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Babylon’s helpless gods (Isa 45:20-46:13)

Cyrus’s conquest of Babylon will prove to those Babylonians who survive that to trust in idols for victory is useless. Wooden gods could not foresee Cyrus’s conquest, but Yahweh, the only true God, predicted it long ago (Isa 45:20-21).

People of surrounding nations may previously have fought against Yahweh by trusting in idols, but now they should forsake those idols and submit to the living God. Then they will find victory, righteousness and strength, and will join with all God’s true people in bringing him praise (Isa 45:22-25).

The prophet pictures the Babylonian refugees as they flee from the armies of Cyrus, taking with them whatever personal possessions they can carry. The Babylonian gods (two of the most important of which were Bel and Nebo), instead of saving the people, have to be saved by them. So far from helping the people, they only become a hindrance and a burden, causing the donkeys and oxen to groan under the extra weight they have to carry (Isa 46:1-2).

The people of Yahweh, by contrast, are carried by him. The God who made them cares for them, and will continue to care for them to the very end (Isa 46:3-4).

Gods of silver and gold cost their worshippers much in money, time and effort, but they cannot do anything to save their worshippers from trouble (Isa 46:5-7).

Many of the Jews had once been tempted to follow the idolatrous ways of the Babylonians. They are reminded that Yahweh alone is God (Isa 46:8-9).

The future is under his control, and at the right moment he will call Cyrus to come and destroy Babylon and release the Jews (Isa 46:10-11).

Those Jews who stubbornly refuse to trust in God must therefore change their ways, if they want to share in the blessings of the new Israel (Isa 46:12-13).