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Lesson 23

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WE RETURN now to the book of Genesis, to Chap­ter twenty-five, verses twelve to eighteen. The descendants of Ishmael are the inhabitants of Arabia.

THE GENERATIONS OF ISAAC In studying the life of Isaac, note its similarity to that of Abraham. For a long time, Rebekah was barren as was Sarah, Isaac had trouble in Gerar as did Abraham, he makes an agreement with Abimelech as did Abraham, and in the two sons of Isaac there is a great difference of character, just as there was between the characters of Isaac and Ishmael.

CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE [Gen. 25:1-34], Verse Twenty-two [Gen. 25:22]. Per­haps this phrase, "to enquire of the Lord," merely means to pray.

Verse Twenty-three [Gen. 25:23]. There is an ambiguity here. In the original the latter sentence of this verse may read either, "The elder shall serve the younger," or, "the younger shall serve the elder,"

CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX [Gen. 26:1-35], Verse Seven [Gen. 26:7]. Note that Isaac acts deceitfully just as Abraham had done.

Verse Seventeen [Gen. 26:17]. Note the passive character of Isaac. It seems also to be expressed in verse twenty-one [Gen. 26:21]. Verses twenty-eight and twenty-nine [Gen.26:28-29] should be committed to memory.

Verse Thirty-nine ff. [Gen. 27:39-46]. There is ambiguity in this blessing of Isaac, which depends upon one Hebrew word. Should this word be translated "of" or "away from"? Should the verse read, "Thy dwelling shall be away from the fatness of the earth," or, "Thy dwelling shall be of the fatness of the earth"?

CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT [Gen. 28:1-22]. Note that at Bethel Jacob does not recognize any local tribal deity, as the higher critics have asserted, but he recognizes the LORD.

CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE [Gen. 31:1-55], Verse Thirty [Gen. 31:30]. Archeology has explained to us the reason why Laban was so anxious concerning the household gods, the teraphim. A tablet has been discovered which shows that the possession of the household gods by a son-in-law would make that son-in-law the inheritor of everything that belonged to the father. This gives us interesting light upon Rachel's character.

Verse Forty-seven [Gen. 31:47]. Laban speaks the Aramaic lan­guage, and Jacob the Hebrew. The two names mean the same thing.

CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO [Gen. 32:1-32], Verses Twenty-four to Thirty-two [Gen. 32:24-32]. Read this account in the light of Hosea 12: 4, 5. The touching of Jacob's thigh makes Jacob the more determined to persist. Note that there is a veil of mys­tery overhanging the account; perhaps the physical and spiritual here go hand in hand. Compare Genesis 32: 10-12 with Gen. 32:24-32. Jacob prays that his sin may be forgiven and that God's displeasure, which was due to his sin, may be removed. If Jacob is to be an inheritor of the promises, his sin must be forgiven and his conscience must be purified.

CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE [Gen. 33:1-20], Verse Sixteen [Gen. 33:16]. Seir is Edom, where the ruined city of Petra now is.

CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE [Gen. 35:1-29], Verse Four [Gen. 35:4]. The strange gods are probably the teraphim referred to in Genesis 31:34. Read Joshua 24:14.

Verse Ten [Gen. 35:10]. For some reason, the new name, Israel, is not hitherto used by Jacob.

Verse Nineteen [Gen. 35:19]. Perhaps one of the most interesting sites in Palestine today is the so-called Koubbet Rahil (the Tomb of Rachel), a building which perhaps goes back to the fifteenth century A. D. This shrine is greatly reverenced by the Jews, Mohammedans, and Christians alike, although we have not the slightest means of know­ing whether it is on the correct location or not.


  • What land did the descendants of Ishmael inhabit?
  • How was the life of Isaac similar to that of Abraham?
  • From the following verses write a brief character sketch of Isaac: Genesis 24:63; 25:21, 28; 26:6 in the light of

Gen. 25:2-5; 26:7, 17, 21, 22, 25, 27, 30.

  • Write an outline of the life of Isaac.
  • What ambiguity is there in Genesis 27:39ff.?
  • What is the meaning of Gen. 32:24-32?
  • What do you think of Jacob's prayer as a summary of his life? Genesis 32:9-10.
  • Write an outline of the life of Jacob.
  • What verses throw light upon Jacob's character?
  • What do you think of the character of Jacob in comparison with that of Abraham and Isaac?


No. 437: "Our Father, Thou In Heaven Above."

No. 440: "Comfort, Comfort Ye My People."

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