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Back to Study for the book Romans

Back to Chapter Thirteen...

We have reason to fear governmental authority.

Some Christians learn the above truth to their dismay. They break the laws of their country and then are surprised when they are sent to jail. To make matters worse, they speak of themselves as being persecuted for the Gospel’s sake.

They had supposed that because they are Christians they were not obligated to obey the laws of their city and country. They found out that God did not deliver them, because their breaking of the laws of their land was not of God but proceeded from their own rebellious and sinful nature.

In most instances, Christian people can do all that God requires of them without having to disobey the government. A Christian should be a model of good citizenship and righteous behaviour, providing an honest, honourable testimony in the sight of all men.

There have been occasions in history, as in the instances of Joseph, Daniel, Nehemiah, Queen Esther, and Mordecai, when God’s saints have exercised rulership under the auspices of civil government.

There have been other occasions, such as the saving alive of the baby Moses and the preaching of Peter and John, when godly people have had to disobey and resist the rulers.

Some nations of today, which in time past had been influenced by the Christian churches, have turned to sin. As a result, Satan in them is speaking against the ways and people of the God of Heaven. As always, the Judaic-Christian believers are the objects of hatred and persecution.

Whereas we once could cooperate cheerfully with the courts and the schools it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so. Many Christians are extremely upset over the practice of abortion. Others are dismayed at the teaching of humanism and Eastern religions in the public schools while Judaism and Christianity are driven out as evils not suitable for the pliable minds of children.

The fact that God created the universe is regarded as undesirable, unscientific dogma, while the easily disproved hypothesis of evolution is held up as scientific truth.

The explanation that this is the normal, expected outworking of a democracy is not sound. The rejection of God’s ways and people is a calculated effort by Satan and Satan-inspired people. It is the beginning of massive, vicious persecution. Only a spark is needed to start the bonfire.

Reasonable, educated, otherwise-lawful Christian people are observing the rapid spread of these abominations and are deeply concerned and vexed. It is apparent that the day is near when the Christian churches once again will be forced into hiding. We simply cannot participate in the works of Satan, even if they are endorsed by our government.

If a Christian decides to resist the government and break the law he will do well to make certain he has as good a reason as the parents of Moses, as genuine a commission as Peter and John. Otherwise he will bring on himself the condemnation of God and of the civil authorities.

God will not honour the immature, self-cantered Christian who is attempting to build what he believes to be God’s Kingdom apart from prayer and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. If such a person breaks the law he will be held to account just as any other person, saved or unsaved.

Back to Study for the book Romans

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