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29.What did Christ do with the "enmity" of the Law and ordinances?

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Back to Study the Book of Ephesians

Back to Chapter Two......

Christ did away with the power of the Law of Moses to divide the Jews and the Gentiles. Christ accomplished the removal of the power of the Law by keeping the Law perfectly Himself, and then suffering the penalty for breaking the Law. Because of this, Christ can transfer to any person whom God gives to Him the righteousness that He possesses as a result of His keeping the Law.

Christ abolished the "enmity," the Law of Moses, "in his flesh" by keeping the Law and then being slain in the flesh on behalf of those who have broken the Law. Every person on the earth has at one time or another broken the holy laws of God.

30. What did Christ accomplish by doing away with the Law of Moses, the "enmity" that had separated the Jew from the Gentile?

Christ received into Himself all who believe, whether Jew or Gentile. All believers are gathered together into "one new man." The "new man" is the Body of Christ. In the new man there is peace between Jew and Gentile and there is peace with God.

The concept that the elect Jews and Gentiles compose the one family of God, the one holy nation, is a central theme of the Book of Ephesians. The traditional idea, that God deals in one manner with the Gentiles and another with the Jews, and that the races are identifiable in the Kingdom of God, has wrought havoc in the interpretation of the Scriptures, particularly the statements of the Hebrew Prophets.

The Dispensational teaching of a "Gentile Bride" having an eternal destiny in Heaven, while the Jews inherit a kingdom on the earth, is incorrect. The doctrine of two brides, a Gentile bride and a Jewish bride, is incorrect. The doctrine of two kingdoms, a heavenly kingdom and an earthly kingdom, is incorrect. The doctrine of two comings of Christ, one to remove His Church and the other to set up His Kingdom on the earth, is incorrect.

There is only one holy city, one new Jerusalem. It shall be the Throne of God on earth forever. If such is the case, and the Scripture states it is, how, then, can there be a heavenly kingdom and an earthly kingdom?

Let all sincere believers cast away the false teachings of Dispensationalism. They have come from Satan in order to confuse the minds of Christians as the one Kingdom of God approaches the earth. Satan understands well that God’s one Kingdom always will come to the earthly city of Jerusalem when it is set up on the earth.

Satan’s plan for preventing the entrance of Christ into the earth to rule the nations is to split off the Christians from the nation of Israel. His plan will not succeed because of the power of the Father; but Satan and the other wicked spirits do not seem to grasp that they and their devices are doomed to failure. They keep fostering confusion and destruction. God uses their efforts to perfect His holy remnant.

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