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A truth encounter is a very simple, yet very complex event. Simple, because it is in truth, just a prayer meeting; complex, because it involves the entire being of an individual. In this special gathering of believers, the Father is petitioned to send the Holy Spirit to search an individual, and reveal any "thing" that may have come between them and the Lord, or any "thing" that may be hindering them in their walk with the Lord, or even harming them in some way.
After each "thing" is revealed, a request is made to the Lord Jesus asking Him to remove it out of the person's life, and break it's power over them forevermore. This process is based on (Psalm 139:23-24), (Psalm 19:12-13), and (John 8:32) which read, "Search me , O God, and know my heart:test me, and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me.
Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression." Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Through this directed time of prayer many individuals have been set free from a variety of cords, bonds, yokes, curses, and spirits, allowing them to enjoy a much greater wholeness in Christ Jesus. Even though an individual may have failed many times at gaining freedom from those "things" that enslave, either on their own or at the altar of a church, in this setting, two special dynamics enter in; that of "group grace" (Matthew 18:20), "For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them."- more of His power is present with a group of believers), and "public confession"(James 5:16)
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so you may be healed."), and that which seemed hopeless before becomes reality. Our Lord states in (Luke 4:18) that He came to set the captives free, and in (John 10:10) that He wants us to have an abundant life. It is my prayer that through utilizing a truth encounter you might enjoy greater freedom in Christ, and have a much more abundant life as a believer.


I believe that proper preparation is essential to insure the greatest results from a truth encounter. The individual seeking the truth encounter (truth seeker) must prepare, and those chosen to conduct the truth encounter (conductors) must prepare. The truth seeker should prayerfully choose two or three mature believers who are well grounded in God's word, to lead him or her through the truth encounter. (If the truth seeker is married, it is highly advised that both spouses be present, and both go through the process).
  All who are to be involved should spend at least the week prior to the truth encounter in focused prayer, asking the Lord's direction, protection, and blessing upon all that will take place. It may be wise to have a day of fasting during that week- for spiritual purification; and also to show the Lord that you are very serious in seeking His help in the upcoming event. It is also critical that during this time you are enlisting as many prayer warriors as possible to begin bathing the chosen place and time in prayer, and especially to agree to be praying during the chosen time to loose God's power and grace upon everything that is to happen.

The conductors must be diligent in preparation by seeking spiritual cleansing, again, by prayer and fasting during the preceding week, but also by spending 30 minutes or so shortly before the appointed time, asking the Lord to search their hearts and reveal any sin present, and then asking Him to forgive and cleanse those sins. This is also a good time to confess your total dependence on the Lord, acknowledge His Lordship, and invite Him to take full control of the imminent proceedings.


A location should be selected that is as free as possible from distractions and interruptions. We have found that for us, evenings work the best, because this seems to minimize phone calls and other interruptions, and allows for any young children to be put safely in bed.


The conductors should open the session with prayer, praising God for who He is, thanking Him for bringing about this appointed time, asking His protection on the involved individuals and their families, seeking His leading in all that will be said and done, petitioning Him that only truth will be spoken or revealed, yielding to Him in every way, confessing that nothing will happen unless He brings it about, and giving Him all of the glory and honor in advance for everything that is about to be accomplished.

Spend as much time here as you feel is needed.


Following this opening prayer would be a good time to get acquainted, in case not everyone knows each other, and also to discuss the reasons why the truth seeker has requested the truth encounter. Next, you should go over the procedure that is to be employed to make sure that everyone present clearly understands what is about to take place. Again, this is simply a time of prayer, asking the Father to send the Holy Spirit to search and reveal any "thing" contrary to His will, and then asking Jesus to remove it.


When everyone feels comfortable with each other and with what is about to happen, the conductors offer a second prayer, asking the Lord to take control, seeking a hedge of protection about the place, requesting angels to be sent to assist, sealing the room from any outside spiritual intervention, binding any spirits present from creating any deception or distractions, stripping them of all spiritual armor, weaponry, and authority, and loosing God's perfect will upon this event. The order of this prayer is not as important as making sure that all of these aspects are covered, plus anything else that the Spirit would have covered


Now it's time to actually begin the truth encounter. One of those conducting the truth encounter, who feels comfortable in doing so (first conductor), offers up a prayer similar to this, "Father, we praise you for bringing this time to be, and for you being in charge of all that is to happen, and now we ask that you send the Holy Spirit to......(first name of the truth seeker) and search their heart, and reveal clearly to their mind any "thing" that could have come between you and....., or any "thing" that may be hindering......in their walk with you, or even harming......in some way. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Father, Amen." (It is very important that every prayer be offered in the name of Jesus, for all power is in His name; and also realize that all of the prayers given in this manual are offered as suggestions, they are not written in stone, and can be changed to meet the need or personality. We don't have a set agenda or rigid structure. There is great freedom and flexibility in the Holy Spirit- we must be open to any direction He might take us).


