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By what means is the Christian able to overcome the foulest, most perverse evil?...

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Back to Study for the book Romans

Back to Chapter Twelve...

With Divine good.

There is evil of an incomprehensible depth of venom and perversity that is abroad in the land today. Whenever the saint comes near it he must be fenced about by the power and Virtue of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The evil is venomous and contagious. The unwary saint can become infected with it. Soon he is attempting to fight evil with evil, fire with fire. However, the devil is the master of evil, of fire, of wrath, of murder. If the saint chooses to fight evil with evil he will be overcome. He will lose his spiritual life.

The saint’s weapon is Divine Goodness and mercy. There are occasions when we are tempted to strike back against the evil that is facing us, or to justify or defend ourselves. Hatred rises within us. If we will call on God, asking Him to fill us with Divine power and love, with the body and blood of Christ, the Virtue of Christ will be given to us. We will go on our way peacefully, keeping our attention fixed on the Lord Jesus and His glory. By so doing we will fill our environment with Christ and overcome evil with good, although the evil is perverse, unreasonable, filled with malice.

Today we are beholding the tares coming to maturity. A foulness is boiling up from the depths of Hell and filling the earth. The peoples of the nations are beginning to portray in their actions and words the nature of the demons and fallen angels.

The Holy Spirit is warning that we now are on the edge of a revelation of demonic activity unparalleled in its filth. More and more, demons will be deriving their fulfilment from human flesh as people give themselves over without restraint to their lusts. The curse on Satan is that he will eat dust, and "dust" is the flesh of man.

The Christian not only is not to participate in the foulness that is filling the world, he is to refrain from thinking about it, talking about it, fretting about it. God will destroy the foulness in His time. If the saint will keep his mind and speech centered on the Lord Jesus Christ he can survive throughout the coming flood of evil.

Not only will he survive personally but he will be a source of life and deliverance for all who will listen to him. If the Christian begins to fight back, blaming and cursing the blinded peoples of the world, he will begin to go down to defeat. The poison of the evil will overcome him.

The goal of Satan is to move the Christian’s attention away from the Lord Jesus and to cause him to think constantly about the works of Satan. If Satan can do that he can bring the Christian down to defeat.

We are not to allow ourselves to become bitter and distraught while overcoming evil.

Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity (Psalms 37:1). In many instances, the reason we become so angry with evil is that some of the evil is within us. Without realizing it we are envious.

The wickedness that is within us desires to fight against the wickedness in the world. The demon world is filled with quarrelling and fighting, whereas God’s holy Presence is filled with peace.

Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed (Psalms 37:3).

Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth (Psalms 37:7-9).

Even though we see gross wickedness and injustice on every hand, let us turn our attention to the Lord Jesus. He will fill us with His love and peace. No one can harm us or overcome us when we are resting in His eternal, incorruptible resurrection life and glory. Jesus will overcome all evil at last.

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