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Book 1 of Musings Our One Opportunity

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This is your one opportunity in eternity.

Make the most of it!

I remember when I was twelve years old. I though I would never arrive at the glorious age of eighteen. Eighteen seemed like a million years away.

Now I am seventy-seven years of age. I never wanted to be this old. After I was saved at the age of nineteen, I had hoped that I would soon go to be with the Lord.

It didn't happen and so here I am, still plugging away.

Then we consider eternity. Well, we can't really consider it. Our minds are finite in scope. We cannot grasp that which has no beginning, like God Himself; or that which has no end or no limit.

The Greeks, I think it was, said there could be no end of space. If there was an end, then it would be a wall. And there always has to be something on the other side of a wall. Good thinking!

I guess we will have to consider eternal life as a state of living in God's Presence without ever losing consciousness.

The Bible teaches clearly that our behavior now will affect our condition in the next world. What we sow we are going to reap.

This being undoubtedly true, we better consider seriously the prospect of being conscious for eternity.

Probably the reason unsaved people fear death so much is the thought of just vanishing, like you never existed. You pass into nothingness. You are no more. That indeed is a fearful thought.

But it appears people will be conscious forever in one state or another. And right now we are determining what our state will be.

With this in mind the wise person will make certain he is doing God's will to the very best of his ability.

The present world is not enjoyable for most people most of the time. The only way we can make it enjoyable is by sacrificing our integrity, by betraying those who trust us. I think we ought to recognize this and seek to please God in the midst of our problems. We can profit from our pain by using it to drive us into Christ.

We can safely place all our treasures in Heaven and defer our hobbies and nonessential activities to the next life.

I know one thing I am going to do. I am going to take some long walks in the woods. Do you think they have woods in Heaven? I hope so. I love the woods, but for many years I have been sitting in front of a computer. Why? Because I think Christ wants me to say some things to His people. So I'll save the woods until later.

Life is short at best. I want to meet a happy, satisfied Christ when I die. How about you?

Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. (Daniel 12:2-3)