The truth seeker should sit quietly with closed eyes and see what the Spirit brings. It could be a thought, emotion, memory, or a word- such as anger or unforgiveness. Whatever comes should be shared as simply as possible, and the first conductor should lead the truth seeker in a prayer of confession and repentance, possibly like this, (have them repeat each section after you) "Dear Jesus - I confess - that I've harbored a spirit of anger in my heart - I'm sorry - please forgive me - please take anger out of my heart - and break it's power over my life - and replace it with your spirit of joy (or whatever the opposite is of the thing being dealt with) - thank you Lord Jesus - amen." The first conductor would then again pray for the truth seeker in a manner similar to the initial prayer, such as, "Father, we praise you for what you are doing and for revealing this "thing". We now ask you again to send your wonderful Holy Spirit to......and reveal that "thing" that needs to be dealt with next. We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you, Father, Amen" And so the process repeats.


When these things are revealed in a person's mind, they may be very simple, as the word "anger", or more complex, involving a memory that takes several minutes to share. Whatever it is, the conductor's) need to "put a word on it", so that this thing (the word) can be offered to Jesus asking Him to remove it. For example, a memory might be shared involving a sibling that wronged the person greatly, and hard feelings are still present.

The "word" or label might be "bitterness" or "unforgiveness". When this is decided and agreed upon by all present, then the first conductor can lead the truth seeker through the prayer asking Jesus to take this thing, "unforgiveness" or "bitterness", out of their heart or life. The conductors should never "fish" for words , quizzing the truth seeker by suggesting things or asking, "did God reveal this or that to you?". We want to make sure that what is revealed is from the Holy Spirit, and not the product of our suggestions. Another thought to keep in mind is that "things" revealed, such as a spirit of anger, could be an attitude of anger (a harbored sin of anger), or a literal spirit of anger that we've allowed to oppress us. It really doesn't matter, for it is dealt with the same way, by seeking the Lord's forgiveness for harboring this "thing", asking Him to remove it, break it's power, and replace it with something opposite (joy for anger, forgiveness for unforgiveness, etc.).


<p style="text-align: left">After three things have been revealed and dealt with, we would then have a different one of the conductors (second conductor-although it could be the same one if the others present would prefer, but they would have to be in silent agreement) say a special prayer over the truth seeker in a manner like this, "Father, we continue to give you all of the praise for what you are doing, for we are merely your witnesses here tonight to your grace and your mercy.

And now we ask that you send your holy angels and tie up these three; anger, unforgiveness, and bitterness, with triple stranded cords covered with the blood of Jesus, and have them carry them away to the feet of Jesus the mighty judge, where He would judge them and send them away to their place of punishment, never to return. In the place of anger, please send your spirit of joy, and let your joy be made complete in......'s life, and in the place of unforgiveness, send your spirit of forgiveness, enabling......to forgive all others as you have forgiven them, and in the place of bitterness send sweetness, allowing......to manifest a sweet and gentle spirit to all that cross their path. We thank you Father for doing this that we ask, for we ask it in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, Amen". This prayer seems to affirm and complete the process of removal of the things dealt with, and some have reported to actually have seen the angels doing what was asked.


After this special prayer is offered, the first conductor would then begin the process again, asking the Father once more to send the Holy Spirit to search and reveal. This process repeats (including the special prayer after each three things are dealt with) until nothing comes to the truth seeker's mind.


When a point is reached where nothing further comes to the truth seeker's mind, then the initial prayer can be changed (as the Holy Spirit leads) to search deeper, or into different areas (we would also change it if nothing was revealed after the first offering of the initial prayer at the beginning of the truth encounter). The new prayer could be, "Father, we again praise you for your working tonight, and now we ask that you would turn on your heavenly flood lamps and illuminate......in your light, and again send your Holy Spirit to search all of their being.

