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Demonically-Inspired Sexual Dreams

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Next Part Turning Bad Dreams Into Good Dreams

This is another section I dearly wish everyone could skip, and if you do not have sexually explicit dreams involving anyone but your marriage partner, please do. I could not claim to have a remotely adequate webpage about bad dreams, however, without at least mentioning this subject. I will leave it to the reader to prayerfully evaluate the matter. It sounds bizarre or even unbelievable to most of us but before I’m again strangled by my mastery of common sense, let me remind you that just because something is outside our experience or just because mild instances might be natural rather than supernatural, does not mean genuinely supernatural instances do not exist.

The occult speaks of incubus (male) and succubus (female) spirits that have sex with humans, usually when people are asleep or close to sleep. There are people for whom this is as undesirable as rape but there are also those who deliberately try to cultivate the experience. For them, the goal is for a spirit to appear to them in a vivid dream in human form and have sex with them. Often the requested form is that of a specific, unobtainable person they consider to be highly desirable, such as a movie star or a stranger they have been lusting over.

In his earlier years, a young Christian man had been addicted to masturbation and sexual fantasy. Several years after stopping this behaviour, he was shocked to discover occult teaching exalting masturbation and sexual fantasy as the key ways of encouraging sexual spirits to take over one’s dreams. Although he had already stopped such behaviour, just to play safe, he verbally renounced ever having engaged in it, and in Jesus’ name he rebuked any demons he had inadvertently encouraged. Amazingly, he then found himself subject to a counter-attack, being plagued by exceptionally vivid sexual dreams beyond anything he had ever known. He continued in spiritual warfare, and after several days of resisting the demons he was free from the dreams.

Yes, challenging sexual demons by renouncing any subconscious involvement he might have had with them, stirred a counter-attack, but remaining steadfast brought him to a level of freedom previously unknown to him. Never let sleeping demons lie. For a little more detail on this man’s experience, (see Demonic Sexual Dreams. http://www.net-burst.net/dreams/succubus.htm
A young man wrote to me saying he had started masturbating as a tiny child and, as he grew he combined it with fantasy and soft porn. By the time he began to feel convicted about this behaviour, he was thoroughly hooked. With God’s help he eventually curbed his behaviour until by age 18, all fantasy and porn had ceased and he would only occasionally masturbate after being left highly aroused by sexual dreams.

I would never recommend it, but some time later he felt peculiarly led of God to read up about incubus and succubus spirits. One occult article particularly shocked him. It described how to entice these sexual demons. Stripped of the meaningless bathing, perfume and candles, the active ingredients were masturbation and fantasy – the very behaviours he used to engage in when younger. Concerned that by this past behaviour he may have been unknowingly submitting to demons, he commanded them to go in Jesus’ name. Thereafter, he started having very lurid sexual dreams with far more detail than he had ever experienced in a dream. He writes:

During these dreams I would be assaulted with barely controllable lust, and rage (mostly frustration because of the lust). There would be all sorts of characters in these dreams. These characters changed forms often and always tried to steer the dreams into sexual channels. Nocturnal emissions always came with these dreams. It took some serious rebuking and scripture quoting, and there was about a week of really intense warfare, but the bondage broke, and the dreams are gone, along with the nocturnal emissions.

It has been almost a month and half now, with no sexual dreams. During that time I have had two nocturnal emissions, both of which had been preceded by sexual fantasies, that I had allowed myself to have during the day. These were times when I took my eyes off Jesus, and let compromise creep in.)

A Product of Multiple Personality Disorder

Yep, I’d like to omit this section, too. Some Christians who suffered trauma (often abuse) at a tender age insist that the startling discovery that they have multiple personalities has brought them dramatic healing and improved quality of life. Certain others think it is all demonic, some deny the entire thing, and most don’t care. Nevertheless, at least one sincere Christian claims to have resolved two different types of unwanted dreams by this approach.

