes clear they describe the same holy places in Jerusalem where the Jews’ daily sacrifices must already by then have been restarted.

So then, the religious motive behind the confederation is to wipe out the nations of Israel—and to seize the holy places in Jerusalem, the “houses of God.” And just as Antiochus entered Jerusalem centuries ago, destroyed the city and desecrated the Temple, a final fulfillment of the abomination of desolation is drawing nearer.

Understand. The Vatican has long said they want to proclaim Jerusalem an “international city.” But this seemingly peaceful desire will only be a pretense for taking possession of the city’s holy sites. Realize that this false system will declare, “They are safe with us! You can trust us! We will be the guarantor of Jerusalem—and its three ‘great religions.’ And we are prepared to bring armies to ensure it.”

Longing for “Peace in our time”—reminiscent of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s report upon returning from Berlin just before World War II—this will please and reassure the ears of the majority—and the decision makers!

Understand. For the daily sacrifices to stop they must first be restarted. There must come at least a temporary restoration of these Old Covenant sacrifices in Jerusalem at the Temple Mount under the direction of a re-established priesthood. While a full temple is not needed, something must be rebuilt.

When the False Prophet directs the Beast to erect this statue at the site of the reconstituted daily sacrifices, the abomination will officially “stand in the holy place”!

Next come events foretold for the greatest nations in history…