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Book 2 of Musings A Change in God

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What if the Father were like Satan? We need to think about this and be thankful.

You know, sometimes we take the Lord for granted. We count on His being faithful, truthful, loving, patient, merciful. I don't think we are right in taking God's goodness for granted. Sometimes we take our parents for granted, assuming they will do everything in their power to help us even though we are mean and disobedient. I don't think this is right either!

What if God were like Satan? What if God were treacherous, a liar, hateful, impatient, and unmerciful? Have you ever thought about this?

God is making us in His image. This means we will be faithful, truthful, loving, patient, and merciful. But we often are careless about changing our behavior. We think God should be like He is, but we would enjoy a little bit of Satan in our personality.

The prevailing attitude of the churches in our country is that we are saved by grace no matter how we behave. The theologians insist we will go to Heaven by a sovereign grace regardless of our conduct.

The Law of Moses required that people learn what God has commanded and obey it diligently.

Now we are being taught that God has changed His mind. He is saving us by a mystical grace. I say "mystical" because it is not associated with reality.

We Christians are living in a bubble of grace that prevents God from seeing our behavior. The Wife of the Lamb, the Body of Christ, the Temple of God, all consist of worldly, lustful, self-seeking people with whom God has fellowship on the basis of the mystical "grace." He can't stand being without them, and He doesn't want them to suffer, and so He is just about to "rapture" them into Heaven in their foolishness and self-love.

If the present viewpoint were true it would be best we never had been born. Why is this? It would signify a change in God's Character. God now would be like us, fellowshiping with us in our treachery, lying, hateful behavior, impatience, and malice. God has not been able to change us, so now He has become like us.

This is what is being taught today in most Protestant churches in the United States of America.

We are doomed! We have no hope of Heaven. How can there be a Heaven when the inhabitants are treacherous, liars, hateful, impatient, and malicious? It would not matter how marvelous the environment of Heaven is, it would be a miserable place to be. It would be no better than the present world!

Our hope is gone. God has decided to fellowship with sinners whether or not they behave themselves. There is no Heaven. There is only the Hell of the works of Satan.

And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, Maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation." (Exodus 34:6-7)