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Back to Jeremiah~

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Although Jeremiah’s main ministry was to Judah, he had also been called to proclaim God’s message to the surrounding nations (see Jer 1:5,10).

This section of Jeremiah’s book brings together a number of the messages that the prophet announced to foreign nations during the many years of his ministry (cf. Jer 25:13).

By these messages, the prophet shows that as God deals justly with Judah, so he deals justly with Judah’s neighbours.

The order in which the messages have been arranged does not follow the order of the events they announce. The arrangement is more according to the geographic location of the countries, starting with Egypt in the south and moving north and east towards Mesopotamia. The climax of the series deals with the nation that dominated the affairs of most countries in the region, Babylon. (For the nations dealt with here, see map located at Isaiah 13-23, where another group of messages to various nations is recorded.)

A message concerning Egypt (Jer 46:1-12)

Egypt’s first defeat by Babylon was in 605 BC at Carchemish. That battle marked the beginning of the end for Egyptian overlordship in the region, and brought Judea for the first time under the control of Babylon (Jer 46:1-2).

Jeremiah pictures the activity and excitement as the Egyptian soldiers prepare for battle (Jer 46:3-4).

They go out confidently but are surprised by the ferocity of the Babylonian attack. The Egyptians turn and flee but are cut off at the Euphrates River (Jer 46:5-6).

In another picture of the same battle, the prophet sees Egypt’s army surging forward like the Nile in flood. Strengthened with skilled soldiers hired from a number of neighbouring countries, the Egyptian forces feel they are so strong they could conquer the whole earth (Jer 46:7-9).

But the day is not one of victory for Egypt. It is a day of God’s judgment, and the Egyptians suffer great slaughter (Jer 46:10).

All Egypt’s skills in using medicine cannot heal her wounds. News of Egypt’s defeat spreads far and wide (Jer 46:11-12).