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Back to Revelation 3:5

Copyright © 2011 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

1.Read Revelation 3:5.

2.What is the "white garment" with which we are to be clothed?

The power to live righteously.

3.Read Revelation 19:8.

4.What is the meaning of the term "righteousness," as used in Revelation 19:8?

Righteous behaviour.

5.What did the Apostle Paul desire?

The power to live righteously.

6.Read Romans 7:24.

7.What has Christ promised us?

The power to live righteously.

8.Read Matthew 5:6.

9.What is being woven in Heaven for the victorious saint?

A robe of white linen, which symbolizes the power to live righteously.

10.When will the saint be clothed with the righteous body that has been formed as he has overcome sin and disobedience while on the earth?

At the coming of the Lord Jesus from Heaven.

11.What happens each time we, through the Spirit, overcome the pressures of a trial or the enticements of a sin?

Our robe of righteousness grows more glorious.

12.From what will the overcomer be released, at the coming of the Lord?

No longer will he be dragging around a physical body full of sin.

13.What is each saint weaving now?

A robe of righteous conduct.

14.What is being created in us now?

Our resurrection from the dead is being created in us.

15.With what shall we be clothed in the Day of Christ?

Our deeds.

16.Will the coming of the Lord from Heaven produce a change in the personality of the saint?

The coming of the Lord from Heaven will not result principally in a change in what we are as much as it will in a revelation of what we have become during our discipleship on the earth.

17.What is another promise given to the victorious saint in Sardis?

The conqueror in Sardis will not have his name blotted out of the Book of Life.

18.What possibility is facing the member of the Sardis-type church who does not turn away from the appetites and desires of the flesh and seek the will of the Lord for his or her life?

Having his name blotted from the Book of Life.

19.What happens when we lay hold on the grace of God in Christ such that our conduct becomes increasingly righteous, holy, and obedient?

Our name is engraved for eternity in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

20.In what terms will we be rewarded at the coming of the Lord?

We will be rewarded in terms of our deeds, and we will reap, when the Lord Jesus comes, what we are sowing now.

21.What is the third reward assigned to the conquering saint of Sardis?

Christ will confess his name before the Father and the holy angels.

22.What always is true of the members of the remnant?

The remnant always are a testimony of the Person of God and of Christ, of Christ’s ways, of His will, of His love, of His wrath.

23.What always is true of the Sardis-type assembling?

The Sardis-type assembling does not give a clear testimony, either in word or in deed, of the Person, way, and will of Christ or of the true nature of His love and His wrath.

24.Because the victorious saint is not ashamed of Christ among men, and seeks the approval of Christ alone, what does the Lord do in Heaven in response?

Christ confesses his name in the Presence of the Father and of the holy angels.

25.How do the remnant feel about the name of Jesus?

The name of Jesus is the sweetest of all sounds to each true Christian on the earth.

26.How does Jesus feel about the name of each member of the remnant?

The name of each true Christian is exceedingly precious to Christ in Heaven.

27.To whom is the attention of the Father drawn?

To the saint who has lifted up the name of God’s beloved Son in the midst of human beings who are determined to seek their own welfare.

28.Toward what two exceedingly great rewards is the conquering saint pressing?

Becoming a pillar in the Temple of God; being seated with Christ in His throne.

29.Why is it important that the name of the conqueror be announced in the presence of the holy angels?

The elect angels are spirits who minister to the heirs of salvation. They have been charged with the welfare of the sons of God.

30.What else will happen in the presence of the holy angels?

All those who choose to worship and serve Antichrist will be tormented with fire and sulphur in the presence of the holy angels.

31.What is the Lord emphasizing today?

The forming of the firstfruits of the Bride.

32.Who will appear with the Lord at His coming?

The firstfruits, not the entire Bride.

33.What is the task at hand?

The overcoming of the accuser.

34.Who can overcome the accuser?

The accuser can be overcome only by those who are willing to die to their bodily lusts, their desire for the world, and their longing for status and achievement.

35.What do we see in the removal of the Ark from the Tabernacle?

A separation of a warrior-remnant from the remainder of the Church.

36.What will happen to the remnant who are being called out from the churches today?

The remnant being called out today will be subjected to very intense dealings of God. Every aspect of their personality will be tested again and again, as the Lord judges them. They will be brought to the point of despair as the Spirit of God uncovers every trace of bodily lusts, every trace of love for the world system, every trace of a desire for personal achievement.

Those who follow the Lord through the wilderness of judgment, allowing God to wound and then heal them, will emerge from the fire as new creations. They will be dead-living people in that all they are will have been brought through death and resurrection.

37.What will be true of the remainder of the elect?

The remainder of the elect will be participating in the customary works of salvation: evangelizing, baptizing believers, assisting people with the new birth and the baptism with the Holy Spirit, encouraging them to consecrate themselves to the Lord.

38.Who can be a member of the remnant?

Whoever will choose to do so.

39.What can we expect in the coming days?

The time is at hand for the coming to maturity of both the wheat and the tares. Men’s hearts will fail them as they see the shaking of the heavens and the earth. Sin and deception will attain unprecedented, monumental proportions.

40.What will happen to religious people because of the darkness?

Religious people will be brought to despair.

41.What will be true of the remnant throughout the days of darkness?

The remnant whom the Lord has chosen will come to know the Lord Jesus. They will continue growing in strength and the Glory of the Lord will flow through them.

42.What is God’s will for the present hour? For what should we be praying?

For revival, for salvation, for all the gifts and ministries to be restored to the churches.

43.Can the prayers of one person make a difference in worldwide revival?

The prayers of one person can make a very great difference in worldwide revival.

44.When should we become a member of the remnant?



Back to Revelation 3:5

Copyright © 2011 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved