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The Testimony You Live By

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By Charles F. Stanley

He then answered, ‘Whether He is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I do know,
that though I was blind, now I see.”
 —John 9:25

John 9 tells the story of a blind man’s encounter with Jesus. The Savior spat on the ground, made clay, and put it on the man’s eyes. After washing in a pool, he “came back seeing” (John 9:6-7). From then on, the young man had an amazing story that he shared with those around him. Even though the religious leaders harassed him, he refused to recant his testimony.

“Though I was blind, now I see,” he told them.

The young man had incredible courage to defy the learned leaders—even though he knew so little about Jesus. He stood firm. Something undeniable had happened to him, and he shared his personal testimony. Simple. Straightforward. Bold.

How often do we just tell others that we were once blind to the truth of Christ, but now we see? That’s really what people want to know—even more than answers to deep theological questions. They want to hear about what happened in our lives that makes us different.

Your Testimony

Our personal testimony is unique, and sharing it is a responsibility that we must never take lightly. God has entrusted each of us with an opportunity to affect people who watch us daily. Sometimes we don’t know the influence we have, but people watch us—waiting to see if our words match our actions.

You’ve probably been influenced by someone else’s testimony. Maybe that person’s lifestyle spoke clearly to your heart about needing a Savior. In the same way, you can impact others—even when you have no idea they are watching. Three things are essential in our lives if we want to affect others for God’s kingdom.

  • First, your character needs to be solid. What you are on the inside is much more important than what you look like on the outside.
  • Next, your conduct, or what you do, should align with God’s commands. Unbelievers are watching, so make sure you stay in the center of the Father’s will and maintain a godly walk.
  • Third, your conversation is an indication of your true character. Before you can expect anyone to be curious about your life, you need to consider what your words reveal about you (Matt. 12:34).

Your personal story is a powerful tool. It is the expression of what God has done and is doing in your life. Some may say, “You don’t understand. My personal testimony isn’t dramatic at all. I received Jesus Christ as a young child. I never took drugs. I grew up in the church. That’s about it.” Don’t underestimate how powerful such a testimony is to someone who is lost! If you became a Christian at a young age, there was still a time you passed from death into life—and the world needs to know how to do that.

It doesn’t matter whether your testimony is simple or dramatic. If Jesus is your foundation, He can use you to draw people to Himself (John 12:32). Ask God to shine through you in a manner that makes others curious about the Christian faith (Matt. 5:16; 1 Pet. 3:15). Whether or not they admit it, most folks want to hear about how God touches a person’s life. Just think—if your character, conduct, and conversation are in line--an encounter with you could change someone eternally.

Adapted from "http://store.intouch.org/p-2657-handbook-for-christian-living-paperback.aspx" Charles Stanley’s Handbook for Christian Living,” 1996.

Copyright 2012 In Touch Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. "http://www.intouch.org/">www.intouch.org. In Touch grants permission to print for personal use only.