Let no area of darkness escape detection, we ask this in the all-knowing, all-seeing name of Jesus, amen." Changing the prayer usually produces results, allowing more things to be revealed. The prayer can be changed as many times as seems necessary. Don't worry about how to pray, just be dependent on the Holy Spirit, and let Him lead you. Each encounter is different, there is no set game plan, just follow the Lord, He knows the way. Other possibilities for changing the prayer might be, "Father, increase the power 100 times, and let nothing that's hidden remain hidden", or "send your holy fire and burn off the darkness."


When you reach a point when nothing comes, and it appears that the end of the truth encounter is nearing, the first conductor offers a prayer similar to this, "Father, you are a mighty and an awesome God, we continue to give you great praise for all that you have accomplished tonight.

We ask again that you send Your Holy Spirit, and have Him search back though the life of......, reviewing every minute, back to the time of their birth, even to their conception, and reveal any memory or any "thing" that happened as a baby or a child that you would have us deal with now, - come Holy Spirit of God, we pray in Jesus name, Amen." This prayer will often bring another thing or two to be dealt with. Don't forget that as every three things are revealed, the special prayer of removal should be offered, even to the end of the truth encounter.


<p style="text-align: left">After their life has been searched, one more area must be looked into, their family history. Offer a prayer like this, "Father, praise your Holy name, you are a great and powerful God, all-knowing and all-seeing, the author and creator of time, and yet outside of time. Now we ask that you send your Holy Spirit to search back before the time of......'s birth, back through the family history and reveal any family sins or generational curses that may be afflicting......'s family. We ask this in Jesus name, amen".

This prayer can produce some startling results- we've seen curses of divorce, abuse, neglect, alcohol, and even murder; and at times a specific sin of a grandparent or great-grandparent may be revealed, sometimes in a vision. Whatever is revealed is dealt with in a different manner, the first conductor doesn't lead the truth seeker in a prayer, but offers a prayer for them and their family, with all present in agreement, possibly like this, "We give you thanks for revealing this curse of divorce, and we offer up a prayer of agreement, asking that this curse be forever broken over......and their family, and it's effects totally removed; and we loose your blessings of Godly marriages, marriages made in heaven, and of commitment and fidelity, upon the marriage of......, and upon their children, and their children's children for all future generations. Father , please do this thing that we ask, for we ask it in Jesus name. Amen."

If a family sin had been revealed, such as murder, or incest, the first conductor would pray in a similar manner, asking forgiveness for the sin, and that all of it's effects upon the family and any resulting curses be broken and removed. Realize that a curse can be revealed at any time during a truth encounter, and if it surfaces before this point, we would usually lead the truth seeker in the prayer seeking it's breaking and removal, and then offer the special prayer of removal, to insure that all bases are covered.


After these areas are fully explored, it is very possible that the truth encounter is completed; but to see if this is true, and that not a single stone has been left unturned, a prayer of this nature is offered by the first conductor, "Father, we give you all of the glory and honor for what has happened tonight, and Father, if we are done, we pray that you would send your peace that passes understanding upon......, and let their joy be complete; but if we are not done, if even any small thing that is displeasing to you has escaped detection, Father, create an unrest in......'s heart, and we will continue to search, but oh Father, if all is finished, bring that peace and joy that only you can bring, we ask this in Jesus name, Amen" Usually the truth seeker will sense a tremendous peace (that peace will often fill the room!) and we know that we are done, but occasionally they will sense an unrest, and we would simply repeat the initial prayer of the truth encounter, asking the Father to increase the power, possibly commanding the remaining thing by the blood of Jesus to reveal itself, and when this happens, to seek again for the Lord's peace and joy. It is a wonderful place to be when they come, truly holy ground. What a loving and generous God we serve.


<p style="text-align: left">If a married couple is going through the truth encounter together, the one who first felt the need for one usually goes first, through the entire procedure, and then the spouse would go through the entire procedure. The spouse usually takes less time, for we ask them to be in agreement with the prayers of their mate, and find that much is dealt with in their own life due to the shared nature of some of the things (being one flesh, certain things can be co-owned, and by being in agreement silently when all the prayers are offered up, some of these things are removed from both of their lives).


As we end our time together, it has been our tradition for each person present to offer up a short prayer of praise and thanksgiving to our gracious God for the blessing of witnessing His power and mercy. And he who prays last (usually one of the conductors) should at the end ask that all that has taken place would be sealed forever by the Holy Spirit, that God would place a mighty hedge of protection around the truth seeker and their family, and that our Heavenly Father would receive all the glory and honor from the events of this evening.


