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THE EARTH.......................................6

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Evolution Says .....

The earth is known to be nearly 5.0 billion years old. It formed as a consequence of the Big Bang.

The Facts Are .....

(1) The age of Earth is not known, as it is calculated indirectly. Its age depends on which indirect method is used to calculate it. Some alternative scientific calculations of the age of the earth are:-

(i) Build-up of Aluminium in the oceans from rivers 100 yrs [4]
(ii) Build-up of Titanium in the oceans from rivers 160 yrs [4]
(iii) Build-up of Manganese in the oceans from rivers 1,400 yrs [4]
(iv) Movement of Helium-4 into the atmosphere 1,750-175,000 yrs [1]
(v) Decay of Carbon-14 in pre-Cambrian wood 4,000 yrs [2]
(vi) Build-up of Silicon in the oceans from rivers 8,000 yrs [4]
(vii) Build-up of Nickel in the oceans from rivers 9,000 yrs [4]
(viii) Movement of Uranium into the oceans from rivers 10,000-100,000 yrs [1]
(ix) Build-up of Mercury in the oceans from rivers 42,000 yrs [4]
(x) Build-up of Copper in the oceans from rivers 50,000 yrs [4]
(xi) Build-up of Barium in the oceans from rivers 84,000 yrs [4]
(xii) Decay of Palaeomagnetism 100,000 yrs [2]
(xiii) Formation of Carbon-14 on meteorites 100,000 yrs [3]
(xiv) Build-up of Carbonate in the oceans 100,000 yrs [5]
(xv) Leaching of Chlorine from the continents 1,000,000 yrs [5]
(xvi) Build-up of Calcium in the oceans 1,000,000 yrs [5]
(xvii) Build-up of Potassium in the oceans from rivers 11,000,000 yrs [4]

[1] Nature, Vol. 179, January 26, 1957 p:213
[2] Melvin A. Cook, "Prehistory and Earth Models", Max Parrish: London, 1966
[3] Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 77, No. 2, 1972 p:367-368
[4] J.P. Riley & G. Skirrow (eds), "Chemical Oceanography" (Vol. 1), Academic Press: New York, 1965 p:164
[5] Dudley J. Whitney, "The Face of the Deep", Vantage Press: New York, 1955

[see also Theodore W. Rybka, "Geophysical & Astronomical Clocks", American Writing & Pub. Co: Irvine (USA), 1992]

(2) Most of the earth's land mass, according to evolutionary theory, is supposed to have been above sea-level for hundreds of millions of years. Yet, analysis of erosion data indicates that all the land should have been eroded away within 15 million years. This is based on an estimated rate of the removal of soil and rock by wind and water of the order of 25 billion tonnes per year. Even if the land rises as it erodes, it would not be enough to extend the age from 15 million years to 5 billion years. Gordeyev V.V. et al, "The Average Chemical Composition of Suspensions in the World's Rivers and the Supply of Sediments to the Ocean by Streams", Dockl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, Vol. 238, 1980 p:150

(3) The earth receives an estimated 14 million tonnes of cosmic dust each year. At this rate, if the earth was 5 billion years old, there should be a 60m layer of this dust on the surface of the earth. Evolutionary theory dismisses this by saying that erosion and mixing has removed it from the surface. This hypothesis is unsatisfactory as there is not enough cosmic dust on Earth to support it. Meteoric dust is rich in nickel, approximately 300 times more than in earth's rocks. Nickel is rare in both the earth's crust and the oceans, indicating that the earth is young. Scott M. Huse, "The Collapse of Evolution", Baker Book House: Grand Rapids (Michigan), 1983 p:22-23

(4) The speed of rotation of the earth is gradually slowing down due mainly to the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. If the earth is billions of years old, then the spin of the earth would have had to have been so fast at the start, that the continents would have been forced to the equator and the planet would be flatter rather than oval-shaped. Scott M. Huse, "The Collapse of Evolution", Baker Book House: Grand Rapids (Michigan), 1983 p:25

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