A woman I’ll call Christine had been repeatedly sexually abused as a little girl. Although conscious of the abuse, it was not until she was well into her thirties that she felt forced by things happening within her to conclude that her childhood trauma had fractured her mind into various consciousnesses (sometimes called alters). She now believes that in her mind’s desperate attempt to cope, consciousness of the full pain of each trauma was retained by only a part of her, thus freeing the rest of her to stagger through life without awareness of the brain-numbing pain. I will share two quite different types of experiences she has had in which an alter played a role in undesirable dreams. The first is highly positive, the second is negative but was able to be completely resolved.

Upon discovering a deeply hurting little girl inside of her, Christine began to teach this alter that she was a child of the King of kings and therefore a princess. Since princesses must be obeyed, Christine told her, this alter had the God-given authority to command abusers, demons, and so on, to leave. Soon after, Christine was having one of her terrifying flashbacks. Suddenly the child alter rose up, stomped her foot defiantly and told the abuser in the flashback that he must leave her because she was a princess. In her mind’s eye the abuser left and the flashback abruptly ended. Similarly, this alter authoritatively intervened during certain nightmares and demonic appearances. Not surprisingly, Christine found peace like she had never before known.

Months later, Christine felt for hours an unusually strong urge to masturbate. Through iron will she denied herself and eventually got to sleep. She then had what to her were a series of dreams that were highly sexual. When it was finally over she heard an angry voice sarcastically say, “That will teach you to deny me!” Was this voice merely part of the dream? Was it a demon? The confusing thing is that there was yet another possibility: could it be an alter? If it were a demon Christine was eager to rebuke it and send it fleeing but if it were an alter, an aggressive approach would be wounding. Should it be an alter, it was still vital that there be no compromise with evil and that she be in full submission to God, but any child within that is actually part of her very self must be treated with the love and tenderness of a Christ-like parent towards a delinquent child. No parent filled with godly wisdom and self-control would emotionally damage even the most rebellious child by calling her a demon (much less actually believe she is a demon!).

Christine sought God. She believes he revealed that the voice was one of her alters (not the one mentioned above). Upon questioning her, the alter admitted that she had been using masturbation as a way of trying to dull her severe inner pain. Other alters, upon discovering the advantages of full sexual purity, not only denied themselves but had begun refusing to let this alter masturbate the body they all shared. In an angry attempt to get even with those refusing to let her pleasure herself, this alter had stayed awake while the other alters slept and deliberately inflicted her sexual fantasies upon them all. What to the rest of them seemed a dream was actually this alter fantasizing.

Christine lovingly listened to the rebellious alter, comforted her, prayed for her and explained both the advantages of sexual purity and how God provides far more effective and fulfilling ways to be healed of her pain. Although very angry at first, the alter was won over in a matter of hours. She apologized to God and to the others for her fantasies, and this source of unwelcome dreams ended.

Another of Christine’s alters had felt unable to trust God’s protection enough to sleep when the other alters slept. This alter was literally paranoid, and so fearful that she would always stay awake at night and sleep in the day when other alters were awake to ensure that part of her was on guard throughout every minute of every day and night. Even when awake, she often had panic attacks at night. As an extreme act of faith in God, she made her first attempt at sleep at night. This resulted in a dream that was so terrifyingly repulsive that for the first time in her life Christine literally vomited in her sleep. She woke up fearing she would drown in her vomit. This sounds like a most discouraging setback but God turned it into a spectacular victory. Despite being deeply shaken, the alter, upon waking, told herself it was just a dream and as soon as she had cleaned up she resolved in faith to again try to sleep rather than revert to her usual practice of staying on guard. She slept soundly for the rest of the night.

So much for the bizarre. Don’t neglect to pray about what might seem far-fetched possibilities, just in case there is more to them than initially seems to be the case. We will now, however, move to something so simple that it seems believable even to those lumbered with common sense like mine.

Please proceed to the next page.

Next Part Turning Bad Dreams Into Good Dreams