Here are four more things to be aware of that you may find helpful.
1. Realize that all present are to be involved, through silent prayer (being in agreement with all that is prayed), by offering help for clarification of an idea if needed or prompted by the Holy Spirit, by reading a scripture if one is revealed or that seems appropriate, or even by the leading of the singing of a hymn or praise song if God so directs. The roles of the conductors can be changed to accommodate the personalities present. These sessions are always different, with each person contributing to the effort, and we need to be flexible and open to the Spirit's leading. It is also good to have one person (possibly the second conductor) take notes of those things that have been revealed, as this is helpful in avoiding any confusion or repetition.
<p style="text-align: left">2. Realize that very often, within three days after the truth encounter, two visitors may visit the truth seeker; "doubt", and "self-condemnation". They will bring suggestions like, "nothing really happened", or "nothing has changed, you're still a loser, God doesn't care about you, look at your past!". If this happens, the truth seeker should first rebuke the unwanted visitors in the name of Jesus, and second, call one of the conductors to verify what took place, for one of their most important roles is to be a witness to the power and grace of God. They can review and confirm the events that really did take place for the truth seeker, helping them to walk boldly in the new found freedom which the Lord has brought.
<p style="text-align: left">3. Realize that a spirit could manifest in the middle of a truth encounter (rarely, probably in less than 5 % of our experiences). This is usually noticed by a change in the person's demeanor or voice. They might say something like, "this is stupid, I want to go, now!", or, "I don't like you, and you have no clue as to what you're doing." Or they might hear a voice inside telling them, "nothing is really happening", or, "they can't have you, you are mine forever". If this happens, the first conductor would simply shift from the truth encounter to a power encounter, looking the truth seeker in the eyes and offering a prayer like this, "spirit within, in the name of Jesus Christ, we command you to reveal to......'s mind your name and by what right you are there". The conductors need to determine what type of spirit it is (anger, lust, bitterness, etc.), and find out how it entered into the person's life. For example, one spirit revealed itself to be "misery", and that it entered the lady's life when she was raped as a teenager.
There is usually some event that allows spirits legal entry into a person's life, such as drugs, alcohol, wrongful sexual activity, Occultic or satanic involvement, witchcraft, new age, false religions, and acts of abuse or violence committed against the person. When the spirit reveals it's name (sometimes it can take a while - prayers, scripture reading, and hymns can be helpful), the first conductor then leads the truth seeker in a prayer, possibly like this, "Dear Lord Jesus - I confess - that I've harbored a spirit of lust in my heart - Lord, I am so sorry - and I am sick and tired of him being here - please forgive me - please take lust out of my heart - and break it's power over my life, now and forever - and replace him with your spirit of holiness - thank you, Lord Jesus, Amen".

The second conductor would then offer the special prayer of confirmation and removal, and then you would move back to the truth encounter. Keep in mind that there could be more than one spirit present. These can easily be taken care of by repeating the power encounter, although it seems that minor or weaker spirits are often removed through the process of the truth encounter, which is a more pleasant way to go- I'd rather deal with the Holy Spirit than an evil spirit any day. However the Lord leads, there is no fear on our part, He has given us the authority to do this, in His name. We should in no way become "fascinated" with this area, or give any glory to the enemy- be fascinated with the things of God, and always glorify him. Some books that may assist you in this area are, "The Bondage Breaker" by Neil Anderson, and "Defeating Dark Angels" by Howard Kraft.
4. Realize that this is not necessarily a "one-shot deal". There are times when a "check-up" or "tune-up" is needed at a later date, to see if some thing has slipped back in, or some thing new allowed in.

We sometimes think of a truth encounter as being similar to a visit to a chiropractor- the first visit often takes lots of time and work, for much can be out of alignment, but subsequent trips can be shorter- more fine tuning in nature. We find that initially, a truth encounter often lasts two to four hours (occasionally longer), but when repeated months or years later, it may only take thirty to sixty minutes, because the procedure is now a familiar one, and much was dealt with during the first session. There is really no reason not to go through this process periodically to make sure that there aren't things in your life that are displeasing to the Lord. As we often go to the doctor for a physical check-up, why not go to the Great Physician for a spiritual check-up?

Truth Encounters Ministries</a> have given us permission to use their "Manual" on this Site.