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Book 1 of Musings High Rank in the Kingdom

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Those of high rank in the Kingdom love God absolutely and obey God absolutely. When it is necessary, they deny themselves for the sake of the Lord, and for other people.

The Kingdom of God is like other kingdoms in many respects. Just as in other kingdoms, there are ranks in the Kingdom of God. Jesus spoke of those who are greatest in the Kingdom and those who are least in the Kingdom.

It is human nature to desire to be of a high rank in any kingdom or organization, although it is true that there are those without much ambition.

In the parable of the talents, and in His statement about greatest and least in the Kingdom, it appears the Lord Jesus recognizes and certainly does not express disapproval of our desiring to be a person of high rank in the Kingdom of God. In fact, the Lord seems to encourage our desire to excel.

I know in the current teaching about grace and Heaven the idea is presented that everyone is the same after we die and there are not really significant rewards. But this is not a scriptural concept. Crowns of life and righteousness are mentioned.

When the Lord spoke of many who are last in time being first in the Kingdom, He might have meant that many who are last in time will be of first rank in the Kingdom.

This probably is a fact.

It appears the air about us is filled with lust, foolishness, murder, envy, unbelief, and every other kind of wickedness. To escape from the lusts and distractions found in America in our day requires an outstanding attempt to escape the cloying clutches of darkness. One has to be ferociously determined if he or she is to arise in the morning and lay hold on Jesus for the day. The customary weak demands of the churches of our time do not approach the desperate effort needed to keep our eyes on Christ at all times, and to maintain our treasures in Heaven.

Sometimes I feel a bit weird after I urge the believers to wrench themselves loose from the pull of our culture, knowing they can go to a hundred other churches in the county and participate in less strenuous activities - good activities, no doubt, but perhaps not fierce enough to overcome the blanket of blandness that smothers us in America. As I see it, we must be terribly intense in our desire to follow Jesus, and so I hold the feet of all of us to the fire.

If we would be of high rank in the Kingdom of God we must love God absolutely and obey God absolutely. There must be nothing - absolutely nothing! - in our personality or behavior that competes with God for our attention and devotion. The moment God suggests we are to do something, or cease from doing something, at that very moment we are to obey strictly and joyously.

If we are in doubt concerning the will of God, then we are to take the time to pray and act cautiously until we are assured we are in God's will. On occasion it is wise to seek the counsel of an older Christian, one in whom we have confidence concerning the quality of his or her discipleship.

Also, if we would be of high rank in the Kingdom, we must set aside our own desires, when necessary, in order to benefit Christ and other people. We cannot cling to our personal wishes and at the same time serve Christ.

It sometimes is true that what we must offer to God is costly!

If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:26-27)