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Who should be a Deliverance Minster!

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In Mark 16:17, Jesus said, "And these signs SHALL follow them that BELIEVE; In my name SHALL they cast OUT demons; they SHALL speak with new tongues;"
So who is a Believer? Every person who has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. You become a Deliverance Minister when you cast OUT your first demon, in the name of Jesus. Hopefully, you have already done that, and continue doing it daily.

Do you have a problem? Where is the problem radiating from? Obviously someplace inside your earth suit (body). Well, if the problem is caused by demons, guess where the demons are? INSIDE your earth suit!! This is why Jesus said to cast the demons OUT.

So what is keeping you from fitting the definition of a follower of JESUS CHRIST? It's the demons INSIDE of you! A lot of "Christians" talk about and say they believe in DELIVERANCE (the actual casting OUT of demons in the name of JESUS), but I ask them, "Do you cast out demons as JESUS commanded all Believers to do in Mark 16:17?" "No" is always the answer. Read the Scripture. No private interpretation. Nothing hidden between the lines. No deep hidden meaning. No way to read it in any other way except, "THOSE THAT BELIEVE SHALL CAST OUT DEMONS". Also note that the Scripture does not say ONLY to cast the demons OUT of non-Believers. If you feel guilty, THAT is a demon. However, the Holy Spirit should be putting some conviction on you. If not, maybe the Holy Spirit is not there with you.

Are you obeying the Word? JESUS COMMANDED all Believers to cast OUT demons. Do you? If not, spend your time and energy on learning about DELIVERANCE and not knocking JESUS' command by sending us E-mail composed by religious demons.

Everyone who IS casting OUT demons will disagree with YOU.
Every Christian that had their demons cast OUT and were set free will disagree with you.
The Ministry of JESUS while walking on the earth composed of three things.

1. Teaching,
2. Healing the sick,
3. Casting out demons.

We do all three, in the name of JESUS. How many do you do? If you are teaching that Christians cannot have demons, God will hold you accountable one day for not allowing Christians to be set free. Everything is NOT caused by demons. ALMOST everything is!

In Mark 9:39, JESUS says that casting OUT demons (DELIVERANCE) is a Miracle. Remember also what JESUS said, "Woe be unto you, Scribes and Pharisees..." (Matthew 23)!!

There are TWENTY-FOUR Scriptures using the word "DEMON", and FORTY-EIGHT Scriptures using the word "DEMONS". That's a total of SEVENTY-TWO Scriptures. Adding the words "SPIRIT" or "SPIRITS" when referring to demons, brings the total Scriptures up to ONE HUNDRED SIX. Must be important, huh?

Look around you, especially in your church. Don't you know many Christians that are having all kinds of problems? Pastors and leaders, don't you see that DELIVERANCE is a way to help your group or congregation? JESUS wants to help you and them. If you compare most Christians and non-Christians, what is the difference between them? Both have sicknesses, diseases, fears, depression, marital problems, smoking, etc. in their life and body. Sure, the REAL Christian is going to Heaven at death. I don't think God's plan was to have THAT the only difference!

JESUS gave ALL Christians ALL authority and ALL power over ALL demons. To use this authority, you MUST be a Christian.

After you have been through DELIVERANCE yourself, and when you feel comfortable with it, go help someone else. Don't let the demons talk you out of doing DELIVERANCE on yourself or others. It really works! If you don't want to do DELIVERANCE on others, at least tell them what you know.

DELIVERANCE makes you a better Christian, and gives you a closer walk with the Lord. You did not get all your demons overnight, and you cannot get rid of them all overnight. You must be persistent. JESUS LOVES YOU.

Non-Believers don't have a problem with DELIVERANCE. "Christians" on the other hand have been brainwashed into thinking Christians can't have demons. They are taught their problems are "the flesh", their "sin nature", their "personality", a "test from God", "look at Job", "all things work together for the glory of God", etc. Note they were "taught". They didn't learn it on their own. Most of this is the result of religious demons, the hardest ones to deal with when trying to help someone. Don't get me wrong, we DO have a sin nature.

If you profess to be a "Christian", but you are really bothered by this DELIVERANCE message, I can assure you this feeling (or outrage) is caused by the demons INSIDE of you that you don't think you have. I always tell these kind of "Christians" that the first demon they have inside is a "LYING" demon. It has done a good job convincing YOU. You will have to take this up with God. He made the rules. He really would like you as a real member of the team.
God says in Deuteronomy 32:30 that one of us "...have chased a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight..." (demons). We could really clean up if ALL THAT BELIEVE did their share of demon busting.

As mentioned before in Mark 16:17, JESUS says, "THOSE THAT BELIEVE SHALL CAST OUT DEMONS." JESUS is talking to ME and YOU. I'm not an English major, but "me shall" and "you shall" is what He inferred. We have no power on our own. That is why JESUS said to cast OUT demons, lay hands on the sick, and raise the dead using HIS name. The POWER of this Miracle is in USING His name. You can't USE His name if you don't USE your vocal cords. It can't get any simpler than that. That does in fact make us all DEMONBUSTERS.

Are you a Believer? Are you casting out demons? If you say, "that Scripture is not in the original", then I say, WHY DOES IT STILL WORK? It is unfortunate that there has to be DELIVERANCE Ministries, when ALL have been called. JESUS came to set the captives free. The Christians are the captives, not the non-Believer. In a war, the enemy captures the enemy, not their own. I don't know it all, but what I do know is that once I was blind (to DELIVERANCE), BUT NOW I SEE. If you sincerely want help, this web page is a good start.

Only one in 100 sincerely wants help through DELIVERANCE. The strongest demons we encounter (after ten years helping others for free) are religious demons. The same kind of demons in the religious people that had JESUS crucified, and condemned him when He did DELIVERANCE, are alive and well and living in YOU (maybe).