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What Would Satan Choose?

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Israel and Judah Failed the Test

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Since Satan has “deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9; 20:3), we must ask how has he accomplished this? On what point has he seized, which he can most naturally replace with a counterfeit? What command would Satan most easily change, and then expect carnal human reasoning to conclude is merely an innocent adjustment?

Now understand. The carnal mind is “enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be” (Rom. 8:7). Human beings are most agreeable to sin in all of its forms. People are perfectly willing to break every one of God’s commandments. Whether idolatry, stealing, adultery, murder, dishonouring of parents, coveting or lying, people willingly—and eagerly—do these things. And, of course, Satan has certainly led people into all of these practices.

But none of these represent, in any particular way, a test that directly connects to how one might earn a living or hold a job—to whether or how one could or could not “buy and sell.” And Satan must select a commandment that affects this ability of those who will not compromise God’s Law.

There is only one commandment that Satan would see as a candidate for such a test. It is a commandment that God has always said is a sign between Him and His people. We will soon learn it.

But first we should ask, “What is a mark, brand or sign?” What do these terms signify—what do they mean?

In practical application, ranchers brand their cattle to signify ownership. In many cases, retailers hang up a sign above their establishment to show whose hardware store, restaurant or shop it is. In Genesis 4:15, after he killed Abel, Cain received a “mark,” signifying that he had sinned. This was also a kind of brand or sign telling those who met Cain who and what he was. The famous novel The Scarlet Letter is the story of a woman who committed adultery and had to wear a large “A” on the front of her clothing to signify what she had done.

It is no different with a church. God does not force anyone to obey Him. But Satan, through his church, does force his brand on his people in the same way that ranchers force their brand on cattle.
Now what is the sign that God says identifies His people? What point of obedience tells Him who are His people?

What Is God’s Sign?
In Genesis 2:1-25, immediately after God had made man, He finished the week with one final creation: “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it [none other]: because that in it[none other] He had rested from all His work which God created and made” (Gen 2:1-3).

From Creation, God established, “blessed” and “sanctified” (set apart) the seventh day of the week as a day of rest. He never established any other day—and confirmed that this was His Law “forever.” He told ancient Israel to “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy…the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord your God” (Ex. 20:8, 10).

After a few generations in Egypt, God’s people, the ancient Israelites, lost all knowledge of His Law. God had to teach it to them again. After freeing them from slavery, the first great law that He gave them was the command to keep the Sabbath (Ex. 16:1-36).

The Sabbath originated before the Old Covenant was established. The Ten Commandments were not given as part of the Old Covenant. They had been in force since Creation. (You may read my book The Ten Commandments – “Nailed to the Cross” or Required for Salvation?)

In Exodus 31:12-17, God made a special covenant with Israel regarding His Sabbath: “And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying…Verily My sabbaths you shall keep: for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations; that you may know that I am the Lord that does sanctify [set apart]you. You shall keep the sabbath…the seventh [day] is the sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord…Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath…for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He rested…”

This last phrase proves that the Sabbath was established from the Creation week, over 2,000 years prior to Exodus 31:1-18.

The Sabbath “sanctifies” those who keep it. They are set apart as belonging to—as being owned by—God. Christians are told that “you are bought with a price; be not you the servants of men” (I Cor. 7:23) and “you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God…” (I Cor. 6:20).

Those who observe the Sabbath are signified as God’s people—and that He owns them. They are also publicly identified as people who keep the commandments. Civil laws require people to obey several of the other commandments (against stealing, murder, lying [perjury], etc.), so obedience to most or all of the other commandments, which the world at least generally acknowledges in one form or another, does not identify one as a commandment-keeper!

The Sabbath does! It is a sign that people are of God, since no one would ever think or choose to keep this law without it having been revealed by God.

Notice that God established the Sabbath as a “perpetual covenant” to be kept “throughout your generations”—and “forever.” This is ironclad. God’s command is for all time. The Sabbath was to be kept forever! Doing this kept people in touch with the true God. It was the way God intended that people never lose sight of who He was (their God)—and who they were (His people)! If all peoples and nations kept the Sabbath, as Israel was commanded to do, no one would have ever fallen into idolatry and the worship of other gods—which has happened to all nations who have not kept it.

Now we must ask: Which commandment would Satan choose to overthrow? Which commandment would he most hate—and why? Which commandment signifies that those who obey it do not belong to him?

The only commandment signifying (is a sign) that one belongs to God—and the only commandment that directly points to the true God of Creation, thus displacing Satan—is the SABBATH!

Satan most hates the Fourth Commandment! There is no way to get around whether one does or does not literally observe the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath. You either do or you don’t! God and Satan are not confused on this point. They know what is at stake. And the world can readily see whether one keeps the Sabbath—or does not.

Israel and Judah Failed the Test

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