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Chapter Eight

Revision as of 20:22, 10 December 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (QUESTIONS)

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What did Paul wish to make known to the saints in Corinth?
What was true of the churches in Macedonia?
How did the saints in Macedonia demonstrate the grace of God?
To what extent did the believers in Macedonia give of their material blessings for the poor saints in Jerusalem?
For what opportunity did the Macedonians beg Paul?
In what way had the believers in Macedonia gone beyond Paul’s expectations?
What did Paul exhort Titus to do?
In what things were the Corinthians abounding?
In what additional way did Paul desire that they abound?
In what manner did Paul speak to them concerning sharing with their brothers and sisters in the Lord?
In what way was the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ revealed?
What is Paul’s opinion?
How does God view the believer who is willing to share his material means?
What does the Apostle not intend?
What is the desired condition?
What does the manna, given in the wilderness, teach us?
What had God put in the heart of Titus?
What did Titus do?
Whom did Paul send with Titus?
What special responsibility rested on the Christian brother whom Paul sent with Titus?
What was the purpose of having Luke in charge of the collection?
What was Paul careful to do?.
Whom else did Paul send in addition to Titus and the unnamed brother (possibly Luke) who was appointed to supervise the collection for the poor saints?
How did Paul desire that the church in Corinth would regard Titus?
How did Paul desire that the church in Corinth regard the two Christian men who accompanied Titus to Corinth?
What did Paul ask the Corinthians saints to do?

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